The locals have an independent character. Many live in weather-beaten cottages and drive junker cars that don’t require a state inspection sticker if kept on-island. Since the 1880s, Peaks Islanders have mounted six unsuccessful campaigns to secede from Portland, which is three miles away and governs the island.
- 発音記号[prèzbətíəriən]
[名][U]長老制;長老教会の教理.A handful of separatists made it to the Netherlands and the town of Leiden, where the American Pilgrim Museum preserves their memory.
左牆,切斯特·希金斯,“非裔美國朝聖者跳舞以紀念古老的精神。埃及納賽爾湖”,2006 / 2024。右牆上,展覽包括受埃及神話啟發的現代服飾,包括土耳其氈帽、手套和Baaba Heru Ankh Ra Semahj Se Ptah 的《愛的十字章》,1975 年。
: a cross having a loop for its upper vertical arm and serving especially in ancient Egypt as an emblem of life
Illustration of ankh
(sĕp'ər-ə-tĭst, sĕp'rə-, sĕp'ə-rā'-)
- One who secedes or advocates separation, especially from an established church; a sectarian or separationist.
- One who advocates disjunction of a group from a larger group or political unit: Basque separatists.
- One who advocates cultural, ethnic, or racial separation.
separatist sep'a·ra·tist adj.
separatistic sep'a·ra·tis'tic adj.
pre·fer·ment (prĭ-fûr'mənt)
- The act of advancing to a higher position or office; promotion.
- A position, appointment, or rank giving advancement, as of profit or prestige.
- The act of preferring or the state of being preferred.