2024年4月14日 星期日

efficacious, effective, efficacy. A.I. Made These Movies Sharper. Critics Say It Ruined Them.

It's no immediate cure, but Pfizer's 90% vaccine efficacy in trials is encouraging news.
Two Johns Hopkins epidemiologists assess what this means and what remains unknown:

A HIV vaccine has shown 100% effectiveness in humans. It's now allowed to progress to the next stage of testing.
“You have my promise that all of us at Johnson & Johnson will not rest until we defeat HIV.”

"After the earthquake, which had destroyed three-quarters of Lisbon, the country's wise men had found no more efficacious means of preventing total ruin than to give the people a fine auto-da-fé."Candide, by Voltaire

Theorists have examined the value of repetition for hard sell versus soft sell messages to determine their relative efficacy. Frank Kardes and others have concluded that a soft sell with an inferred conclusion rather than an overt hard sell can often be more persuasive.

  • Informal. To be efficacious: Money talks.

  • ef·fi·ca·cious (ĕf'ĭ-kā'shəs) pronunciation


    Producing or capable of producing a desired effect. See synonyms at effective.
    having the power to produce a desired effect efficacious remedy>

    efficacious ways of rejuvenating the mind that I have ever discovered>
    [From Latin efficāx, efficāc-, from efficere, to effect. See effect.]
    efficaciously ef'fi·ca'cious·ly adv.
    efficaciousness ef'fi·ca'cious·ness n.


    noun \ˈe-fi-kə-sē\
    plural ef·fi·ca·cies

    Definition of EFFICACY

    : the power to produce an effect

    Examples of EFFICACY

    1. efficacy of the alarms in actually preventing auto theft;
    2. In the planner's view, Rumsfeld had two goals: to demonstrate the efficacy of precision bombing and to do the war on the cheap. —Seymour M. Hersh, New Yorker, 7 Apr. 2003
