2016年6月22日 星期三

loser, careworn, baby boomer. How America’s ‘Senior Citizens’ Became ‘Older People’

How America’s ‘Senior Citizens’ Became ‘Older People’

A new book traces shifts in the nation’s treatment of aging adults — for better and for worse.

A color photograph of two people wearing masks of Betty White’s face.
James Chappel surveys American perspectives on old age, including shows like “The Golden Girls, in a new history.Credit...Bianca De Marchi/EPA, via Shutterstock

【蔡佳慧╱綜合外電報導】從西班牙、法國到義大利,歐 洲新一代中產階級青年面臨通膨、房價和失業率高漲的挑 戰,雖然他們的教育程度普遍高於「嬰兒潮世代」(Baby Boomers)的父母,但是薪資收入和生活品質卻比上一代更低落,因此被喻為是「 失敗世代」(Baby Losers)。

Today, China dominates the railway market, particularly for high-speed rail systems. http://ow.ly/O2qD301uec
A sense of uncertainty hangs over American infrastructure, as the United States muddles through with its aging nuclear plants, careworn bridges,...

Like an aging baby-boomer trying to feel young again, @[Microsoft] is experimenting with marijuana.

Talk about cloud computing.

  1. tired and unhappy because of prolonged worry.
    "a careworn expression"
    synonyms:worriedanxiousharassedstrained, stressed, under pressure, overburdened

baby boomer Show phonetics
noun [C] (US INFORMAL boomer)
a person who was born during a baby boom, especially the one that happened in Britain and the US between approximately 1945 and 1965


A person born in the years following the Second World War, when there was a temporary marked increase in the birth rate:America’s health care costs are expected to soar as baby boomers become senior citizens[AS MODIFIER]: these are the children of baby boomer parents

loser Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a person or team that does not win a game or competition:
The losers of both games will play each other for third place.
He's a good/bad loser (= He behaves well/badly when he is defeated).

2 INFORMAL a person who is always unsuccessful at everything they do:
He's a born loser.

3 someone who is at a disadvantage as a result of something that has happened:
The latest price rises mean that the real loser, as usual, is the consumer.
