2024年11月29日 星期五

preposterous dog-and-pony show. misstep. A common argument against restoring Benin City’s lost treasures to their original home is that Nigeria has nowhere to keep them safe and on permanent view for locals. A new museum is the country’s riposte

A common argument against restoring Benin City’s lost treasures to their original home is that Nigeria has nowhere to keep them safe and on permanent view for locals. A new museum is the country’s riposte

Media Decoder

After Flops, Disney Studio Chief Resigns

Rich Ross's exit after two and a half years marks a rare misstep by Robert A. Iger, Disney's chief executive.

dog-and-pony show (dog and POH-nee shoh)

noun: An elaborately staged presentation or briefing that lacks substance, arranged for public relations, selling, etc. Also, a presentation that is overly contrived.

After small traveling circuses that featured tricks involving dogs and ponies. Earliest documented use: 1885.

"Rather than be honest about the tragic missteps of the past and confront the lingering issues over detainee treatment, the Pentagon puts on a preposterous dog-and-pony show when reporters come calling." — Pentagon's Offensive Guantanamo Show; St. Petersburg Times (Florida); Jul 7, 2009.

(prĭ-pŏs'tər-əs) pronunciation
Contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd. See synonyms at foolish.

[From Latin praeposterus, inverted, unseasonable : prae-, pre- + posterus, coming behind (from post, behind).]
preposterously pre·pos'ter·ous·ly adv.
preposterousness pre·pos'ter·ous·ness n.


1 ((米))踏みそこない.
2 (行動・判断などの)誤り, 過失, 失策, 私生児を産むこと, 異性とのあやまち.
