"Trump has shown the press that the best way to do it is to cover him like every candidate should be covered."
The media have reached a turning point in covering Donald Trump. He may not survive it.
Google's playing a multibillion-dollar game of chicken with traditional ISPs
Washington Post (blog)
New entrants such as Google Fiber have come seemingly out of nowhere to shake up this dynamic in some markets, prompting a race among Internet ...
But economists disagree, and as the population reaches a turning point — the number of entrants to the workforce may peak this year – the country is set for a difficult adjustment, with growing labour market pressures bearing on the workshop of the world.
China turns the tables and criticizes the US for its own human rights record
Washington Post BEIJING — China slammed the human rights record of the United States in response to Washington's report on rights around the world, saying that U.S. military operations have infringed on rights abroad and that political donations at home have thwarted ... 但经济学家们却不同意这种观点。而且,随着中国人口总数达到拐点(新增劳动力数量可能于今年见顶),这个世界工厂的劳动力市场将日益趋紧,中国势必将面临一个艰难的调整 Taiwan: chip makers feel the heat Financial Times (blog) Talks of consolidation are rife again in the struggling D-Ram memory chip industry, but there seems little prospect for a tie-up between the biggest industry players in Japan and Taiwan. Wu Chia-chau, chairman of Nanya Technology, Taiwan's biggest ... Microsoft Mines Web to Build Language-Learning Tool
researchers in Beijing are using data mined from the Web to enhance an
online Chinese-English dictionary and language-practice service called
The game of chicken, also known as the hawk-dove game or snowdrift[1] game, is an influential model of conflict for two players ingame theory. The principle of the game is that while each player prefers not to yield to the other, the worst possible outcome occurs when both players do not yield.
The name "chicken" has its origins in a game in which two drivers drive towards each other on a collision course: one must swerve, or both may die in the crash, but if one driver swerves and the other does not, the one who swerved will be called a "chicken," meaning a coward; this terminology is most prevalent in political science and economics. The name "Hawk-Dove" refers to a situation in which there is a competition for a shared resource and the contestants can choose either conciliation or conflict; this terminology is most commonly used in biology and evolutionary game theory. From a game-theoretic point of view, "chicken" and "hawk-dove" are identical; the different names stem from parallel development of the basic principles in different research areas.[2] The game has also been used to describe the mutual assured destruction of nuclear warfare, especially the sort of brinkmanship involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis.[3]
Pronunciation: /ˈɛntr(ə)nt /
A person or group that enters or takes part in something:the prize will be awarded to the entrant who winsthe tiebreakthe company is a new entrant into an establishedmarket
turn the tables
reverse one’s position relative to someone else, especially by turning a position of disadvantage into one of advantage: police invited householders to a seminar on how to turn the tables on burglars
v., wilt·ed, wilt·ing, wilts. v.intr.
[Possibly alteration of dialectal welk, from Middle English welken.]
(1) (物体の)熱, 暖気, 熱いこと[状態], 熱さ
the heat of an oven
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
(2) 熱源(ガスコンロ・暖房など);((米))暖房装置(((英))heating);燃料仕事の苦しさに耐えられないなら, 仕事を変えよ(▼H.S. Trumanの言葉).
canned heat
remove the pan from the heat
have the heat turned on
There was no heat in the restaurant.
(3) (エネルギーとしての)熱そのレストランには火のけがなかった.
specific heat
radiant heat
(1) (感覚としての)暑さ, 炎暑, 暑気
unpleasant heat
in the heat of the day
(2) ((通例the 〜))暑い状態;暑い季節[気候]日盛りに;炎天下で.
in the heat of summer
We sweltered in the heat.
3 温度;(人・動物の)(平熱より高い)体温, 熱, (熱による)ほてり, 上気
adjust the heat of ...
turn up [down] the heat
be flushed from the heat
4 (感情の)激しさ;熱意;情熱;興奮
He debated with much heat.
5 (議論・闘争などの)最高潮, 真っ最中;あわただしさ;[C]1回の熱心な努力, 一気
(in) the heat of an argument
6 《動物》(特に雌の)発情, 盛り;交尾期
be at [((米))in, ((英))on] heat
7 《スポーツ》(競技・試合の)1回;予選.
8 (こしょうなどの)ぴりっとした味, 辛さ.
9 ((俗))
(1) (警察による)圧力, 捜査, 追跡. (2) ((the 〜))((米))警察.
in the heat of the moment
かっとしたはずみに, つい興奮して, 激しい勢いで.
put [turn] the heat on ...
take the [some, a lot of] heat
take [turn] the heat off a person/take [turn] off the heat
take the heat out of .../remove the heat from ...
((略式))…から興奮[不安]を取り除く, …の危機を収める.
The heat is on [off].
turn on [give] the heat
((俗))(1) 精力的に追求する[努力する]. (2) 興奮する;人の情熱を引き起こす. (3) (犯人などの)追求を厳しくする;(人に)発砲する.
turn up the heat
(1) ⇒3(2) (…への)圧力を強める((on ...)).
1 …を熱する, 温める;〈調理済みの食品を〉温めなおす((up))
heated-up meat and vegetables
heat the oven
2 ((通例受身))〈人を〉興奮させる;…を激させる
be heated with argument
━━(自)(←(他))〈物が〉熱くなる, 温まる((up));興奮する
The engine heats up quickly.
heat up
(1) ⇒(自)(2) いちだんと厳しくなる[活気を帯びる, 熱が入る]. turning point
NOUNa turning point n. The point at which a very significant change occurs; a decisive moment. Mathematics. A maximum or minimum point on a curve. 1 転換期, 転機, 分岐点, 変わり目, 危機, (病気の)峠. 2 グラフの山[谷]の点. 3 《測量》移(器)点, もりかえ点. |