2020年4月30日 星期四

three-cornered loaf / hat, bicorne or bicorn (two-cornered/horned or twihorn)

This three-cornered loaf was probably baked over 3,000 years ago in Egypt. Bread was a staple food for ancient Egyptians, made in all kinds of different shapes. It was usually made from wheat, but a variety of other ingredients could be added too. Food was an essential item in tombs as it was thought to help sustain the deceased in the Afterlife http://ow.ly/9Mjc30qA4J7
In this blog, new Trustee Mary Beard reveals ……

The bicorne or bicorn (two-cornered/horned or twihorn) is a historical form of hat widely adopted in the 1790s as an item of uniform by European and American military and naval officers. Most generals and staff officers of the Napoleonic period wore bicornes, and it survived as a widely worn full-dress headdress until at least 1914.
Left: Napoléon Bonaparte in his characteristic bicorne hat; Right: Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz wearing a bicorne
knock into a cocked hat
Debunk, render useless or unbelievable. For example, His findings knocked our theory into a cocked hat. This expression alludes to a style of hat with the brim turned up on three sides--the three-cornered (tricorne) hat worn by officers in the American Revolution--giving it a distorted look. [Early 1800s]
