2020年4月20日 星期一

'sat on' , have a field day, hung out to dry

Vietnam's textile industry, once a driver of the nation's rapid economic growth, is faltering as orders from big apparent companies disappear.

Vietnam garment makers hung out to dry as global orders vanish



英國此次選舉結果為保守黨得票率 42%、工黨 40%。⋯⋯

英國大選結果的「白話文」分析──沒有人贏的選舉,後脫歐時代的選擇 | 讀者太太/英國職場放大鏡 | 換日線 Crossing



He joked that he shouldn't have stayed up so late watching baseball.

McCain Says His Questions for Comey Were Confusing Because He Was Tired
The Internet had a field day with his comments.

Theresa May aide'sat on' report warning tower blocks were vulnerable to fire

A coroner's report into a previous fire recommended a review of building regulations four years ago. Successive ministers said they were "still looking…

Used other than as an idiom: see hang,‎ out,‎ dry. (transitive, idiomatic) To abandon someone who is in need or in danger, especially a colleague or one dependent. [

sit on

phrasal verb of sit
  1. 1.
    fail to deal with.

    "she sat on the article until a deadline galvanized her into putting words to paper"
  2. 2.
    subdue (someone), typically by saying something intended to discomfit or embarrass them.

    "someone should have sat on him when he was young"

hang out to dry - Wiktionary


Urban Dictionary: hung out to dry


When you've been left alone to face a situation - especially a dangerous or unpleasant situation - the people who just abandoned you have hung you out to dry.

hang sb out to dry

to allow someone to be punished, criticized, or made to suffer in a way that is unfair, without trying to help them:
They felt they had been hung out to dry by their employers.
He said, "We will not let the media hang this man out to dry."

have a field day

to take advantage of an opportunity to do something you enjoy:

The newspapers had a field day when the wedding was announced (= they wrote a lot about it and printed many photographs of it).
