2016年6月8日 星期三

garnish, garnishee; embellish, trinket, lox, Bagel, nori

If incoming Serpentine director Yana Peel continues the pavilion programme, she must inject it with a renewed vigour and sense of purpose, rather than treating architecture as the stuff of sculptural trinkets, the garnish of sponsors’ parties.

Robert Reich

When Donald Trump uses bankruptcy to protect his fortune from creditors -- but you can’t use bankruptcy to protect your home from foreclosure or your student debt from garnished paychecks -- it’s because the bankruptcy system has been rigged by people like Trump.

When Trump’s presidential campaign declares his buildings worth lots of money -- seeking to demonstrate his business success -- but his property tax filings describe the same properties as almost worthless, it’s because the tax system has been rigged by people like Donald Trump.

Yale Alumni Magazine

The Isamu Noguchi sculptures in the Beinecke Library’s sunken courtyard have acquired some seasonal embellishment.


Lox is a fillet of brined salmon. Traditionally, lox is served on a bagel with cream cheese, and is usually garnished with tomato, sliced red onion, and sometimes capers, which diners may or may not opt to add to the bagel. Wikipedia

Answers.com - Can rrsp's be garnished due to a civil suit

Generally, no. If you are a party to a civil suit, your Social Security benefits

cannot be seized or garnished under most circumstances. ...

Photography is said to be the truest representation of reality. The ability to capture still and moving image inspired artists to document life, rather than embellish it.

Nori Used as a Wrap for Sushi
Paper-thin sheets of dried seaweed that can range in color from dark green to dark purple to black. They have a sweet ocean taste and are popular at Japanese meals. Nori is generally used for wrapping sushi and rice balls. When finely cut it serves as a seasoning or garnish. It can be purchased toasted (labeled yakinori); if purchased plain, it is usually lightly toasted before being used. Nori that has been brushed with soy sauce is called ajijsuke-nori. Japanese markets and some supermarkets carry nori either in plastic packaging or canned. All nori is very rich in protein, vitamins, calcium, iron and other minerals.
Barron's Educational Series, Inc.)

Definition of trinket in English:


Pronunciation: /ˈtrɪŋkɪt/ 


A small ornament or item of jewellery that is of little value.

gar·nish·ee (gär'nĭ-shē') pronunciation
A third party who has been notified that money or property in his or her hands but belonging to a defendant has been seized by legal writ.

tr.v., -eed, -ee·ing, -ees.
  1. To seize by garnishment: garnishee a debtor's wages.
  2. To serve with a garnishment: garnishee an employer.

tr.v., -nished, -nish·ing, -nish·es.
    1. To enhance in appearance by adding decorative touches; embellish: a coat that was garnished with a fur collar.
    2. To decorate (prepared food or drink) with small colorful or savory items: garnished the potatoes with parsley.
  1. Law. To garnishee.
    1. Ornamentation; embellishment.
    2. An embellishment added to a prepared food or drink for decoration or added flavor.
  1. Slang. An unwarranted fee, such as one extorted from a new prisoner by a jailer.
[Middle English garnishen, from Old French garnir, garniss-, of Germanic origin.]

  • [gɑ'ːrniʃ]
1 〈料理に〉(…を)つけ合わせる((with ...))
garnish a dish with a slice of lemon
2 〈物を〉(…で)飾る, 装飾する;〈文章を〉(美辞麗句で)飾る, 潤色する((with ...)). ⇒DECORATE[類語]
3 《法律》(通告をして)〈債務者の財産などを〉差し押さえる.
1 (料理の)つま, つけ合わせ.
2 飾り;美辞麗句.
[古フランス語garniss (garnir保護する+-s). ゲルマン語ではwarnen(保護する). △WARN, GARMENT


Syllabification: (em·bel·lish)
Pronunciation: /emˈbeliSH/
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Definition of embellish


[with object]
  • make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative details or features:blue silk embellished with golden embroidery
  • make (a statement or story) more interesting or entertaining by adding extra details, especially ones that are not true:she had real difficulty telling the truth because she liked to embellish things




late Middle English: from Old French embelliss-, lengthened stem of embellir, based on bel 'handsome', from Latin bellus


em • bel • lish
embellished (過去形) • embellished (過去分詞) • embellishing (現在分詞) • embellishes (三人称単数現在)
1 …を(飾り立てて)美しくする;…を(…で)飾る((with ...))
embellish an altar with flowers

embellishmentLine breaks: em|bel¦lish|ment

Definition of embellishment in English:


1decorative detail or feature added to something to make it more attractive:architectural embellishments
1.1detail, especially one that is untrueadded to astatement or story to make it more interesting:stripped of her embellishments, the core of hardfact was disappointingly small
1.2[MASS NOUN] The action of adding decorativedetails:the embellishment of church interiors through the use of the visual arts

Add details to.
Synonyms:aggrandize, pad, embroider, lard, dramatize, blow up
Usage:My friends are always suspicious of my stories, because I tend to embellish the facts for dramatic effect.
2 〈話・物語などを〉(…で)潤色する, 粉飾する((with ...)).
