2024年4月12日 星期五

transmigration55:karma, oaf, Hippocratic oath. The cosmos of it all. Dare I say, the karma. There everything went — swirling, kicked up. For a television show that ran nonstop for two years.

Tibetan Buddhists believe the Dalai Lama has the ability to choose the body into which his soul transmigrates. The Chinese government has other ideas

The British Library

As we start a new year let’s take a look at the Buddhist principle of ‘kamma’, (karma in Sanskrit) which teaches us that we are all responsible for our actions and how we act in the present will determine our future: ow.ly/R0RK50xCjup
Learn more about Buddhism at our exhibition, closing on 23 February.
Shelfmark: Or.14004, f.27
...m. ET LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Sharon Stone's ''karma'' comment is having...who aren't nice to you.'' Stone's words created a swell of anger...disparaging her comments. ''To Sharon Stone's comment, it's unlikely that...

He found himself the nexus of a murder case in 1994, accused of stabbing to death his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman, beckoning the Richter scale. He was the defendant. Yet almost immediately it was evident that American history was on trial. Not anything you’d find indexed in a textbook. But the American historical psyche — the nasty, lurid stuff, the paranoia, the paradox, the farce, the terror, the truthThe cosmos of it all. Dare I say, the karma. There everything went — swirling, kicked up. For a television show that ran nonstop for two years.

嘲弄醫界 人事

Hippocratic oath

An oath of ethical professional behavior sworn by new physicians, inaccurately attributed to Hippocrates.

IN BRIEF: Stupid or awkward person.
He felt like an oaf for not only stepping on her foot as they were dancing but, for crashing into the wall as he focused on avoiding her feet.
Tutor's tip: This word originally meant 'an elf baby left in the place of a human baby.' In England, if someone had an ugly baby people believed that the elves had taken their baby and left them with an elf baby instead.

 noun [U]
(in the Buddhist and Hindu religions) the force produced by a person's actions in one of their lives which influences what happens to them in their future livesgood/bad karma INFORMAL
the good or bad general character or feeling among a group of people or in a place:
In the early Sixties hippies arrived, attracted by the island's 'good karma' and physical beauty.

Karma or fate

ぎょう げふ 1 【業】


英国《金融时报》杰夫·代尔(Geoff Dyer)北京报道

rl "karma為梵語 कर्म ,是佛教理論重要字彙,音譯「羯磨」,義譯「業」"

人間菩提--耕心田‧聚福緣 To Create Good Collective Karma for the World"
PALO ALTO, Calif., Sept. 13 — The building at 165 University Avenue here has been so good to the Amidi family that Saeed Amidi says it is blessed with good karma. There are some high-technology entrepreneurs who would agree.


[Skt.=action] n. 【ヒンドゥー教・仏教】羯磨(かつま), 所業, 業(ごう), 因縁(いんねん); (一般に)運命; 因果応報.

Main Entry:
\ˈkär-mə also ˈkər-\
Sanskrit karma fate, work
1often capitalized : the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence2: vibration 4
