2020年4月11日 星期六

lighten, mushroom, Borne out, cut loose, enlightened, lessen

News that he is improving, if it comes, will lighten the public mood just as news of his illness has darkened it. Britons are praying that it comes quickly


Boris Johnson’s illness has darkened Britain’s mood
The illness of man who once divided the nation has united it

Mushrooms have been fantastic subjects for illustration. This comes from a wonderful exhibition on right now in London.Fascinating fungi feature in a new exhibition celebrates their hold on artists


The magic of mushrooms in arts – in pictures

"The blithe assumption that everyone will be able to work for as long as the national finances require – that nobody will get ill, that it’s as easy for someone made redundant at 62 to find another job as it is for someone half that age, that technological change won’t sweep away entire careers from under our feet – simply isn’t borne out by the facts."

The Enlightened Rich Want to Be Taxed

Some of the world's wealthiest people recognize that the burden of the economic downturn cannot be borne entirely by the poor and middle class.



An Oyster in the Storm

How a little bivalve could have lessened the hurricane's blows.

"Cutting the deficit by gutting our investments in innovation and education is like lightening an overloaded airplane by removing its engine."

mushroom, cut loose

Job cutbacks continue to mushroom at IT vendors
Computerworld - Framingham,MA,USAAnd then there's IBM. Without announcing any layoffs, it has let more than 4600 workers go over the past two weeks, according to the Alliance@IBM labor ...


Saab, the Swedish maker of road-hugging sports cars and sedans, filed for bankruptcy on Friday as it was cut loose by General Motors as part of the American company's sweeping restructuring plan.

Borne out means proven. Both words are past participles of bear but born is only used when the meaning is give birth.Mar 18, 2009

to behave in an uncontrolled, wild way

cut loose 切割

cut loose US

noun [C]
a fungus with a round top and short stem. Some types of mushroom can be eaten:
wild/cultivated mushrooms
button (= very small) mushrooms
dried/grilled/stuffed/sliced mushrooms
cream of mushroom soup
For this recipe choose mushrooms with large caps (= top parts).
Unfortunately some poisonous mushrooms look like edible mushrooms.
Compare toadstool.

verb [I]
to increase very quickly:
The number of computers in schools has mushroomed in recent years.

  1. Any of various fleshy fungi of the class Basidiomycota, characteristically having an umbrella-shaped cap borne on a stalk, especially any of the edible kinds, as those of the genus Agaricus.
  2. Something shaped like one of these fungi.
  1. To multiply, grow, or expand rapidly: The population mushroomed in the postwar decades.
  2. To swell or spread out into a shape similar to a mushroom.
  1. Relating to, consisting of, or containing mushrooms: mushroom sauce.
  2. Resembling mushrooms in rapidity of growth or evanescence: mushroom towns.
[Alteration (influenced by ROOM) of Middle English musheron, from Anglo-Norman moscheron, musherum, from Old French mousseron, from Medieval Latin musariō, m


(līt'n) pronunciation

v., -ened, -en·ing, -ens. v.tr.
    1. To make light or lighter; illuminate or brighten.
    2. To make (a color) lighter.
  1. Archaic. To enlighten.
  1. To become lighter; brighten.
  2. To be luminous; shine.
  3. To give off flashes of lightning.

light·en  2 (līt'n) pronunciation

v., -ened, -en·ing, -ens. v.tr.
  1. To make less heavy.
  2. To lessen the oppressiveness, trouble, or severity of. See synonyms at relieve.
  3. To relieve of cares or worries; gladden.
  1. To become less in weight.
  2. To become less oppressive, troublesome, or severe.
  3. To become cheerful.
phrasal verb:
lighten up Informal.
  1. To take matters less seriously: Everything will work out fine, so stop worrying and lighten up.

(ĕn-līt'n) pronunciation
tr.v., -ened, -en·ing, -ens.
  1. To give spiritual or intellectual insight to: "Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppression of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day" (Thomas Jefferson).
  2. To give information to; inform or instruct.
enlightener en·light'en·er n.



[動](自)少なくなる, 小さくなる, 減る

Suicides have lessened during the last several years.


━━(他)…を少なくする, 小さくする, 減らす

lessen international tension

