2015年12月4日 星期五

cornerstone, Elysium, Champs-Elysées

The sight of London to my exiled eyes,
Is as Elysium to a new-come soul.
— Edward II. I. i.

Marks & Spencer Looks to Paris to Jump-Start Expansion Plans British retailer Marks & Spencer opened a new store on Paris' Champs-Elysées, the cornerstone of a strategy to capture a new generation of customers after a decade-long absence from France.

The cornerstone investors include insurance companies, long-only funds and hedge funds, the people said, but declined to name them. Cornerstone investors commit to holding a significant stake for a certain length of time, demonstrating their confidence in the shares.

Mr. Hirai's appointment comes at a crucial time for Sony. The PS3, which was packed with cutting-edge features like a Blu-ray disc drive, was meant to be the cornerstone of Sony's digital strategy: Combine good content with a technologically superior device that would drive sales of other high-definition Sony products.
(Sony's Hirai Aims to Turn Around PS3 Unit
June 21, 2007 -- 1:10 p.m. EDT )

cornerstone:角石;基石;教會基石:指基督。cornerstone, blessing of the:奠基禮(天主教字典)。它不但使兩壁相連,而且支持整個建築物…..{聖經小辭典}韓承良編著。
n. - 基石, 柱石, 隅石, 地基。日文:(建築の)基石, 隅石; 基礎。n. - 隅石, 土台, 基礎, 不可欠のもの

Definition of cornerstone


  • 1an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based:a national minimum wage remained the cornerstone of policy
2a stone that forms the base of a corner of a building, joining two walls.


  • 発音記号[ilíʒiəm | ilíz-]

1 《ギリシャ神話》エリュシオン(Elysian Fields):祝福された人々が死後に住む楽土.
2 理想郷;至上の幸福.
E・ly・sian〔ilín | -zin〕



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Paris plan wee green jms.jpg
區份 巴黎第八區
始於 協和廣場
終於 戴高樂廣場
長度 1910 公尺
闊度 70 公尺
創於 1670
命名於 1864年3月2日

Champs-Élysées from Arc de Triomphe.jpg
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Paris enseigne br.gif
香榭麗舍大道法語Avenue des Champs-Élyséesles Champs-Élysées)是巴黎一條著名的大道,位於城市西北部的第八區。它被譽為巴黎最美麗的街道。「香榭麗舍」原意是希臘神話中聖人及英雄靈魂居住的冥界Elysium)。
