2024年11月6日 星期三

deny, denial, self-denial, be down to, back down, antinomian. After Trump Took the Lead, Election Deniers Went Suddenly Silent

Since the second world war America’s economy has done better under Democratic presidents, who have overseen more job creation and higher stockmarket returns than Republican leaders. But is this down to luck or judgement? http://econ.st/1D9JxzO

Many New York City Teachers Denied Tenure in Policy Shift

The education reform movement, slow economies and federal grant competitions have led lawmakers to tighten the requirements for earning and keeping tenure.

Cartoonist: Apple Backs Down After Denying iPhone App
The cartoonist who won the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning this week says Apple has asked him to resubmit an iPhone app that it earlier rejected because it "ridicules public figures."

Why Are French Women Killing Their Babies?

By Bruce Crumley / Paris
As Dominique Cottrez is arrested for killing her newborn babies, France struggles to understand pregnancy denial, the condition experts say drives some women to commit the awful crime

be down to - Oxford Dictionaries


1.1Be the responsibility of (a particular person): it's down to you to make sure the ... 2Be left with only (the specified amount): I'm down to my last few pounds.

  1. To declare untrue; contradict.
  2. To refuse to believe; reject.
  3. To refuse to recognize or acknowledge; disavow.
    1. To decline to grant or allow; refuse: deny the student's request; denied the prisoner food or water.
    2. To give a refusal to; turn down or away: The protesters were determined not to be denied.
    3. To restrain (oneself) especially from indulgence in pleasures.
[Middle English denien, from Old French denier, from Latin dēnegāre : dē-, de- + negāre, to say no.]

SYNONYMS deny, contradict, contravene, disaffirm, gainsay, negate, traverse. These verbs mean to refuse to admit the existence, truth, or value of: denied the rumor; contradicted the statement; contravene a conclusion; disaffirm a suggestion; trying to gainsay the evidence; negated the allegations; traverse an indictment.
ANTONYM affirm


  1. A refusal to comply with or satisfy a request.
    1. A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction.
    2. Law. The opposing by a defendant of an allegation of the plaintiff.
    1. A refusal to accept or believe something, such as a doctrine or belief.
    2. Psychology. An unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings.
  2. The act of disowning or disavowing; repudiation.
  3. Abstinence; self-denial.
[From DENY.]
1 (…の)否定((of ..., that節))
make [give] a denial of
in denial
Despite his denial that he robbed the bank, he was found guilty.
2 (権利の主張などに対する)拒否, (要求を)拒絶すること((of ...))
give [get] a flat denial of [to] a request
take no denial
3 《心理学》否定, 否認:外傷となる現実を認めないことによる防衛機制.
4 (教義・学説などを)信ずることの拒否;(事物の存在の)否定;承認拒否, 否認((of ...))
Peter's denial of Christ
5 《法律》否認
a general denial
6 [U]克己;自制, 節制
denial of oneself
denial of one's appetites

  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[dinái]

[動](-nied, 〜・ing)(他)
(1)III[名]/that節/doing]…を否定[否認]する, 打ち消す, 真実でないと言う(⇔affirm);…と関係がないと言う, に責任がないと言う
deny a charge
deny one's signature [=deny that a signature is one's own
He denied ever having met her. [=He denied that he had ever met her. ]
I deny that he offered her any chocolate.
(2)V[名]to be]…を(…でない)と言う
deny the rumor to be true
2 [deny (B) A/deny A (to B)]〈A(物・事)を(B(人)に)〉与えない, 使わせない;〈(Bに)Aが存在することを〉否定する(▼受動態はB is denied A. /A is denied (to) B. (Bが代名詞のときはtoの省略可)の両方が可能)
He denies his son nothing. [=He denies nothing to his son. ]
We were denied admittance.
Hope was denied (to) her.
3 …を承知しない, に賛成しない, 応じない
deny a request
deny oneself
(1) 欲望[楽しみ]を抑える[自制する, 我慢する].
(2) (訪問客に)面会を断る((to ...)).
[古フランス語←ラテン語dēnegāre(dē-完全に+negāre否定する). △NEGATE

back down


to back down (phrasal verb)
  1. (idiomatic) To take a less aggressive position in a conflict than one previously has or has planned to.
    I was about to sue them, but I had to back down.
    I was going to sue them, but now I'm going to have to back down.

[edit] Related terms

[edit] See also

  • an·ti·no·mi·an (ăn'tĭ-nō'mē-ən) pronunciation

    An adherent of antinomianism.
    日本語 (Japanese)
    n. - 無律法主義者
    adj. - 無律法主義の, 道徳律廃棄論の
  • Of or relating to the doctrine of antinomianism.
  • Opposed to or denying the fixed meaning or universal applicability of moral law: "By raising segregation and racial persecution to the ethical level of law, it puts into practice the antinomian rules of Orwell's world. Evil becomes good, inhumanity is interpreted as charity, egoism as compassion" (Elie Wiesel).
[From Medieval Latin Antinomī, antinomians, pl. of antinomus, opposed to the moral law : Greek anti-, anti- + Greek nomos, law.]
