2016年6月2日 星期四

umpteen, sentiment , presentiment, capillary, wax nostalgic, sentimental

 Those looking for typical amusement park thrill are not totally out of luck: There is a simulated boat ride that "shows what it was like to be a sea merchant sailing across the globe, selling wine," High Snobiety reported, which sounds better than riding "It's a Small World" for the umpteenth time.

  1. 12:38 PM ET Japan Business Sentiment Hits Highest Point in Two Years

The Cuyahoga River Today
The Cuyahoga River Today
Can a river catch fire? If the river is polluted enough, it can. That's what happened to Ohio's Cuyahoga River. On this date in 1969, the Cuyahoga River burst into flames, bringing into focus the river's dire condition. The sheer volume of trash and debris floating in the water, coupled with the chemicals, oil and sludge, made it impossible for fish to live there. This was not the first time the river had caught fire, but Time magazine picked up the story this time, and used it to illustrate the need for measures to clean up the environment. The Clean Water Act, Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) can all thank the Cuyahoga River for igniting the concern that led to their creation. Though it is still far from pristine, the Cuyahoga River — an American Heritage River — is now clean enough to host nearly 50 species of fish.
"Not to wax nostalgic about the 1970s, but back then people got upset when they saw injustice. They got tired of seeing our air, land and water polluted. They were shocked when the Cuyahoga River in Ohio was polluted so badly it caught fire... Politicians had no choice but to take notice." John Kerry

wax2 (wăks) pronunciation
intr.v., waxed, wax·ing, wax·es.
  1. To increase gradually in size, number, strength, or intensity.
  2. To show a progressively larger illuminated area, as the moon does in passing from new to full.
  3. To grow or become as specified: "could afford ... to wax sentimental over their heritage" (John Simon).
[Middle English waxen, from Old English weaxan.]

(kăp'ə-lĕr'ē) pronunciation
  1. Relating to or resembling a hair; fine and slender.
  2. Having a very small internal diameter: a capillary tube.
  3. Anatomy. Of or relating to the capillaries.
  4. Physics. Of or relating to capillarity.
n., pl., -ies.
  1. Anatomy. One of the minute blood vessels that connect arterioles and venules. These blood vessels form an intricate network throughout the body for the interchange of various substances, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, between blood and tissue cells.
  2. A tube with a very small internal diameter.
[From Latin capillāris, from capillus, hair.]
  • [kǽpəlèri | kəpíləri]

1 ((限定))細い管の, 毛(細)管の.
2 《物理学》毛管現象の
capillary action
capillary attraction
3 《植物》毛状の;《解剖学》毛細血管の.
━━[名](複 -lar・ies)
1 《解剖学》毛細血管.
2 毛(細)管.

umpteen or umteen
(ŭmp'tēn', ŭm'-) pronunciation
adj. Informal
Relatively large but unspecified in number: umpteen reasons; umpteen guests.

[Slang ump(ty), dash in Morse code (of imitative origin) + -teen (as in THIRTEEN).]
umpteenth ump'teenth' adj.

Definition of sentiment


  • 1a view of or attitude toward a situation or event; an opinion:I agree with your sentiments regarding the road bridge
  • general feeling or opinion:the council sought steps to control the rise of racist sentiment
  • archaic the expression of a view or desire especially as formulated for a toast.
  • 2a feeling or emotion:an intense sentiment of horror
  • exaggerated and self-indulgent feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia:many of the appeals rely on treacly sentiment


late Middle English (in the senses 'personal experience' and 'physical feeling, sensation'): from Old French sentement, from medieval Latin sentimentum, from Latin sentire 'feel'

(prĭ-zĕn'tə-mənt) pronunciation
A sense that something is about to occur; a premonition.

[Obsolete French, from presentir, to feel beforehand, from Latin praesentīre : prae-, pre- + sentīre, to feel.]
presentimental pre·sen'ti·men'tal (-mĕn'tl) adj.

Definition of sentimental


  • of or prompted by feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia:she felt a sentimental attachment to the place creep over her
  • (of a work of literature, music, or art) dealing with feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia, typically in an exaggerated and self-indulgent way:a sentimental ballad
  • (of a person) excessively prone to feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia:I’m a sentimental old fool



