2024年4月12日 星期五

store 諸義。small-format vs big-box, Big-Box Store. But as the shame closet grows, the task of excavation or organization becomes too daunting to contemplate.

A shame closet is that spot in your home where you cram the stuff that has nowhere else to go. It doesn’t have to be a closet. It can be a garage or a room or a chest of drawers or all of them at once. Whatever the space, it is defined by the absence of choices about what goes into it. There are things you need in there. There are things you will never need in there. But as the shame closet grows, the task of excavation or organization becomes too daunting to contemplate.

  • store

    [名]C1 (食料・物品などの)蓄え(解説的語義)貯蔵,備え,蓄財;〔~s〕(家庭・軍隊・船舶などの)必需品,備品,備蓄a store of food食料の蓄えmake a store of ....

  • store and forward

    《通信》蓄積交換(型),ストアアンドフォワード(◇パケット通信の転送制御手法の1つ)store and forwardの派生語store-and-forward形

  • store automation


  • store brand

    ((米))自社ブランド,小売店自身のブランドstore brandの派生語store-brand形((米))=own-brand

  • store card


  • store detective


  • store format

    《商業》業態(type of store)

  • store loyalty


  • store-bought


  • storefront

    [名]((米))店頭,店先a storefront church((米))(小会派の信者による都会の)店先教会

  • storehouse

    [名]C1 倉庫,貯蔵所2 (知識などの)宝庫a storehouse of information知識の宝庫

  • storekeeper

    [名]1 ((米))商店経営者,店主(((英))shopkeeper)2 倉庫管理人3 《米海軍》軍用品管理担当者storekeeperの派生語storekeeping名

  • storeman


  • storeroom


  • storewide

    [形]副((米))店全体の[に];店の全商品の[に]a storewide sale全店大売り出し

  • storey


  • storied2


  • store up

    (他)1 …を取っておく(⇒動1)2 〈情報・経験などを〉頭に入れておく3 〈怒り・恨みなどを〉ためこむ,つのらせる,〈問題などを〉ためこむ

  • Store up有「存起來」的意思,例如:

    • Ants store up food against (for) the winter. 螞蟻貯藏冬季的食物。


    If you don't deal with the problem now, you'll be storing up trouble for yourself in the future.


    I Worked at a Big-Box Store. Here’s a Way to Improve the Lives of Low-Wage Workers.store (up [away]) vegetables for the winter


  • store data on disk


  • 學英文

      老外問What’s in store? 不是問你店裡賣什麼


    "In our company, we set store by honesty and hard work."


    "Set store by" 並不是開了一家店,而是「非常重視、信賴」。Store這個字,最早有 "something precious; a treasure"(非常珍貴的、寶貴的東西),現今store已經沒有這樣的意思,但這個成語還繼續使用,指「認為…很重要」。store前面可以加a lot of/ great/high。

    • She's setting a lot of store by this job interview - I only hope she gets it.


    2. You never know what's in store for you.


    “In store”表面看來是「在店裡」,但真要指某個店,要有冠詞a/the,”in the store”或”in a store”。例如:

    • They checked out all the goods in the store. 他們清點了店裏的貨物。

    "In store"是一個片語,指「即將發生」。

    “You never know what’s in store for you?”意思是,你不知道會有哪些事情在你面前展開。再看一例:

    • There's a shock in store for him when he gets home tonight! 今天晚上他回家的時候,將會有個驚人的消息等著他!

    In store也還有一個意思,指「在實體店面」,相對於在「網路商店」。

    • The offer is only available in-store, so please call ahead to check availability. 這個優惠只適用於實體店面購買,所以請提前打電話確認是否有貨。

    3. Can you mind the store while I’m away.


    Mind the store 是「臨時代管、負責;幫忙關照」。大部份英文字除了它原本意思外,都會有延伸的抽象含意。store在這裡就是比較抽象的用法,不是真的店面,而是辦公室裡發生的事,接近business。

    • Who's minding the store while the boss is away? 老闆不在時,誰負責管理事務?

    也可以用watch the store,意思一樣。

    • I had to stay home and watch the store when Ann went to Boston.

    4. You are just storing up trouble for yourself.


    Big Impact in a Small Format

    by Thomas Ripsam, Alonso Martinez, and Carlos Navarro

    New York, October 11, 2007 -- In Europe and Latin America, small-format convenience stores are changing the competitive landscape. Adept at catering to the tastes of growing niche demographics like single-head households and small families in urban areas, and with improvements in computerized ordering and increased procurement and supply chain efficiencies, small urban stores are no longer saddled with higher prices or lesser quality merchandise than their big-box counterparts. Wal-Mart and Publix are experimenting with the small-format idea in the U.S., which could present new growth opportunities for the retail market.

    在美國稱大賣場等 方方大建築物為
    big-box 而小型的便利商店 之建築物為 small-format
