A new study shows that waistlines are widening almost everywhere
But refined food is bad for your waistline
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are widening everywhere. The percentage of adults who are overweight or
obese has swelled from 29% in 1980 to 37% in 2013, according to a new
study. People in virtually all nations got larger, with the biggest
expansions seen in Africa, the Middle East and New Zealand and
Australia. Today's #Dailychart looks at the ever-expanding world http://econ.st/SUEg9q
《中英對照讀新聞》Big bum and thighs are healthy 大臀與粗腿是健康的
Carrying extra weight on your hips, bum and thighs is good for your health, protecting against heart and metabolic problems, UK experts have said.
Hip fat mops up harmful fatty acids and contains an anti-inflammatory agent that stops arteries clogging, they say. Big behinds are preferable to extra fat around the waistline, which gives no such protection, the Oxford team said.
Science could look to deliberately increase hip fat, they told the International Journal of Obesity. And in the future, doctors might prescribe ways to redistribute body fat to the hips to protect against cardiovascular and metabolic diseases such as diabetes.
The researchers said having too little fat around the hips can lead to serious metabolic problems, as occurs in Cushing’s syndrome.
Evidence shows that fat around the thighs and backside is harder to shift than fat around the waist. Although this may sound undesirable, it is actually beneficial because when fat is broken down quickly it releases a lot of cytokines which trigger inflammation in the body, say experts. These cytokines have been linked to cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and diabetes.
新聞辭典 mop up:動詞片語,把某樣東西用完。例句:Buying clothes for the kids usually mops up any spare money I have at the end of the month.(為小孩買衣服通常會把我月底剩的錢花光。)clog:動詞,阻塞。例句:Eating too much fat causes your arteries to clog(up).(吃太多脂肪會讓動脈阻塞。)
behind:名詞,指屁股,前文的bum也是同樣意思。例句:Why don’t you get off your behind and do something!(你為什麼不移開屁股,做點事情!)
hip股関節(こかんせつ)は寛骨臼と大腿骨頭よりなる球関節(関節部分が球形(股関節の他に肩関節))であり、荷重関節(体重などがかかる関節 (他に膝関節など))である。大腿骨頭は半球を上回る球形で、寛骨臼は深く大腿骨頭を収納するように形成されている。また、大腿骨頭が容易に脱脱臼できな い仕組みになっている。━━ n. しり; 腰; 股(こ)関節.
on the hip 不利な条件[立場]で.
hip・bath 腰湯.
hip・bone 【解】無名骨, 座骨.
hip flask, hip・flask (しりポケット用)酒の小びん.
hip-hop ━━ n., a. ヒップホップ(の) ((rap音楽にダンスを組み合わせた音楽様式(の若者文化))).
hip・hugger ━━ a., n. 〔米〕 (pl.) ローウェストの(ズボン[スカート]) ((腰ではくような股上が浅くて細身)).
hip joint 股関節.
hipped ━━ a. ((特に複合語で)) しりが…の; 〔話〕 とりつかれた.
hip pocket (ズボンの)しりポケット.
hip roof 【建】寄せ棟屋根.
1. The external angle at the junction of two sloping roofs or sides of a roof.
2. The rafter at the angle where two sloping roofs or sides of roofs meet.
3. The joint of a bridge truss where the top chord meets the inclined end post.
hip-shooting ━━ a. 行き当たりばったりの, 向こう見ずな, 衝動的な.
hip-shooter n. 行き当たりばったりに発言する人, 向こう見ず.
hip股関節(こかんせつ)は寛骨臼と大腿骨頭よりなる球関節(関節部分が球形(股関節の他に肩関節))であり、荷重関節(体重などがかかる関節 (他に膝関節など))である。大腿骨頭は半球を上回る球形で、寛骨臼は深く大腿骨頭を収納するように形成されている。また、大腿骨頭が容易に脱脱臼できな い仕組みになっている。━━ n. しり; 腰; 股(こ)関節.
1. The external angle at the junction of two sloping roofs or sides of a roof.
2. The rafter at the angle where two sloping roofs or sides of roofs meet.
3. The joint of a bridge truss where the top chord meets the inclined end post.
hip-shooter n. 行き当たりばったりに発言する人, 向こう見ず.