It is well known that these cheap, tasty nibbles are lacking in nutritional content. But concerns are growing that the heavy processing used to cook them up may itself be harmful
Why are ultra-processed foods bad for you?
Scientists are racing to find out
Henry II, King of France, died in a sporting tournament on this day in 1559. His parade armor retains much of its original coloring. The surfaces are covered by dense foliate scrolls inhabited by human figures and a variety of fabulous creatures that derive from the Italian grotesque.
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
**********************⋯⋯"It tasted very, very good this year. I don't know what the grounds people have done but they have done a great job," Novak Djokovic says after his now-traditional celebratory nibble of the Centre Court grass at Wimbledon.
AFP Photo: Glyn Kirk

Champion Djokovic munches a bunch
London (AFP) - Novak Djokovic celebrated his third Wimbledon title on Sunday with his now traditional nibble of the famed Centre Court grass.
London's first fish foot spa attracts nibbles
Fish foot spas are common in parts of Asia but are only now arriving in European countries. Dozens of fish nibble at customers' feet to exfoliate dead skin to give the latest pedicure in town. Olly Barratt has been dipping his toes in to test the water.
A Cultural Hurdle to Overcome
For immigrants from Nepal working in New York salons, tradition makes
giving pedicures a bit uncomfortable. Above, Rambika KC at her salon,
Divine Nails, in Queens.
Scroll (art) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The scroll in art is an element of ornament and graphic design featuring spirals and rolling ... The Ara Pacis scrolls are foliated and sparingly floriated, whilst those in the Dome of the Rock mosaics are profusely foliated with thick leaves forming ...pedicure

v., -bled, -bling, -bles.
- To bite at gently and repeatedly.
- To eat with small, quick bites or in small morsels: nibble a cracker.
- To wear away or diminish bit by bit: "If you start compromising too early . . . they nibble you to death" (People).
To take small or hesitant bites: fish nibbling at the bait.
- A very small quantity, especially of food; a morsel.
- The act or an instance of nibbling.
[Middle English nebyllen, akin to Low German nibbelen.]
nibbler nib'bler n.Scroll (art) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The scroll in art is an element of ornament and graphic design featuring spirals and rolling ... The Ara Pacis scrolls are foliated and sparingly floriated, whilst those in the Dome of the Rock mosaics are profusely foliated with thick leaves forming ...foliate
Mid 17th century: from Latin foliatus 'leaved', from folium 'leaf'.
- 音節
- fo • li • at • ed
- 発音
- fóulièitid
- [形容詞]
- 1 葉[群葉]の形をした,葉状の
- foliated ornaments
- 葉状装飾.
- 2 (また foliate)〔岩石〕 〔鉱物〕 葉片状[質]の:雲母うんものように,薄層から成る結晶が平行に集まり1枚ずつはがせる構造についていう.
- 3 〔建築〕 = .