2024年11月22日 星期五

dean, godfather, guru, master, maestro, marshal, provost, deanery, chair, charlatan, contextualization” A long read on Federico Fellini and his relationship to music, Italy and the art life.

Years ago, Peter Drucker, often called "The Dean of American Management Consultants", took an old cliché and updated it a bit. Peter is said to have started ...

20世紀的幾位"大老" (dean),都是很有名望、學問;
Walter Lippmann, the retired columnist and author who was the dean of American political journalism in the 20th century, died of a heart ailment yesterday morning at a private nursing home at 755 Park Avenue, He was 85 years old.

讓我想起翻譯成 "華爾街教父"的這本"The Dean of Wall Street"
有意思的是,該文給胡適下的不朽處,竟不是胡先生的三不朽(楊聯陞先生在給《陳世驤選集》作序敬輓,就是用胡適的話來破題的,該文功力不凡),或是像我們在《華爾街大老(The Dean of Wall Street)中了解的,傳主 Benjamin Graham的墓誌銘是刻了丁尼生詩歌Ulysses 的句子--他與胡適都極喜愛。(詳《努力、探尋、發現、永不退讓、不屈服》)
dean:The senior member of a body or group: the dean of the Washington diplomatic corps.

Hanching Chung 大師滿天飛。學術單位應慎用大師
林淇瀁 多謝指教。本講座邀請的作家或許有您不熟悉的名字,謹向您說明邀請基準:
1. 曾獲全國最高文學獎項:國家文藝獎或吳三連文學獎得主;
2. 作品已有外文譯本之作家;
3. 已獲文學史肯定之作家。

台灣常用的另外一個不當形容詞是"教父" (godfather)。
譬如說,稱Morris Chang為半導體業教父;台北科技大學的Le Corbusier 展,稱他為現代建築的教父......
我想,這誤會大了/電影看多了:godfather 的貶義:A mafia leader。同樣的,大師guru 滿天飛,也是有貶義。

‪#‎Harvard‬ Class of 2015 class marshals announced. |http://ow.ly/BxJBO
While the eight class marshals elected to represent the Class of 2015 hail...

Thousands of runners who took part in the Marathon of the North races have been told the course they followed was 264m short.
Competitors in the full and half marathons took a wrong turn in the Sunderland events because marshals were standing in the wrong positions.

Only in one area do Sperber’s efforts at contextualization fall short. He argues that Marx’s writings on the Jewish question, including his hostile comments about Jews, should be understood as “embedded” in the attitudes of the age and therefore not deemed straightforwardly anti-Semitic. But such a view is not easy to hold given the evidence Sperber himself marshals, including an 1875 letter to Engels in which Marx — born a Jew, apparently just before his father’s conversion to Protestantism — casually describes a fellow train passenger as a “little Yid,” before offering a description that Sperber, to his credit, concedes “is a stereotypical denunciation of an uncultured and greedy Jew.”
 斯珀伯在“情景化”上的努力只有一個地方有所欠缺,那就是他認為馬克思關於猶太人問題的作品,包括馬克思對猶太人的敵意言論,應當被“嵌入到”那個 時代的態度中去理解,因此不應該被視為是赤裸裸的反猶太主義。但是從斯珀伯自己整理的證據來看,這個觀點不太站得住腳,比如馬克思在1875年寫給恩格斯 的一封信中,信口把他在火車上遇到的一個乘客稱為“小猶太”(little Yid),然後對此人進行了描述。馬克思出生時是猶太人,他父親顯然在他出生後不久才皈依了新教。斯珀伯不情願地承認,這個描述是“一個蒙昧、貪婪的猶太 人的模式化的陳舊譴責”。作者能這麼說倒是值得讚揚。

Years ago, Peter Drucker, often called "The Dean of American Management Consultants", took an old cliché and updated it a bit. Peter is said to have started ...

Benjamin Graham: The Memoirs of the Dean of Wall Street

The Godfather Family Album

"For Godfather fans—that is, pretty much every man in America—there's no way to refuse the offer of TASCHEN's Godfather Family Album." —New York Post

Previously restricted to 1,000 Limited Edition copies, this is the unlimited trade edition for cinephiles and 'family' members on a budget!

讓我想起翻譯成 "華爾街教父"的這本

"The Dean of Wall Street"
有意思的是,該文給胡適下的不朽處,竟不是胡先生的三不朽(楊聯陞先生在給《陳世驤選集》作序敬輓,就是用胡適的話來破題的,該文功力不凡),或是像我們在《華爾街大老》(The Dean of Wall Street)中了解的,傳主 Benjamin Graham的墓誌銘是刻了丁尼生詩歌Ulysses 的句子--他與胡適都極喜愛。(詳《努力、探尋、發現、永不退讓、不屈服》)

“To many observers, myself among them, cinema is a direct descendent of opera more than any other art form.”A long read on Federico Fellini and his relationship to music, Italy and the art life. #Fellini100ed Plotkin on the operatic art of film director Federico Fellini, in honor of his 100th birthday.


