2019年12月7日 星期六

peeling, press charges, Banana Is Peeled

peel (BODY)
verb [I]
If you peel, or part of your body or your skin peels, parts of the top layer of your skin comes off because you are burnt from being in the sun:
My back is peeling.

The noun peeling has one meaning:
Meaning #1: loss of bits of outer skin by peeling or shedding or coming off in scales
Synonyms: desquamationshedding

The adjective peeling has one meaning:
Meaning #1: having the paint loose and peeling away

dental peeling sponge 這表示法可能有問題、待查明。

  廣榮社推出海綿型牙齒美白擦“Dental Peeling Sponge”。



  產品為3枚裝,價格為504日元。1月中旬上市。(1月17日 《日本經濟新聞》晨報)

press charges

If you press charges against someone, you make an official accusation against them which has to be decided in a court of law.
I could have pressed charges against him.
Police have announced they will not be pressing charges.
See full dictionary entry for press
