2024年4月6日 星期六

transcribe, rail, raillery, mole. Make Room Tennis, Pickleball and Squash. Here Comes Padel.In this racket sport, players must watch out for bouncing shots from the back wall.

La douceur des dessins de Giuseppe Penone 🍂

Plus connu comme sculpteur, associé au mouvement de l'Arte Povera, Giuseppe Penone a pourtant toujours dessiné. Le dessin, comme la sculpture, est pour lui une manière de transcrire le geste, de révéler la forme. 

L'exposition « Giuseppe Penone, Dessins » présente 241 dessins issus de l'importante donation faite par l'artiste italien au Centre Pompidou en 2020, ainsi que 6 sculptures.

Pour en savoir plus 👉 bit.ly/Expo_Penone_Dessins

The sweetness of Giuseppe Penone's drawings 🍂

Better known as a sculptor, associated with the Arte Povera movement, Giuseppe Penone has nevertheless always drawn. Drawing, like sculpture, is for him a way to transcribe the gesture, to reveal the form. 

The exhibition "Giuseppe Penone, Drawings" presents 241 drawings from the important donation made by the Italian artist to the Centre Pompidou in 2020, as well as 6 sculptures.

Learn more 👉 bit.ly/Expo_Penone_Dessins

We have transcribed ourselves into terms of architecture. We transcribed architecture into terms of ourselves.

And the reason is, that my secretary cannot transcribe Sweet, having been perforce taught in the schools of Pitman. Therefore, Sweet railed at Pitman as vainly as Thersites railed at Ajax: his raillery, however it may have eased his soul, gave no popular vogue to Current Shorthand.

Emperor Hadrian gave orders to build his mausoleum in 135 AD on the model of the funerary monument of the first emperor of Rome, Octavian Augustus.
The construction has spanned almost twentieth centuries and will celebrate its nineteen hundred years of history in 2035.
The Hadrian mole, as it was called at the time of ancient Rome, was a privileged witness to the history of this extraordinary city and thanks to its structure and strategic position it did not suffer the fate of ancient monuments, but was integrated from time to time into the daily life in Rome, adapting to the needs of the city.



By necessity; by force of circumstance.
[Middle English par force, from Old French : par, by (from Latin per; see per) + force, force; see force.]

rail3 (rāl) pronunciation
intr.v., railed, rail·ing, rails.
To express objections or criticisms in bitter, harsh, or abusive language. See synonyms at scold.

rail·ler·y ('lə-rē)
n., pl. -ies.
  1. Good-natured teasing or ridicule; banter.
  2. An instance of bantering or teasing.
[French raillerie, from Old French railler, to tease. See rail3.]


Pronunciation: /tranˈskrʌɪb , trɑːn-/


1Put (thoughts, speech, or data) into written or printed form:each interview was taped and transcribed
1.1Transliterate (foreign characters) or write or type out (shorthand, notes, or other abbreviated forms) into ordinary characters or full sentences:the court was adjourned so that they could transcribe their notes
2Arrange (a piece of music) for a different instrument, voice, or group of these:his largest early work was transcribed for organ
3Biochemistry Synthesize (RNA) using a template of existing DNA (or vice versa), so that the genetic information is copied:polymerases transcribe it into a long RNA molecule


mid 16th century (in the sense 'make a copy in writing'): from Latin transcribere, from trans- 'across' + scribere'write'.
1 〈口述・講義・演説を〉筆記[タイプ]する;〈テープ・会話・講演を〉文字に起こす
The conversation was later transcribed into a book.
2 〈書類・テキストを〉書き写す,複写[謄写]する.
3 〈発音を〉(発音記号・音素記号で)(…と)書き表す((as ...)).
4 〈書かれたものを〉(他の言語・記号に)書き換える,翻訳[転写]する((into ...))
have transcribed the Japanese into Roman characters.
5 〈曲を〉(他の楽器用に)編曲する((for ...)).
6 〈番組・報道などを〉放送用に録音する;〈録音を〉再生する;〈録音を〉(CDなどに)再録する((on, onto ...)).
7 遺伝〈遺伝情報を〉転写する. ⇒TRANSCRIPTION 5
[ラテン語trānscrībere(trans-越えて+scrībere書く=写して書く). △SCRIBE2
