2020年4月2日 星期四

fool, publisher, April, April Fool, April Fool’s Day/April Fools' Day

The star known as Jaejoong of the K-pop group JYJ pretended to have the virus in a misfired attempt at an April Fool’s Day joke.

Thank you for your attention, and for helping us with this project.

Christine Leamon
MIT Sloan Management Review

email: smr@
web: http://www.sloanreview.mit.edu
Motley Fool - USAIf Yahoo! ever wants to take on Google (Nasdaq: GOOG), it is going to have to become more attractive for publishers and website developers to turn to Yahoo! ...
這 publisher 也包括網路上的發表者.....
Meaning #1: a firm in the publishing business
Meaning #2: a person engaged in publishing periodicals or books or music
Meaning #3: the proprietor of a newspaper


日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 発表者, 出版者, 発行者, 出版社, 新聞社主
━━ n. 出版(業)者; 発表者; 〔米〕 新聞社主.
Publishers Weekly パブリッシャーズ・ウィークリー ((米国の新刊紹介週刊誌)).

fool 丑角
Court Jesters
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"Better a witty fool than a foolish wit." So says Feste in William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Shakespeare indeed suffered fools gladly: he wrote of fools, populated his plays with them, and gave them some of his best lines. Consider: "Lord what fools these mortals be." That line comes from A Midsummer's Night's Dream, with the mischievous fairy Puck blaming the mortal lovers for actions that were actually brought on by his own mistake. In Shakespeare's As You Like It, Jacques cries, "A fool, A fool! I met a fool i' the forest, A motley fool" — the term motley referring to the multicolored dress of the jesters at that time. And, in The Merchant of Venice, the play's jester, Gratiano, defends himself with this sentiment, "Let me play the fool, With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come." Today is April Fool's Day.
"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool." — William ShakespeareAs You Like It
別上當了,今天是愚人節!雖然愚人節不是官方節日,但是在美國每到4月1日,朋友間經常會互相捉弄,然後再說聲「April Fools」來表示只是開個愚人節玩笑。美國常見的愚人節惡作劇包括叫別人去做「傻瓜任務」,找一些根本不存在的東西;爸媽可能會在小孩的鞋子裡塞報紙,讓他們以為鞋子太小了,或是在早餐的時候端上晚餐才會吃的食物,或是用膠水讓牙膏打不開。除了惡作劇以外,電視、廣播、報紙、網站可能都會有一些精心設計的整人環節或愚人節玩笑,有些大公司也玩得很瘋。報章雜誌還會報導假新聞,然後在隔天澄清,或是在文章下方加一些小字說明。你曾在愚人節做過什麼樣的惡作劇?歡迎跟我們分享。#aprilfoolsday
Do you know that AIT will start to host a dance party every Friday night?! Just kidding - today is April Fools’ Day! In the United States this is not an official holiday, but a day when many friends play tricks and then say “April Fools!” to show that they are just kidding. Americans celebrate by playing pranks, sending someone on a “fool’s errand” to look for something that doesn’t exist. Parents might put newspaper in the slippers of children so they think their shoes are too small, or serve dinner foods for breakfast, or glue the top on the toothpaste. In addition to people playing pranks on one another on April Fools' Day, elaborate practical jokes have appeared on radio and TV stations, newspapers, web sites, and have been performed by large corporations. Some newspapers and magazines report false stories and then explain the next day, or in a small font below the story. What practical jokes have you played on someone for April Fool’s Day?

April FoollDefinition of April Fool in English:


1A person who is the victim of a trick or hoax on April Fool’s Day.
1.1trick or hoax on April Fool’s Day:they were taken in by our April Fool
‪#‎AprilFools‬! April actually derives from the Latin word aperire, meaning 'to open' (i.e. spring) http://ow.ly/L4q7l
