2024年4月20日 星期六

re-enact, amateur, tunic, indigenous, confrere, an enactment of. The pieces of the $95 billion package were expected to pass, putting the legislation on track for enactment after a tortured journey through Congress.

Presidential debates are an enactment of national democracy of which Americans should be proud. But they can forget that for now

Incredible, beautiful and unsettling images of Good Friday celebrations from around the world

Good Friday photo highlights

A selection of the best photographs from Holy week celebrations including re-enactments, processions and services to mark Good Friday

The Guardian|由 Mee-Lai Stone 上傳

"I think you'll agree it's still absolutely beautiful, and inspires lots of wonderful ideas about the Australia of our future," she said.
Mr Howard designed the flag in the 1970s as a symbol of the indigenous land rights movement in Australia.

Australia has pledged 7.8 million US dollars this year to help save more than 100 indigenous languages which are in grave danger of dying out.

In the streets of San Cristóbal de las Casas, the hill town in the middle of Chiapas’s central plateau, it’s a shiny layer of Kelly spread thickly across the facade of a Spanish colonial home. In the church of San Juan de Chamula, it’s the toasted green of pine needles strewn across the floor, and it’s the thin threads woven almost invisibly into the white wool tunics of indigenous Chamulan men.


Line breaks: re-enact


[with object]
  • 1Act out (a past event): bombers were gathered together to re-enact the historic first air attack
  • Bring (a law) into effect again when the original statute has been repealed or has expired: section 3 of the Act re-enacted the form of strict liability formerly found in the Dogs Act







('nĭk, tyū'-) pronunciation


adjective ━━ n., a. アマ(チュア)(の); しろうと(の), 道楽の.
1 taking part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job:
an amateur astronomer/boxer/historian
He was an amateur singer until the age of 40, when he turned professional.
Compare professional at profession.

2 relating to an activity, especially a sport, where the people taking part do not receive money:
amateur athletics

noun [C]
1 a person who takes part in an activity for pleasure, not as a job:
This tennis tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals.
Compare professional at profession.

2 DISAPPROVING someone who lacks skill in what they do:
I won't be giving them any more work - they're a bunch of amateurs.

lacking skill, or showing a lack of skill:
Their website looks amateurish.


noun [U] DISAPPROVING am・a・teur・ism ━━ n. しろうと芸; アマチュア資格.

indigenous:形容詞,土生土長的(並非外來的)、在地的,如 This plant is indigenous to Taiwan.(這種植物是台灣土生土長的。)

  1. Originating and living or occurring naturally in an area or environment. See synonyms at native.
  2. Intrinsic; innate.
[From Latin indigena, a native. See indigen.]
indigenously in·dig'e·nous·ly adv.
indigenousness in·dig'e·nous·ness n.

    1. A loose-fitting garment, sleeved or sleeveless, extending to the knees and worn by men and women especially in ancient Greece and Rome.
    2. A medieval surcoat.
    1. A long, plain, close-fitting jacket, usually having a stiff high collar and worn as part of a uniform.
    2. A long, plain, sleeved or sleeveless blouse.
    3. A short pleated and belted dress worn by women for some sports.
  1. Anatomy. A coat or layer enveloping an organ or part.
  2. Botany. A loose membranous outer covering of a bulb or corm, as of the onion, tulip, or crocus.
  3. See tunicle.
[Middle English tunik, from Old French tunique, from Latin tunica, of Phoenician origin; akin to Hebrew kuttōnet, kətōnet, from Central Semitic *kuttān, *kittān. See chiton.]

n. - 束腰外衣

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - チュニカ, チュニック, 被膜, 包膜, 軍服の上着, 診察衣, 婦人用上着

The thought certainly obsesses Burt Hecker, the narrator of Tod Wodicka’s first novel, “All Shall Be Well; and All Shall Be Well; and All Manner of Things Shall Be Well,” a title whose length and repetitiveness don’t bode well for its contents. Burt, a medieval re-enactor whose fanatic refusal to live in the historical present has brought pain to the people around him, goes through life in a dirty tunic and a mead-induced stupor. He refuses to learn to drive, calling automobiles, somewhat witlessly, “time machines.” Now well into his 60s, he avoids all that is “OOP” — that is, “Out of Period.” His principal comfort is his amateur society, the Confraternity of Times Lost Regained, which sponsors medieval fairs, jousts and banquets.

Wikipedia article "Medieval reenactment".

A confraternity is normally a Roman Catholic or Orthodox organization of lay people created for the purpose of promoting special works of Christian charity or piety, and approved by the Church hierarchy.
CCD :教理研究會: 1905 年為教宗碧嶽十世( St. Pius X )所創,以訓練教友講授要理為宗旨,特以未就讀教會學校的學童為服務物件。 1934 年在美國組成委員會,積極推動。 1962 年香港教區也正式成立。全文為 The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine


  • 発音記号[frətə'ːrnəti][名]
1 [U]兄弟関係;兄弟愛, 友愛, 同胞愛.
2 ((米))(寮生活をする男子大学生の)友愛会(Greek-letter society). ⇒SORORITY
3 互助会, 共済組合, 協会, 協同組合.
4 信徒団体, 講社;慈善団体.
5 ((the 〜))((単数・複数扱い))同業者[同好者]仲間.

 confrere [F.] n. 同僚, 仲間.
 [名]((形式))(特に男の)会員, 同業者, 同僚.

: con·frere (kŏn'frâr') pronunciation
A fellow member of a fraternity or profession; a colleague.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Medieval Latin cōnfrāter : Latin com-, com- + Latin frāter, brother.]


━━ n. (古代人の)そでの短い上着; チューニック ((腰にぴったりつく婦人用上着)); (軍人・警官の)上着の一種; そでなしのゆったりした上着 ((女学校の制服など)); 【動】被膜; 【植】種皮.
