Just In: Investigators believe San Bernardino female attacker Tashfeen Malik posted on Facebook as the attack was happening, pledging allegiance to an #ISIS leader, U.S. officials tell CNN
Aung San Suu Kyi to stay under house arrest
Burma's military regime has extended the detention of opposition
leader Aung San Suu Kyi by one year. She has spent 12 of the last 18
years under some form of detention. The 62-year-old Nobel laureate
won general elections in 1990 with her National League for Democracy
Party, only to have the result annulled by the Burmese military.
Police detained about 20 of her supporters on Tuesday morning as
they tried to approach her home. Meanwhile, foreign aid workers have
been testing the government's pledge to allow them access to
survivors of Cyclone Nargis. Aid workers began moving into the worst
hit Irrawaddy Delta region, where millions of survivors are yet to
receive any assistance.
Arcelor Steel Belgium-Arcelor Liege, Departement Ramet(Belgium)
We travelled slowly, but pleasantly, in a hired coach, over the hills of
Franche-compte and the fertile province of Lorraine, and passed,
without accident or inquiry, through several fortified towns of the
French frontier: from thence we entered the wild Ardennes of the
Austrian dutchy of Luxemburg; and after crossing the Meuse at Liege,
we traversed the heaths of Brabant, and reached, on April 26, our
Dutch garrison of Bois le Duc.
His notions of the future remained unswervingly radical. Sir Arthur knew that outlandish ideas often became reality. But they provoked, he wrote, three stages of reaction. First, “It's completely impossible.” Second, “It's possible but not worth doing.” Third, “I said it was a good idea all along.”
- Not veering or turning aside: “a path . . . so straight and unswerving” (Mary Wilkins Freeman).
- Constant; steady: unswerving allegiance; unswerving devotion.
unswervingly un·swerv'ing·ly adv.
all along
From the start, throughout, from end to end, as in I've known he was innocent all along. [c. 1600] Also see all along the line.
━━ n. 【史】君主; (普通pl.) 臣下.
━━ a. 君主[臣下]の; 忠義な.
liege lord 主君.
liege・man (封建制の)臣下; 忠実な臣下. (心腹)
━━ a. 君主[臣下]の; 忠義な.
- A lord or sovereign to whom allegiance and service are due according to feudal law.
- A vassal or subject owing allegiance and services to a lord or sovereign under feudal law.
- A loyal subject to a monarch.
- Entitled to the loyalty and services of vassals or subjects: a liege lord.
- Bound to give such allegiance and services to a lord or monarch.
- Loyal; faithful.
[Middle English, from Old French, entitled to feudal allegiance, from Late Latin laeticus, being a semifree colonist in Gaul, from laetus, a semifree colonist, of Germanic origin.]
noun [C]
a serious or formal promise, especially one to give money or to be a friend, or something that you give as a sign that you will keep a promise:
[+ to infinitive] All the candidates have given/made pledges not to raise taxes if they are elected.
Thousands of people made pledges (= promised to give money) to the Children in Need charity campaign.
I give you this ring as a pledge of my everlasting love for you.
verb [T]
to make a serious or formal promise to give or do something:
We are asking people to pledge their support for our campaign.
If you join the armed forces, you have to pledge allegiance to your country.
So far, £50 000 has been pledged (= people have promised to pay this amount) in response to the appeal.
[+ to infinitive] Both sides have pledged to end the fighting.
I've been pledged to secrecy.
- loyalty or commitment to a superior or to a group or cause."those wishing to receive citizenship must swear allegiance to the republic"