2015年12月31日 星期四

retrenchment, follow (sth) through, follow-up

Building Businesses in Turbulent Times

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/6159.htmlAn economic crisis is a charter for business leaders to rewrite and rethink how they do business, says Harvard Business School professor Lynda M. Applegate. The key: Don't think retrenchment; think growth.

Motorola's Zander to Step
Down Jan. 1, to Be
Succeeded by Brown

Answering for nearly a year of disappointing results by Motorola Inc., Chief Executive Ed Zander stepped down in favor of President and Chief Operating Officer Greg Brown.

Mr. Zander's resignation closes a chapter of Motorola that was marked by the rapid rise of the company on the back of its hit phone Razr, followed by a similarly fast decline as Motorola failed to follow up on the success of the ultra-slim device. Those troubles prompted a departure of high-level executives, a sagging stock price, a bitter proxy battle and a retrenchment overseas.

SAN FRANCISCO — Microsoft said Friday that it was ending a project to scan millions of books and scholarly articles and make them available on the Web, a sign that it is retrenching in some areas of Internet search in the face of competition from Google, the industry leader.

follow (sth) through phrasal verb [M]
to do something as the next part of an activity or period of development:
The essay started interestingly, but failed to follow through (its argument).

Follow up「跟摧」,「進度管理」、「成果檢討」。
其實,施先生先另外一篇「Systematic Approach是實施工業工程成功的保證」中採用「成果檢討」,也相當好,甚至更好。
follow sth up phrasal verb(USALSO follow up onsth)to find out more about something, or take further action connected withit:
The idea sounded interesting and I decided to follow it up.He decided to follow up on his initial research and write a book.

follow-up noun[C]

This meeting is a follow-up to the one we had last month.
(fromCambridgeAdvanced Learner's Dictionary)
Siemens's CEO is hopeful a follow-up audit will reduce the financial scope of alleged fraud being investigated at the firm.
The Jamaican coroner, Patrick Murphy, will review the findings and issue a follow-up report on the cause of death, the police said.
Asked whether he would resign over the case, the deputy police commissioner, Mark Shields, a former Scotland Yard detective who led the homicide investigation, said he intended to serve out the remaining two years of his contract. Mr. Shields had been the public face of the inquiry and had once told reporters he was “100 percent certain” that Mr. Woolmer was murdered.
“Murder investigations are not like TV series, where everything is wrapped up in 45 minutes,” Mr. Shields told reporters. “All we could do was conduct a thorough investigation and not rush.”
しんちょく 進捗
~する (make good) progress; advance.
~中 in progress; under way.
進度管理follow-up 跟催
しんど 進度

~が遅れている be behind ((in)).

~表 a teaching schedule. ( or生產進度表 follow-up chart by hc)

retrench Show phonetics
verb ━━ v. 削除[短縮]する, 節約する.
1 [I] FORMAL If governments, companies, etc. retrench, they start spending less money, or reducing costs:
The company had to retrench because of falling orders.

2 [T] AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH to dismiss a worker from their job as a means of reducing costs

1 [I] FORMAL If governments, companies, etc. retrench, they start spending less money, or reducing costs:
The company had to retrench because of falling orders.

2 [T] AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH to dismiss a worker from their job as a means of reducing costs

1 [C or U] when a government, etc. spends less or reduces costs

2 [C] AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH when a worker is dismissed as a way of saving the cost of employing them:
The downturn in business has resulted in many retrenchments.

suddenness, when, orangutan, oeillade,

The paintings of Kelly, who died on Sunday, have the suddenness of miracles, and the improbability.

"I have writ me here a letter to her: and here another to Page's wife, who even now gave me good eyes too, examined my parts with most judicious oeillades; sometimes the beam of her view gilded my foot, sometimes my portly belly."

