2015年12月6日 星期日

bruv, catechist, diocese, lay brothers, a doer and a practitioner

As a man is pinned down by police after a stabbing at Leytonstone Tube station, a member of the public shouts: "You ain't no Muslim bruv."
Watch more: bbc.in/1OGg58A

“He became a representative of the poor and aggrieved in his diocese and also a protector of priests and nuns and lay brothers and sisters who were working with the poor,” said John Womack, a professor emeritus of Mexican history at Harvard. “He wasn’t a theologian. He was a doer and a practitioner.”

Starting in 1970, Bishop Ruiz ordered translations of the Bible and other religious texts in the indigenous languages of Chiapas. He trained Indian catechists, or instructors, to organize village assemblies throughout the mountains and jungles of the diocese. By the end of his tenure, there were more than 20,000 Indian catechists in Chiapas, said Pablo Romo, a former Dominican priest who worked with the bishop.

    lay brother is a member of a religious institute who commits to a life of prayer and service in the name of Jesus Christ. His work usually involves physical labor within his community or the management of its temporal affairs, but it also may include teaching or service within a parish, school, or local neighborhood.

diocesan clergy :教區聖職人員。詳見 clergy, diocesan
diocesan presbytery :教區聖職團:包括教區內所有的聖職人員。
diocese :教區;主教轄區:聖座所指派由主教全權管理的教會行政區域,亦即託付給主教並在司鐸團協助下所牧養部份天主子民的地區教會。如臺灣地區共分七個教區:即臺北、新竹、台中、嘉義、台南、高雄、花蓮。由本堂神父管理的區域稱「堂區」,與教區有別。

catechesis L./ Gr. :教理講授;教理(書);要理講授:慕道者領洗前應先接受教理講解。也可引伸為教友間的信仰對話、見證、分享藉以培養信仰生命。
catechetical directory :教理講授指南。
catechetics :要理教學法;教理講授學。
catechism :教理問答;要理問答;教理書:以問答形式講解天主教倫理和教義之手冊,一般是為了培育準備領洗、領堅振、領聖體者,始於十六世紀。梵二後,中國主教團先後出版了《天主教的信仰》、《天主教信仰問答》、《天主教教理》。
Catechism of the Catholic Church :天主教教理:一九九二年公佈,共 2865 條,內容分信條、聖事、十誡、祈禱四部份。

Urban Dictionary: bruv

Top Definition. bruv. A word used by mainly South Londoners. It's the shorter version of 'bruvva' which is a slang variation of 'brother'. Ez mate. You alright, bruv?
