Notes of a word-watcher, Hanching Chung. A first port of call for English learning.
2024年11月29日 星期五
pretense, legalized abortion, Establish Right to Abortion, premarital sex, jerry-built, jerry-builder. British Lawmakers Vote to Legalize Assisted Dying
The State Constitution will protect access to the procedure. The result sends a strong signal that voters are still angry about the demise of Roe v. Wade.
“She was Jerry Ford’s strength through some very difficult days in our country’s history,” Mrs. Reagan said, “and I admired her courage in facing and sharing her personal struggles with all of us.”
Few first ladies have been as popular as Betty Ford, and it was her frankness and lack of pretense that made her so. She spoke often in support of the Equal Rights Amendment, endorsed legalized abortion, discussed premarital sex and revealed that she intended to share a bed with her husband in the White House.
...choked by the jerry-builder.
Badly or hastily built with materials of poor quality.
Mid 19th century: origin unknown; sometimes said to be from the name of a firm of builders in Liverpool, or to allude to the walls of Jericho, which fell down at the sound of Joshua's trumpets (Josh. 6:20).