Cinema’s Operatic Maestro: Fellini at 100 | Operavore | WQXR


[名]C1 ((やや古))(使用人・奴隷・動物などの)主人(解説的語義)(犬・馬などの)(男の)飼い主(((PC))owner)≪of≫,(動物などの)(男の)調教師;〔the ~〕(男の)家長...

master card 《ブリッジ》切り札

master class  (音楽の)巨匠のレッスン

master file  《コンピュ》マスターファイル

master hand  名人,大家;熟練した技術

master key  1 マスターキー2 難問解決のかぎ

master mariner  (商船の)船長

master mason 1 熟練した石工2 〔しばしばM- M-〕フリーメーソン(Freemason)の第三級

Master of Business Administration 経営(管理)学修士(略MBA)

master of ceremonies (パーティーなどの)進行係,司会者(略MC)

Master of Science 理学修士(略MS,M Sc)

Master of the Universe 宇宙の支配者(◇巨額の取引をするトレーダー)

master race 支配者民族(◇自らはどの民族よりも優秀なのだから他民族を征服・支配するのは正当であると考える民族;ナチス時代のドイツ人など)

master sergeant ((米))《陸軍・米海兵隊》曹長;《空軍》一等軍曹

master stroke みごとな腕前,絶妙な処置,神技

master's [名]修士号(master's degree)

master-at-arms [名](複masters-at-arms)《海軍》先任衛兵伍長,先任警衛海曹

master-plan [動]他…の基本計画を作成する

MasterCard [名]((商標))マスターカード(◇クレジットカードの1つ)


[形]1 名人芸の,大家の,みごとなa masterful speech名演説2 高飛車な,威圧的なmasterfulの派生語masterfu





[名]C1 (最高)傑作,名作1a 名人芸,絶品2 絶好例,典型例a masterpiece of complacency自己満足の典型例

Masters Tournament

〔the ~〕《ゴルフ》マスターズトーナメント(◇世界四大トーナメントの1つ;毎年4月に米国 Georgia 州 Augusta で開催)

mastership [名]1 master の職[職務,権限]1a 統制(力),支配2 精通していること,熟達,みごとな技量,名人芸

masterwork [名]最高傑作(masterpiece)

mastery [名]1 U(…に対する)勝利,征服;(…の)支配(力),統御(力)≪of,over≫have complete mastery over ...…を完全に支配する2 〔a ~〕(…の)熟達,精...

master a foreign language 外国語をマスターする

(the) master of one's own life [fate, destiny]


master one's anger 怒りを抑える

  • 在紐約大學 Buffalo校區或西北大學等校,校長之下都設數位 provosts


    n. (Abbr. Prov.)
    1. A university administrator of high rank.
    2. The highest official in certain cathedrals or collegiate churches.
    3. The keeper of a prison.
    4. The chief magistrate of certain Scottish cities.
    [Middle English, from Old English profost and Old French provost, both from Medieval Latin prōpositus, alteration of Latin praepositus, person placed over others, superintendent, from past participle of praepōnere, to place over : prae-, pre- + pōnere, to put.]

    ━━ n. 【英大学】学寮長; 【米大学】(Presidentに次ぐ)副学長, (大学分校の)学長; 教務部長; 〔スコットランド〕 市長; 【宗】=dean.

    provost court 【軍】(占領地に置く)軍事裁判所.
    provost marshal
     【陸軍】憲兵司令官; 【海軍】未決監長.


    • 発音記号[mɑ'ːrʃəl][名]
    1 (フランスなどの陸軍の)元帥;軍の高官, 司令官
    the marshal of France
    a marshal of the Royal Air Force
    2 ((米))連邦法執行官(連邦司法管轄区ごとに任命されsheriff相当の職務をする);(ある地域の)警察署長;消防署長.
    3 ((英))判事付き事務官;王室[宮廷]の高官.
    4 儀式[進行]係.
    ━━[動](〜ed, 〜・ing;((英))〜led, 〜・ling)(他)
    1 〈兵・軍隊を〉配列[結集, 整列]させる.
    2 〈人を〉(礼儀正しく)案内[先導]する, 所定の位置につかせる.
    3 〈物を〉整理する, 集める.
    1 〈兵・軍隊が〉並ぶ, 整列する, 所定の位置につく.
    2 〈考えなどが〉まとまる.
    [古フランス語←古高ドイツ語marascalh (marah馬+scalh下男=馬丁). 後, 名誉ある称号に格上げになった. △MARE1(雌馬)]
    mar・shal・er, ((英))・ler

    marshal  l

    Pronunciation: /ˈmɑːʃ(ə)l/

    Definition of marshal

    • an officer of the highest rank in the armed forces of some countries: [as title]:Marshal Tito
    • British historical a high-ranking officer of state.
    • US a federal or municipal law-enforcement officer.
    • the head of a police department.
    • North American the head of a fire department.
    • an official responsible for supervising sports events, and for controlling crowds in other public events: ground marshals joined the referee and touch judges in trying to regain order
    • 4(in the UK) an official accompanying a judge on circuit to act as secretary and personal assistant.

