2024年11月23日 星期六

embattled, New Age self-help, hour, long-form, urgently overhauling the embattled initiative.Emerging Details of Chinese Hack Leave U.S. Officials Increasingly Concerned

Shares of Country Garden Holdings Co Ltd were set to open up 5.6% on Monday after the embattled Chinese developer won approval from its creditors to extend payments for an onshore private bond.

Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Seoul on Saturday in the fourth straight weekend of protest against embattled President Park Geun-hye.

Cases like this have encouraged Christopher K. Travis, 57, an architectural designer here, to ramp up the promotion of his method, an exhaustive psychological and aesthetic compatibility exercise for would-be home builders that is part New Age self-help manual, part personality test. Mr. Travis calls it the Truehome workshop (Truehome is a registered trademark), and he hopes it will do for the design and building profession what eHarmony has done for matchmaking.
“Residential architecture is pretty much broken,” said Mr. Travis, who is not a licensed architect but has one on his staff. “Clients are helpless. They don’t know how to get what they want, they don’t really even know what they want, and architects aren’t really trained to give it to them.”
If you don’t understand the contents, he is fond of saying, how can you design the package?

hour, embattled, long-form, urgently overhauling the embattled initiative

Sports Illustrated, which faces fierce daily, even hourly, competition with ESPN, Yahoo Sports and others, has something its main rivals do not: a 53-year trove of articles and photos, most of it from an era when the magazine dominated the field of long-form sports writing and color sports photography.

Accounting Dictionary: Long-Form Report
Detailed report by an external auditor about the examination of a client's financial statements. It may add to, replace, or include the Short-Form Report. The long-form report may contain the audit scope, auditor opinions regarding the financial position and operating performance of the client, percentage change in accounts, evaluation of financial status, and recommendations for client improvement in its accounting system.

Liberty Media agreed to extend $530 million to Sirius XM Radio in exchange for stock and seats on the embattled satellite-radio operator's bo
Confronted with intense skepticism on Capitol Hill over the $700 billion financial rescue program, Treasury Secretary nominee Timothy F. Geithner and President-elect Barack Obama's economic team are urgently overhauling the embattled initiative and broadening its scope well beyond Wall Street, so...
(By David Cho, The Washington Post)

"This was their finest hour": address delivered by PM Winston Churchill to the House of Commons to inspire his embattled nation during WWII (1940)

embattled Show phonetics
having a lot of problems or difficulties:
an embattled government
embattled teachers


n. (Abbr. hr.)
  1. One of the 24 equal parts of a day.
    1. One of the points on a timepiece marking off 12 or 24 successive intervals of 60 minutes, from midnight to noon and noon to midnight or from midnight to midnight.
    2. The time of day indicated by a 12-hour clock.
    3. hours The time of day determined on a 24-hour basis: 1730 hours is 5:30 P.M.
  2. A unit of measure of longitude or right ascension, equal to 15° or 1/24 of a great circle.
    1. A customary or fixed time: the dinner hour.
    2. hours A set period of time for a specified activity: banking hours.
    1. A particular time: their hour of need.
    2. A significant time: Her hour had come.
    3. The present time: the man of the hour.
    1. The work that can be accomplished in an hour.
    2. The distance that can be traveled in an hour.
    1. A single session of a school day or class.
    2. A credit hour.
  3. hours Ecclesiastical. The canonical hours.
[Middle English, from Old French houre, from Latin hōra, from Greek hōrā, season, time.]

1 [C] a period of 60 minutes:
The exam lasted an hour and a half.
There are 24 hours in a day.
How many hours' sleep do you need?
I'll be back in an hour's/two hours' time (= after one/two hours).
The village is an hour from Doncaster/an hour away (= It takes an hour to travel there).
He gets paid by the hour (= gets a particular amount of money for each hour he works).
Trains leave every hour on the hour (= at exactly one o'clock, two o'clock, etc.).
Buses leave at ten minutes past/to the hour (= at ten past/to one o'clock, two o'clock, etc.).
War was declared at eighteen hundred/18.00 hours (= at six o'clock in the evening).

2 [C usually plural] the period of time when a particular activity happens or when a shop or public building is open:
I did it in my lunch hour.
office/working hours
Our opening hours are from 8 to 6.

3 [C] a particular time during the day or night:
Who could be phoning us at this unearthly/ungodly hour (= so late at night)?
He returned in the early/small hours (= at night, after midnight).

4 work long/regular/unsocial, etc. hours used to describe how many hours in the day you work or what part of the day you work:
She's a nurse so she often works unsocial hours.
He's paid well but he works long hours.

1 done or happening every hour:
There's an hourly bus service into town.
Take two tablets at hourly intervals.

2 hourly fee/rate, etc. the amount that is charged or earned every hour

Trains call here hourly (= once every hour).

New Age noun [U]
a way of life and thinking which developed in the late 1980s which includes a wide range of beliefs and activities based on ideas that existed before modern scientific and economic theories:
Astrology and alternative medicine are part of the New Age movement.

New Ager Show phonetics
noun [C]
Many New Agers are vegetarians and environmentalists.

Show phonetics
adjective, noun [U]
the activity of providing what you need for yourself and others with similar experiences or difficulties without going to an official organization:
[before noun] self-help groups
It is a group providing self-help for single parents.
