2024年4月3日 星期三

fidelity, to recognize, observances. Experts explain how moving in reverse can take pressure off your knees and improve flexibility

Experts explain how moving in reverse can take pressure off your knees and improve flexibility 

Today join Cornell’s military community on a tour of campus war memorials as part of an observance of Veterans Day: https://events.cornell.edu/event/cornell_military_history_walking_tour

At sunset tonight, McGraw Tower will be lit green to recognize Cornellians who have served in the military.

(fĭ-dĕl'ĭ-tē, fī-) pronunciation

n., pl. -ties.
━━ n. (約束の)厳守; 忠誠; (配偶者への)貞節 ((to)); (描写の)正確さ ((to)); 【通信】(音再生の)忠実度.

Faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances.
Exact correspondence with fact or with a given quality, condition, or event; accuracy.
The degree to which an electronic system accurately reproduces the sound or image of its input signal.

[Middle English fidelite, from Old French, from Latin fidēlitās, from fidēlis, faithful, from fidēs, faith.]


SU過去的資料(hc):「 ……他是一位根深柢固的反動主義者,不過今日能完全了解他的教訓的人,只有那些對人類力量有信念的人,他們相信那些在自己的工作中認出自身高貴性的人,這些人知道康拉德所珍視的『忠實原則』不只適用於過去而已。」(李譯, pp. 195-96

嚴格說,這段翻譯不太好,大部分讀者可能看不懂。我想「反動主義者」用「社經政治上保守者」或許比較好。而我覺得更重要的是『忠實原則』( Principle of fidelity),它是 Conrad的基本價值觀,是「這個非永恆社會建立在幾個自古以來即有之的簡單原則之第一原則」,我們必須了解它。用他的話來說,「人的社會要穩定只有通過忠誠,也就是說通過自願的誓約,不背判自己細心考慮過所參加的組織。」(天津百花文藝的『大海如鏡』之附錄法國莫洛亞所寫的專文。)
