2015年12月29日 星期二

Recycle Rejects, on an even keel, batter, hotcake/ pancake, the Third Reich

SAN FRANCISCO — Google will announce its entry Tuesday into the small but growing business of “smart grid,” digital technologies that seek to both keep the electrical system on an even keel and reduce electrical energy consumption.

In Season of Returns, Start-Up Tries to Recycle Rejects

Estimated at $284 billion in a year, returns represent lost income to retailers and an environmental burden. Optoro tries to find ways to resell, recycle or donate that merchandise.

Inside Europe | 24.01.2009 | 07:05
Read all about it – reprints of Nazi newspapers are selling like hotcakes here in Germany

If you stop by a newsstand in Germany these days, you can pick up your favorite tabloid, maybe a fashion magazine, and while you're at it, a Nazi-party newspaper from the early days of the Third Reich.


A thin cake made of batter that is poured onto a hot greased surface and cooked on both sides until brown. Also called flannel cakeflapjack; Also called griddlecakehotcake; also called regionally battercake.

To cause (an aircraft) to make a pancake landing.
To make a pancake landing.

the Third Reich (1930) 德文Dritte Reich (empire)半英語化

German word for “state or nation”, used for particular German governments. The First Reich was the Holy Roman Empire; the Second Reich was the German Empire (1871–1919); the Third Reich was the Nazi regime (1933–1945).


━━ n. 【料理】(牛乳・卵・バター・小麦粉などの)こねもの.
━━ vt. (油で揚げるために)こね粉をかぶせる.

on an even keel
regular and well-balanced and not likely to change suddenly:
The new manager succeeded in putting the business back on an even keel.
