2021年12月25日 星期六

twist, tenuous, acidification, perch/ web of life, twists and turns

Mr. Trump’s daily coronavirus briefing has given him a unique perch from which he can try to rebrand himself.

Times Literary Supplement

"My impression is that the title ‘professor’ is used with the most enthusiasm by those with the most tenuous claim on it..."What's a 'professor'? | Mary Beard  Part of the issue is that often ‘Professor’ is a pretty undefined term.WWW.THE-TLS.CO.UK

North Korea Accuses U.S. of Disrupting Its Internet

The nation blamed the U.S. for disruptions to its already tenuous connection, and insisted it did not hack Sony Pictures.

Russian Proposal Catches Obama Between Putin and House Republicans

The twists and turns in the Syria debate have whipsawed the United States capital and made a tenuous situation even more volatile for President Obama.


Japan's Growth Outlook Remains Tenuous Despite Rebound1


Changing the Chemistry of Earth's Oceans

The burning of fossil fuels since the beginning of the industrial revolution is causing acidification, a change in the chemical balance that threatens the oceans' web of life.

China’s Exports Perch on Uncertain Truck System
By DAVID BARBOZA 6 minutes ago
Trucking’s tenuous status in China was underscored by a strike of 2,000 truckers complaining about rising fuel costs and transportation fees.

Better Numbers

The job market is showing slow and steady improvement. Employment is on the upswing, but the hole is deep and the gains tenuous.

In Japan, an Odd Perch for Google: Looking Up at the Leader


  1. A rod or branch serving as a roost for a bird.
    1. An elevated place for resting or sitting.
    2. A position that is secure, advantageous, or prominent.
  2. A pole, stick, or rod.
  3. Chiefly British.
    1. A linear measure equal to 5.50 yards or 16.5 feet (5.03 meters); a rod.
    2. One square rod of land.
  4. A unit of cubic measure used in stonework, usually 16.5 feet by 1.0 foot by 1.5 feet, or 24.75 cubic feet (0.70 cubic meter).
  5. A frame on which cloth is laid for examination of quality.

  1. To alight or rest on a perch; roost: A raven perched high in the pine.
  2. To stand, sit, or rest on an elevated place or position.
  1. To place on or as if on a perch: The child perched the glass on the edge of the counter.
  2. To lay (cloth) on a perch in order to examine it.
[Middle English perche, from Old French, from Latin pertica, stick, pole.]

(tĕn'yū-əs) pronunciation
  1. Long and thin; slender: tenuous strands.
  2. Having a thin consistency; dilute.
  3. Having little substance; flimsy: a tenuous argument.
[Latin tenuis.]
1 ((文))ほっそりした;〈空気などが〉薄い, 希薄な.
2 〈考え・意見などが〉薄弱[浅薄]な;〈差異などが〉微妙な.
tenuously ten'u·ous·ly adv.
tenuousness ten'u·ous·ness n.


  • very weak or slight:the tenuous link between interest rates and investment
  • very slender or fine; insubstantial:a tenuous cloud



1 (鳥の)止まり木;(人・動物の)休む場所
take one's perch
2 ((略式))高い場所;高い[安定した]地位
the perch of fame
Come off your perch.
3 ((英))パーチ.
(1) 長さの単位;5.03m.
(2) 面積の単位;25.3m2.
(3) 石材の体積単位;0.7m3.
4 御者台, 運転席;(車の)連桿(れんかん).
5 《繊維》検反機.
hop [tip over, drop off] the perch
knock a person off his perch
(1) 〈人を〉負かす, やっつける.
(2) 〈人の〉高慢の鼻をへし折る.
━━[動](自)〈鳥が〉止まり木に止まる, (…に)休む;〈人が〉座る, 落ち着く;〈植物・建物などが〉位置を占める((on, upon ...)).
1 〈鳥を〉(止まり木などに)止まらせる;((主に受身))〈人・物を〉(高い所に)置く, のせる((on ...))
perch oneself on a chair
2 〈織った布を〉検反する.


Because you are fond of fairy tales, and have been ill, I have made you a story all for yourself—a new one that nobody has read before.

And the queerest thing about it is—that I heard it in Gloucestershire, and that it is true—at least about the tailor, the waistcoat, and the

"No more twist!"

The Tailor of Gloucester


fine strong silk thread used by tailors, etc

  1. 1Cひねって回転させること,ねじり,ひねり
    • give a twist to ...
    • …をひねる
  2. 2C(物・身体の)ねじり,ひねり,つねり;〔the ~〕(ダンスの)ツイスト
  3. 2aCひねってゆがんだ形,ねじった形のもの;((英))両端をひねった小袋(◇塩・砂糖などを入れて売る);らせん形[状];(野球などの)カーブ;U《物理学》ねじり,ねじれ,ねじれによる変形,トルク
    • cinnamon twist
    • シナモンツイスト(◇ねじりパン)
    • twist of lemon
    • レモンツイスト(◇カクテルなどの飾りつけ)
    • twist of smoke
    • 一筋のよじれた煙
  4. 3C歪曲,曲解;(気質・態度などの)奇妙な癖,ゆがみ,ひねくれ;((英略式))ぺてん
  5. 4C((米))ひとひねり,ひと工夫,新味
    • give a new twist
    • ひとひねり加える
  6. 5CU(糸状の物を)より合わせること,より;強いより糸[ひも];巻きつけたもの;((英))ツイスト(◇2種類の違う飲み物を混ぜ合わせたもの)

  1. 6C(人・川などが)くねくねと進むこと,蛇行,曲がりくねり,湾曲(部)
  2. 6aC(事態の)曲折,急変,意外な展開

twists and turns

intricate or convoluted dealings or circumstances:the twists and turns of her political career
