2016年6月8日 星期三

frolic, stronghead, shear, limiter, clipper, megacorporation, monopolistic, Nemesis

Looking for a career change? How about one where you work outdoors, with your hands and when/where you want?
Beatrice Thomas left her Bay Area desk job about a year ago. “I came to sheep shearing by way of dance and the arts,” she says. “There wasn't a mind-body connection. Forty hours at a desk, my body was aching.”

Book Publishing's Real Nemesis

An antitrust suit may provide short-term price reductions on e-books, but once the competition is flattened, Amazon is likely to resume its monopolistic ways.

"Megacorporation" is a term popularized by William Gibson derived from the combination of the prefix mega- with the word corporation. It has become a term popularly used in cyberpunk literature. It refers to a fictional corporation that is a massive conglomerate, holding monopolistic or near-monopolistic control over multiple markets (thus exhibiting both a horizontal and a vertical monopoly). Megacorps are so powerful that they can ignore the law, possess their own heavily-armed (often military-sized) private armies, hold 'sovereign' territory, and possibly even act as outright governments. They often exercise a large degree of control over their employees, taking the idea of 'corporate culture' to an extreme. Such organizations are a staple of science fiction long predating cyberpunk, appearing in the works of writers such as Thea von Harbou (Metropolis), Darren Smith and Terrance Zdunich (Repo! The Genetic Opera), Robert A. Heinlein (Citizen of the Galaxy), Robert Asprin (The Cold Cash War) and Andre Norton (the Solar Queen novels).
Almost all depictions of a megacorporation show them as amoral (driven purely by a desire for profit, without thought for morals).[citation needed] Very few corporations in the world currently meet the criteria to be considered true megacorporations, so the concept remains contained in the realm of speculative fiction.


Walt Disney is one of the few multinational corporations to achieve a large degree of self-governmental control, in the Florida region known as the Reedy Creek Improvement District. Within this district, the Disney corporation has the legal authority to establish its own building codes, power plants and utilities, fire departments, and to seize land outside the district under eminent domain. The corporation protects itself from outside interference by permitting only Disney employees to own land within the district, keeping voting power to elect district managers (also Disney employees) within company control, and thereby preventing restriction on company actions and projects within the district.[citation needed]
The Dutch East India Company may be a historical example of a megacorporation due to the company's possession of certain quasi-governmental powers, including the ability to wage war, negotiate treaties, coin money, and establish colonies.
The Hudson Bay Company once owned most of the British colonies in Canada, where they were the only law enforcement agency and the main contact between the First Nations and British civilization.
The East India Company played the role of a megacorporation in India, raising it's own army and administering it's own government for 250 years, before being absorbed in the British Raj.

See also

WikiAnswers - How did henry viii treat elizabeth
She was also persuasive, fiery, strong head willed, stubborn and glorious and
won the hearts of everyone. I hope this helps you and also why wouldn't he ...Page 205 …broad canvas offered to adaptations that were shorn o…

I didn't have the heart to tell them I didn't need it.

  1. One that cuts, shears, or clips.
  2. An instrument or tool for cutting, clipping, or shearing. Often used in the plural: nail clippers.
  3. Nautical. A sharp-bowed sailing vessel of the mid-19th century, having tall masts and sharp lines and built for great speed.
  4. One that moves very fast.
  5. Electronics. See limiter (sense 2).


  1. One that limits: a limiter of choices.
  2. Electronics. A circuit that prevents the amplitude of a waveform from exceeding a specified value. Also called clipper.

heart (BRAVERY) Show phonetics
noun [U]
bravery or determination or hope:
You're doing really well - don't lose heart now.
Take heart - things can only get better.


Line breaks: frolic
Pronunciation: /ˈfrɒlɪk /

Definition of frolic in English:

VERB (frolicsfrolickingfrolicked)

Play or move about in a cheerful and lively way:Edward frolicked on the sand


(often frolics)Back to top  


archaicBack to top  
Cheerfulmerry, or playful:a thousand forms of frolic life


early 16th century (as an adjective): from Dutch vrolijk'merry, cheerful'.

sheared Pronunciation(adjective) Having the hair or wool cut or clipped off as if with shears or clippers.
Usage:The sheared sheep frolicked in the sun.


  • 発音記号[ʃíər]
  • [動](sheared or((主に古・方言))shore, sheared or shorn)(他)
1 〈羊などの〉毛を刈り込む, 毛を摘む, …のけばを切る;〈芝生などを〉刈る;〈毛・羊毛・髪などを〉刈り取る((off, away))
shear sheep [the hedge]
shear off the long hair
2 ((しばしば受身))〈人・物から〉(…を)はぎ取る, 奪い取る((of ...))
shear the President of his veto power
The word has been shorn of its real meaning.
3 〈ガラス・ブリキなどを〉切る, 剪断(せんだん)する;…を剪断変形させる, ねじって切る((off))
shear a bar of iron
1 (はさみなどで)切る;切り裂く;(ねじれて)折れる((off)).
2 (…を)突っ切る((through ...)).
3 《力学》剪断される, 変形する.
4 〈物が〉いきなり動く((away)).
5 ((主にスコット・方言))かまで穀物を刈り取る.
1 ((通例〜sで時に単数扱い))
(1) 大ばさみ. ▼用法は⇒SCISSORS 1
a pair of shears
(2) 2枚刃を持つはさみに似た刃物[機械];剪断機.
2 切ること, 切断.
3 ((主に英))(羊の年齢を示す)羊の毛刈り(回数);刈られた羊毛
a sheep of one shear
4 ((通例〜s))二またクレーン.
5 [U]《力学》剪断.
6 [U]《物理学》ずれ, 剪断変形.
[古英語sceran(切る). △SHORE1, SCORE
