2024年11月30日 星期六

tuber, man Friday. The advance on Aleppo came just four days into a surprise rebel offensive that is the most intense escalation in years in a civil war that was mostly dormant.

The all-potato diet will not appeal to all readers, but this accessible account embraces the latest scholarship and addresses the failings of previous works on the subject. Indeed the book, like the tuber it describes, fills a void: the spud now has the biography it deserves.

Back in Abiquiu, the ''monument'' resumed a daily routine of work, now with the help of a young protege, Juan Hamilton, a potter. He had knocked at her kitchen door asking for work and made his way up from man Friday to secretary. He supervised production of her book, and assisted with and appeared in the television film about her in 1977. He traveled with her to New York and California and managed her business affairs. Their companionship was so close there were rumors of marriage.

man Friday

n.pl. men Friday or men Fridays.
An efficient, faithful male aide or employee.
[After Friday, a character in Robinson Crusoe, a novel by Daniel Defoe.]
Wikipedia article "Man Friday".


━━ n. 【植】塊茎; 【解】結節.
 ━━ n. 小突起, 小結節; 【医】結核.
tubercle bacillus 結核菌.
 ━━ a., n. 結節の; 結核の(患者).
tu・ber・ous ━━ a. 【植】塊茎のある; 【解】結節のある.

A swollen underground storage organ, modified from a root or rhizome, with buds where new shoots and roots develop after a dormant period. Examples are potatoes, dahlias, and tuberous begonias. Also called tuberous root.

