2024年11月26日 星期二

cite, respondent, co-respondent.Mr. Giuliani could be found in contempt of court for continuing to make false accusations about the two Georgia poll workers,

Mr. Cammarata said the delay was necessary because he also had to prepare for a December court appearance in Washington, where Mr. Giuliani could be found in contempt of court for continuing to make false accusations about the two Georgia poll workers, Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss.

Another tangible indicator of people's anxiety over their economic futures was reflected by the 68.3 percent of respondents who feared they or family members would lose their jobs in the coming year. (Table 2)

When asked whether the government would be able to revive the economy in the coming year and solve the country's pressing economic problems, 57.5 percent of respondents said they were not confident – 29 percentage points higher than those who said they were. (Table 3)




Qualcomm Raises Forecasts
Qualcomm boosted its outlook for the June quarter and full year, citing demand for advanced mobile phones using its technology.

Two tech research firms raised their forecasts for 2008 world-wide personal computer shipments, citing strength from notebook PCs and demand in emerging markets.

cite (GIVE EXAMPLE) Show phonetics
verb [T] FORMAL
to mention something as proof for a theory or as a reason why something has happened, or to speak or write words taken from a particular writer or written work:
She cited three reasons why people get into debt.
The company cited a 12% decline in new orders as evidence that overall demand for its products was falling.
She cites both T.S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf in her article.

citation Show phonetics
noun [C]
a word or piece of writing taken from a written work:
All citations are taken from the 1973 edition of the text.

cite (NAME) Show phonetics
verb [T] LEGAL
to officially name or mention someone or something in a court of law, or to officially request someone to appear in a court of law:
The lawyer cited two similar cases.
He has been cited as the co-respondent in the divorce case.

citation Show phonetics
noun [C] LEGAL
an official request for someone to appear in a court of law:
The court issued a contempt citation against city council members who refused to comply with a court order.

cite (PRAISE) Show phonetics
verb [T] FORMAL
to praise someone in the armed forces publicly because of their bravery:
He was cited for bravery.

citation Show phonetics
noun [C]
official praise for a person in the armed forces for bravery:
The four soldiers are to receive citations from the President for their brave actions.

respond Show phonetics
verb [I]
1 to say or do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done:
[+ speech] To every question, he responded "I don't know."
I asked her what the time was, but she didn't respond.
He responded by marching off and slamming the door behind him.
How did she respond to the news?
[+ that] When the tax office wrote to me demanding unpaid income tax, I responded that I had been working abroad since 1998.
The police respond to emergencies (= arrive and are ready to deal with emergencies) in just a few minutes.

2 respond to sth If diseases or patients respond to treatment, the treatment begins to cure them:
It remains to be seen whether the cancer will respond to treatment.
For patients who do not respond to drug treatment, surgery is a possible option.

respondent Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 SPECIALIZED a person who answers a request for information:
In a recent opinion poll, a majority of respondents were against nuclear weapons.
━━ a., n. 答える, 応答する(者); 【法】(離婚訴訟などの)被告(の).
2 LEGAL in a court case, the person against whom a petition (= a formal letter to the court requesting a particular action) is made, especially in a divorce case:
She divorced the respondent on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour.
Compare co-respondent.
co-respondent Show phonetics
noun [C] LEGAL
the person with whom a married person is said to have committed adultery (= sex outside marriage):
He was cited/named as co-respondent in the divorce.
Compare respondent at respond.

response Show phonetics
1 [C or U] an answer or reaction:
Responses to our advertisement have been disappointing.
Her proposals met with an enthusiastic response.
I looked in her face for some response, but she just stared at me blankly.
Management have granted a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure.

2 [C] any of the parts sung or said, in some religious ceremonies, by the people in answer to the parts said or sung by the priest

responsive Show phonetics
making a positive and quick reaction to something or someone:
a responsive engine
a responsive audience
She wasn't responsive to questioning.
The disease has proved responsive to the new treatment.
NOTE: The opposite is unresponsive.


━━ vt. 引用する (quote); 【法】召喚する; (勲功などを)表彰する.
cit・a・ble ━━ a. 引用できる.
ci・ta・tion ━━ n. 引用(文); 【法】召喚(状); (勲功などの)表彰, 感状.