--Falstaff from "THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR" (1.3.49-53)

Budi the baby orangutan was rescued in December after being kept in a chicken cage for months. Now, he is slowly recovering at an animal rehab center in West Borneo:

WSJ Live
After being rescued from a chicken coop, Budi the baby orangutan is the cutest ape in rehab and rocks physical therapy: on.wsj.com/1CtBERP

The name "orangutan" (also written orang-utan, orang utan, orangutang, and ourang-outang) is derived from the Malay andIndonesian words orang meaning "person" and hutan meaning "forest",[2] thus "person of the forest".[3]
猩猩屬學名Pongo),也叫人猿紅猩猩紅毛猩猩靈長目人科的一屬,與猴子最大不同的地方就是沒有尾巴,能用手或腳拿東西。馬來語印尼語叫做Orang utan,意思是「森林中的人」。與人類十分相近,與人類基因相似度達96.4%。活動的習性通常不用聲音溝通,通常有好幾個個體會在同一個區域活動,但彼此不干擾,平均壽命大概40年,平均身高大概171—180公分




noun oeil·lade \ˌə(r)-ˈyäd, œ-\

Definition of OEILLADE

:  a glance of the eye; especially :  ogle

when Line breaks: when

Definition of when in English:


1At what time:when did you last see him?[WITH PREPOSITION]: since when have you been interested?
1.1How soon:when can I see you?
1.2In what circumstances:when would such a rule be justifiable?


Back to top  
At or on which (referring to a time or circumstance):Saturday is the day when I get my hair done


At or during the time that:loved maths when I was at school
1.1After:call me when you’ve finished
1.2At any time that; whenever:can you spare five minutes when it’s convenient?
After which; and just then (implying suddenness):he had just drifted off to sleep when the phone rang
3In view of the fact that; considering that:why bother to paint it when you can photograph it with the same effect?
4Although; whereas:I’m saying it now when I should have told you longago


Old English hwannehwenne; of Germanic origin; related to German wenn 'if', wann 'when'.


1. Happening without warning; unforeseen: sudden storm.
2. Happening or done without delay; hasty or immediate: sudden decision.
3. Characterized by sharp change in elevation; precipitous: sudden drop in the oceanfloor.
all of a sudden
Very quickly and unexpectedly; suddenly.

[Middle English sodainfrom Old French, from Vulgar Latin *subitānusfrom Latinsubitāneusfrom subitusfrom past participle of subīreto approach stealthily : sub-,secretlysee sub- + īreto gosee ei- in Indo-European roots.]

2015年12月30日 星期三

limen, mortal sin, beam forth, wells forth

"I could give you no advice but this: to go into yourself and to explore the depths where your life wells forth."
--from "Letters to a Young Poet" (1934) by Rainer Maria Rilke, who died on this day in 1926.

Failing to look after old folk is not just a bad habit, Pope Francis told an "audience" of 20,000 people in Rome, it is a "mortal sin." Many people, including those who admire the pope but don't much like Catholicism in general, will have a rather mixed response to his remarks this week. Nobody could deny that care for the elderly is an acute problem in Western societies, but is his use of the old-fashioned language of sin appropriate?http://econ.st/1aPMaKv

Honour thy father and mother

POPE FRANCIS made some remarks this week about a big contemporary problem—the neglect of older people by their children and younger relatives—that bore all his...

荷蘭 Drents Museum 的千年佛像,原來是一具僧人木乃伊做成的漆器+金箔塑身!

Arch2O.com 新增了 2 張新相片
A recent CT scan carried out by the Netherlands-based Drents Museum at the Meander Medical Centre of this 1,000-year-old Buddha revealed the remains of a mummified monk inside!
Photos via (MMC / Jan van Esch)

mortal remains of Manet


Pronunciation: /ˈmɔːt(ə)l/

Definition of mortal in English:


1(Of a living human being, often in contrast to a divinebeing) subject to death:all men are mortal
1.1Relating to humans as subject to death:the coffin held the mortal remains of her uncle
2Causing or liable to cause deathfatal:a mortal diseasefigurative the scandal appeared to have struck a mortal blow to the government
2.1(Of a battlefought to the death:the screams of men in mortal combat
2.2(Of an enemy or a state of hostilityadmitting orallowing no reconciliation until death:a mortal foe
2.3(Of a feeling, especially fearvery intense:parents live in mortal fear of children’s diseases
3informal Conceivable or imaginable:he knew every mortal thing you did
3.1Very great:he was in a mortal hurry
3.2dated Long and tedious:for three mortal days it rained
4Christian Theology Denoting a grave sin that isregarded as depriving the soul of divine grace: Often contrasted with venial.mortal sin :大罪;死罪:指與天主嚴重對抗、分裂的行為。按神學家意見,形成大罪有三條件為:在「重大」事件上,「明知」、「故犯」天主的誡命。she had committed a mortal sin


human being subject to deathas opposed to adivine being:capacities only possible of God rather than mortals
humorous A person contrasted with othersregarded as being of higher status or ability:an ambassador had to live in a style which was notexpected of lesser mortals


