2024年11月15日 星期五

(in)appropriate, demolition, coddle. The animals have become pampered family members in South Korea, which has the world’s lowest birthrate

漫畫來源: Ted Goff

Douglass, born into slavery, saw ancient Egypt as a self-evidently African civilization. Its pyramids and parchments were therefore a legacy for Black Americans to claim. To say otherwise, he wrote to his son, was to give up “the moral support of Ancient Greatness and to appropriate the same to the white race.”

One of the World’s Loneliest Countries Finds Companionship in Dogs

The animals have become pampered family members in South Korea, which has the world’s lowest birthrate and where much of the population lives alone.

“To witness is to make the truth known, but we must remember that most victims have no voice of their own, and that in bearing witness to their stories we must not appropriate them.”
―from WAR TRASH (2004) by Ha Jin

Ha Jin’s masterful new novel casts a searchlight into a forgotten corner of modern history, the experience of Chinese soldiers held in U.S. POW camps during the Korean War. In 1951 Yu Yuan, a scholarly and self-effacing clerical officer in Mao’s “volunteer” army, is taken prisoner south of the 38th Parallel. Because he speaks English, he soon becomes an intermediary between his compatriots and their American captors.With Yuan as guide, we are ushered into the secret world behind the barbed wire, a world where kindness alternates with blinding cruelty and one has infinitely more to fear from one’s fellow prisoners than from the guards. Vivid in its historical detail, profound in its imaginative empathy, War Trash is Ha Jin’s most ambitious book to date. READ an excerpt here: http://bit.ly/339DLN1

The French government appropriated all church property in 1907 - including the cost of maintaining them. Increasing numbers of local authorities cannot or will not renovate their churches, with some facing demolition.


 (kŏd'l) pronunciation
tr.v., -dled, -dling, -dles.
  1. To cook in water just below the boiling point: coddle eggs.
  2. To treat indulgently; baby. See synonyms at pamper.
[Possibly alteration of CAUDLE.]
coddler cod'dler n.

1 〈人・動物を〉やさしく扱う, 大事に世話する;〈子供を〉甘やかして育てる(mollycoddle).
2 …をとろ火で煮る.


[形] 〔próuprit〕 (…に)適した, ふさわしい, 妥当な((to, for ...))
an appropriate comment
a speech appropriate toforthe occasion
The dishes are appropriate for a wedding gift.
It is appropriate that he (should) arrive tomorrow.
━━[動] 〔próuprièit〕 (他)[III[名]([副])]
1 〈物・金を〉(特定の目的に)当てる, 充当する, 使用する((to, for, as ...))
appropriate the extra income to the payment of the debt
The piece of land was appropriated for a car park.
2 〈議会が〉…の支出を(特定の目的のために)認める;〈政府が〉〈予算を〉(特定の目的のために)計上する((for ...))
Congress appropriated money for the program.
3 …を私物化する;着服する, 横領する;盗用する;〈土地を〉収用する
appropriate another person's umbrella
He appropriated the trust funds for himself.
[ラテン語appropriatus(ap-に+proprius自身+-ATE1=自身のものとする). △PROPER


  • 発音記号[dèməlíʃən]
  • [名]
1 [U]破壊, 取り壊し, 粉砕, 打破;破壊状態;廃止
a demolition team
2 爆破;((〜s))(特に戦争で使われる)爆薬.
