2015年12月5日 星期六

halo, halo car.“Halo effect”, aurora, aureole, all-head beer

During all this, Mr Jobs never forgot his original passion, his Mac computers. At their nadir, Macs fell to a world market share of a couple of percent; now, benefiting from what Wall Street calls the iPod's “Halo effect”, some people are switching from Windows PCs to Macs, and their market share is near 5% and rising.

Mr. Kay noted that Apple’s share was as low as 2 percent as recently as early 2004. He said the increase to 3 percent may be a result of the “halo effect” produced by the success of the iPod. It could also just as easily be attributed to Apple’s simply offering better products at more competitive prices, he added.


halo effect
Subjective reaction on the part of consumers noticed by researchers when attempting to analyze consumer attitudes and their relationship to the market structure, particularly in the area of advertising or brand evaluation. For example, in theory, an individual should be able to evaluate each feature of a given brand independently and should have no difficulty giving a high rating to one feature while giving another a low rating. However, in practice, researchers have noticed that respondents have a tendency to give a high rating to all the brand's features if they like the brand, and a low rating to all the features if they do not like the brand. This is known as a halo effect.
The halo effect makes it difficult to evaluate brands in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. However, if a brand name has a quality reputation in the marketplace, the halo effect may work to the brand's advantage, particularly when the company is introducing a new product into the line.

"光環車"(Halo Cars)是為品牌推廣而制造的車型,它的設計理念折射出底特律對汽車文化變遷的解讀。老式“光環車”以極限的馬力誘惑顧客,新型“光環車”則以超級“綠色”的動力系統來吸引注意力。

Green halo

Nov 17th 2008
From The Economist print edition

George Bush’s environmental legacy

WITH the elections over, one might be forgiven for thinking that George Bush has nothing left to do. Any large or controversial measures can be undone when the new administration arrives in January. So what is there left to occupy a president except long walks and a spot of fishing? In fact, there is at least one last big environmental project that Mr Bush wants to complete: creating a vast new marine nature reserve in the Pacific.

The word "aureole" comes from the Latin word for "gold." It is symbolic of divinity and supreme power. An elongated aureole is called a "mandorla" or "almond." It is sometimes used to surround the entire body of Christ or the Virgin Mary and Child.
In art the nimbus, or halo, is often placed behind the head of religious figures. The nimbus is sometimes a simple circle, which represents eternity or eternal life. A circle with three rays is symbolic of the Trinity, and is reserved for representations of the Godhead, especially of Christ. The same idea is sometimes represented with a triangular nimbus.


all-head beer

The quality of a bar in São Paulo is measured in large part by its chopp (SHO-pee), the Brazilian-style draft beer. And the pouring process is as much an art for Brazilians as Guinness-pouring is to the Irish. The undisputed chopp masters can be found at Bar Léo (Rua Aurora, 100; 55-11-3221-0247; www.barleo.com.br), a German-themed joint in the city's gritty center.
To test the barman's skills, ask for a leitinho (lay-CHEEN-yo), all head and no beer. It may sound crazy to the foam-phobic American beer guzzler, but the all-head beer is so creamy, you may just become a convert.

Aurora, Mass of the:黎明彌撒;昧爽彌撒:聖誕節三台彌撒中的第二台。其它兩台是子時彌撒(第一台)和天明彌撒(第三台)。


n.pl. -ras or -rae, (ə-rôr'ē, ə-rōr'ē).
  1. A luminous atmospheric phenomenon appearing as streamers or bands of light sometimes visible in the night sky in northern or southern regions of the earth. It is thought to be caused by charged particles from the sun entering the earth's magnetic field and stimulating molecules in the atmosphere.
  2. The dawn.
[Middle English, dawn, from Latin aurōra.]

HEAD(ビールの)あわ; (牛乳の表面の)クリーム
The froth or foam that rises to the top in pouring an effervescent liquid, such as beer.
aureole:光環;光圈:圍繞在天主聖三像或聖母像四週的金葉形光環,象徵天堂的榮耀,與畫在聖人頭上的光環 halo不同。
Aurora, Mass of the:黎明彌撒;昧爽彌撒:聖誕節三台彌撒中的第二台。其它兩台是子時彌撒(第一台)和天明彌撒(第三台)。
noun plural halos or haloes
1 [C] a ring of light around the head of a holy person in a religious drawing or painting

2 [C usually singular] a bright circle of light around something, or something that looks like this:
the halo around the moon
a halo of blonde curls

halo effect
An effect whereby the perception of positive qualities in one thing or part gives rise to the perception of similar qualities in related things or in the whole.
注意Halo Effect它可以是正面的或負面的影響

Positive or negative opinion about a person based on an impression formed from performance in one area. For example, an interviewer might judge an applicant's entire potential for job performance on the basis of a single characteristic such as how well the applicant dresses or talks.