Late Middle English: from Old French, or from Latinmortalis, from morsmort- 'death'.
  1. Liable or subject to death.
  2. Of or relating to humankind; human: the mortal limits of understanding.
  3. Of, relating to, or accompanying death: mortal throes.
  4. Causing death; fatal: a mortal wound. See synonyms at fatal.
  5. Fighting or fought to the death; unrelenting: a mortal enemy; a mortal attack.
  6. Of great intensity or severity; dire: mortal terror.
  7. Conceivable: no mortal reason for us to go.
  8. Used as 

  9. limen (LY-muhn)

    noun: A threshold of response: point at which a stimulus is of sufficient intensity to generate a response.

    From Latin limen (threshold).

    "Such to the dead might appear the world of living -- charged with information, with meaning, yet somehow always just, terribly, beyond that fateful limen where any lamp of comprehension might beam forth." — Thomas Pynchon; Against the Day; Penguin Press; 2006.
    〔láimn | -men〕
    [名](複〜s, lim・i・na 〔límn〕)《心理学》閾(いき). ⇒THRESHOLD 3
    an intensive: a mortal fool.
A human.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin mortālis, from mors, mort-, death.]
mortally mor'tal·ly adv.

remainsLine breaks: re¦mains
Pronunciation: /rɪˈmeɪnz/

Definition of remains in English:


1The parts left over after other parts have beenremoved, used, or destroyed:the remains of a sandwich lunch were on the table
1.2A person’s body after death:he left instructions regarding the disposal of his remains


late Middle English (occasionally treated as singular): from Old French remain, from remaindre, from an informal form of Latin remanere (see remain).


1 (骨組み・支柱などに用いる)長い角材, 石材, 金属材;《建築・工学》梁(はり), 桁(けた).
2 《海事》ビーム, 甲板梁(りょう);錨幹(びょうかん);[U](船体の)最大幅, 船幅
on the beam
abaftbeforethe beam
on the portthe starboard] beam
3 《航空》ビーム:航空機の真横方向.
4 最も広い部分;((俗))(人の)腰幅, 尻幅(しりはば)
broad in the beam
5 《機械》
(1) 動ばり, 動げた.
(2) (織機の経(たて)糸を巻く)緒巻(おまき);(布を巻く)千巻(ちまき).
(3) (機関の)レバー.
6 (すきの)柄;(てんびんの)さお
a beam and scales
7 光線. ▼rayより幅が広い
a beam of light
8 ((比喩))(表情をよぎる)輝き, ほほえみ;(希望などの)光((of ...))
with a beam of hope
9 ビーム, 方向指示電波
onoffthe beam
flyridethe beam
10 (電子の)ビーム;(マイクロホン・スピーカーの)有効可聴範囲.
11 (シカの角の)本幹.
12 (体操の)平均台.
a beam in one's eye
off (the) beam
(1) ⇒[名]9
(2) ((略式))〈人・考えが〉間違って, 見当はずれで(mistaken).
on the beam
(1) ⇒[名]2, 9
(2) ((略式))〈人が〉りっぱにやって;〈人・考えが〉正しく[しい], 間違いなく[ない].
1 〈光・熱を〉発する, 放つ(emit)((forth, out))
beam forth rays of light
2 〈喜びなどで〉顔を輝かせる
beam one's pleasure
3 〈信号電波を〉発する;〈番組を〉(…に)送る((out/to, at ...))
a program beamed (out) to the West Coast
4 (SFで)…をテレポートで移動させる((down, up)).
1 光[熱]を発する, 輝く.
2 〈人・顔が〉(…で)輝く((with ...));〈人が〉(…に)にっこりする((at, on, upon ...))
beam with joy
beam aton, upon] a person
3 (SFで)テレポートで移動する((down, up)).
[古英語bēam(木→柱→光線). 木は火の柱であり, したがって光の柱であるという初期の思想による]