I always enjoy chatting with
Trevor Noah
, even though we had to sit a little bit further apart than usual this time.
Trevor and
Bill Gates
discuss coronavirus and what can be done to get the world back to normal.While some commentators were quick to praise Maria Sharapova for her forthrightness, her explanation was quickly picked apart.
accidentally dialing a cell phone thats in your pocket and the resulting broadcasting of a conversation to the last person dialed
We heard all the personal details of his blind date after he butt dialed the apartment landline.
by Roger Johansen February 12, 2009
中共利用" 尋釁滋事"罪條大舉鎮壓網路 picking quarrels and provoking trouble
WORLD | MEMO FROM CHINAChina Uses 'Picking Quarrels' Charge to Cast a Wider Net OnlineBy EDWARD WONG
In its growing Internet crackdown, Beijing has turned to an old ban on "picking quarrels and provoking trouble," once limited to physical acts like handing out fliers.
Moving to Basel, Foxe worked with his fellow countrymen John Bale and Lawrence Humphrey at the drudgery of proofreading. (Educated Englishmen were noted for their learning, industry, and honesty and "would also be the last persons to quarrel with their bread and butter." No knowledge of German or French was required because the English tended to socialize with each other and could communicate with scholars in Latin.)[24] Foxe also completed and had printed a religious drama, Christus Triumphans (1556), in Latin verse. Yet despite receiving occasional financial contributions from English merchants on the continent, Foxe seems to have lived very close to the margin and been "wretchedly poor."[25]
Dorothy's Grasmere Journal begins on 14 May 1800:
I resolved to write a journal of the time till W & J return, & I set about keeping my resolve because I will not quarrel with myself, & because I shall give Wm Pleasure by it when he comes home again.
Don't quarrel with your bread and butter. 勿自砸飯碗。
pick someone or something apart
- 発音記号[kwɔ'ːrəl | kwɔ'r-]
1 (…との)けんか, 口論;仲たがい, 反目, 不和((with, between ...)). ▼「口論」について用い, 腕力によるけんかはfight
pick [seek] a quarrel with a person
patch up one's quarrel with ...
take up a person's quarrel
2 (…に対する)けんか[口論, 不平, 敵愾(てきがい)心]の原因[もと, 種]((with, against ...))
I have no quarrel with my present secretary [job].
━━[動](〜ed, 〜・ing;((英))〜led, 〜・ling)(自)
1 [I([副])](人と)(…のことで)けんかする, 口論する, 言い争う((with ...;about, over, for ...)). ⇒ARGUE[類語]
quarrel over which TV program to turn on
2 [quarrel with A]〈A(物・事)のことで〉小言[不平, 苦情, 文句]を言う, 〈Aを〉とがめる
One can't quarrel with destiny.
quar・rel・er, ((英))・ler