    verb (marshals, marshalling, marshalled; US marshals, marshaling, marshaled)

    [with object]
    • assemble and arrange (a group of people, especially troops) in order:the general marshalled his troops
    • bring together and arrange in order (facts, ideas, objects, etc.):he paused for a moment, as if marshalling his thoughts
    • position (rolling stock) in the correct order.
    • direct the movement of (an aircraft) on the ground at an airport.
    • 2 Heraldry combine (coats of arms) to indicate marriage, descent, or the bearing of office: the quarters include those appearing on the Warwick Plate, but in addition there is marshalled that of Grey





    Middle English (denoting a high-ranking officer of state): from Old French mareschal 'farrier, commander', from late Latin mariscalcus, from Germanic elements meaning 'horse' (compare with mare1) and 'servant'

      1. An administrative officer in charge of a college, faculty, or division in a university.
      2. An officer of a college or high school who counsels students and supervises the enforcement of rules.
    1. Ecclesiastical. The head of the chapter of canons governing a cathedral or collegiate church.
    2. Roman Catholic Church. A priest appointed to oversee a group of parishes within a diocese.
    3. The senior member of a body or group: the dean of the Washington diplomatic corps.
    [Middle English deen, from Old French deien, from Late Latin decānus, chief of ten, from decem, ten, or from Greek dekānos, chief of ten (from deka, ten).]
    deanship dean'ship' n.━━ n. (cathedralまたはcollegiate churchの)聖堂参事会長, 司祭長; (英国国教の)地方監督; (大学の)学部長; 〔英〕 (Oxbridgeの)学生監; 〔米〕 学生部長; 長老.
    dean・er・y ━━ n. deanの地位[職務,権威,管轄,邸宅]; 〔英〕 地方監督の管区.

    [名詞] (pl. -er・ies) dean1 の地位[職,権威];((英)) dean1 の管轄区域[管轄権];dean1 の公宅.
    1. 1.
      the group of parishes presided over by a rural dean.
    2. 2.
      the official residence of a dean.

    dean・ship ━━ n. deanの職[地位,任期].
    dean's list 〔米〕 (大学の)成績優秀者名簿.


      1. An office or position of authority, such as a professorship.
      2. A person who holds an office or a position of authority, such as one who presides over a meeting or administers a department of instruction at a college; a chairperson.

    ━━ n. いす; (大学の)講座; (the 〜) 議長[教授]の座[職], 議長; 大統領[知事,市長]の職; 〔米話〕 (the 〜) 電気いす.
    appeal to the chair 議長に採決を求める.
    get [go to] the chair 〔米話〕 死刑になる.
    leave the chair 議長席を去る; 閉会する.
    Pull up a chair. かけたまえ.
    take a chair 着席する.
    take the chair 議長席に着く, 開会[司会]する.


    Pronunciation: /kənˈtɛkstjʊəlʌɪz/(also contextualise)
    Definition of contextualize

    [with object]
    • place or study in context:the excellent introduction summarizes and contextualizes Bowen’s career



    Pronunciation: /-ˈzeɪʃ(ə)n/

    noun  2011年9月12日 星期一

    charlatan, guru, a hint of embarrassment

    The White House social secretary, Letitia Baldrige, Mrs. Kennedy tells Mr. Schlesinger, loved to pick up the phone and say things like “Send all the White House china on the plane to Costa Rica” or tell them they had to fly string beans in to a state dinner. She quotes Mr. Kennedy saying of Lyndon B. Johnson, his vice president, “Oh, God, can you ever imagine what would happen to the country if Lyndon was president?” And Mr. Kennedy on Franklin D. Roosevelt: “Charlatan is an unfair word,” but “he did an awful lot for effect.”

    Drucker liked to say that people used the word guru because the word charlatan was so hard to spell. A century after his birth Drucker remains one of the few management thinkers to whom the word “guru” can be applied without a hint of embarrassment.

    He also said people only called him a guru because they weren't sure how to spell "charlatan".

    荷蘭文Management goeroe Peter Drucker zei het ooit eens tegen mij toen ik nog in San Francisco woonde : je moet nooit een voorspelling doen. ...

    He cited Peter Drucker, one of the 20th century's finest business thinkers: "Often we use the word
    guru because the word charlatan is too long. .


    ━━ n. 【ヒンドゥー教】教師, 導師; 指導者.

    guru (SanskritगुरुHindiगुरुBengaliগুরু) is a person who is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom and authority in a certain area, and who uses these abilities to guide others. It also means "teacher" or "guide" in the religious sense, and is commonly used in SikhismBuddhism and Hinduism as well as in some new religious movements.

    a person who pretends to have skills or knowledge that they do not have, especially in medicine


    ━━ n. 山師; やぶ医者.
     char・la・tan・ism ━━ n. いかさま.
     char・la・tan・ry ━━ n. 知ったかぶり, ほら.
