2020年9月12日 星期六

pesky, on the lam, run to ground, pay gap

Women make up 40% of the global workforce for clerical jobs but only 17% of executive roles

On average women earn 18% less than men

Pesky immigrants. They move to Britain, taking jobs, scrounging welfare benefits, straining health services, overrunning local schools and occupying state-subsidised housing. That, at least, is the story recounted by politicians from UKIP and, increasingly, by members of the Conservative Party. A new study by two economists tells a very different tale http://econ.st/1uFPT5u

Think of how Wi-Fi has made computing so much more convenient. It has untethered users from pesky cable connections to the internet, allowing them to wander around the home or office with laptop or tablet in hand, surfing the web, making free phone calls, sending files wirelessly to printers, video to tele­vision sets, and many more things. But what if Wi-Fi radio beams travelled not just a few hundred feet but stretched for several miles—and were unimpeded by trees, terrain and walls so that they could penetrate all the nooks and crannies within buildings? That is the promise of “white-space” wireless.

Gaddafi's Final Run: The End of the Colonel's Long, Weird Ride

By Vivienne Walt
After being forced out of his fortified bunker and into a life on the lam, Libya's dicator is finally run to ground. A look back at his wild career

The Chinese Communist Party has a mixed record dealing with nature. During the Great Leap Forward in the late-1950s, Mao ordered the Chinese to kill all the pesky sparrows that were eating the grain. They were quite successful, frightening the sparrows off by banging pots and pans, destroying their nests and breaking their eggs. Unfortunately, that opened the door to the locusts.

pesky problem of ontology, concurrent, self-described,  bibliophiles

Those pesky e-readers have inspired a concurrent desire to protect and revere the tangible book. The Grolier Club in New York is helping to lead the way. Established in 1884, this self-described society for bibliophiles is the oldest of its kind in America.

ontology (on-TOL-uh-jee)

noun: The philosophical study of existence and the nature of being.

From Greek onto- (being) + -logy (study). First recorded use: 1663.

In the context of computer and information sciences, ontology is the formal representation of knowledge in a domain, for example, by defining classes, their attributes, and relationships.


"But there's still that pesky problem of ontology. 'He does exist and he doesn't really exist. What does that mean?'" — Christy Corp-Minamiji; Interview: Wandering Through Time with Award Winning Author Charles Yu; Seattle Post-Intelligencer; Nov 15, 2010.

run to earth
Also, run to ground. Track down, find, as in Somehow we have to run those relatives of hers to earth, or It won't be easy, but I'm sure we can run that jewelry to ground. This expression comes from hunting, where hounds run their quarry to the earth or ground, that is, to their lair. Its figurative use dates from the mid-1800s.(1) 〈キツネなどが〉穴に逃げ込む.
(2) ((英))(警察などから)身を隠す.


  • 発音記号[lǽm]

((米略式))[名]いちもくさんに逃げること, 逃走
on the lam
take it on the lam
━━[動](〜med, 〜・ming)(自)すばやく逃げ出す, 逃走する.
on the lam
escapingespecially from the police:
The robbers were on the lam for several days before they were caught.

adjective [before noun] INFORMAL
annoying or causing trouble:
Those pesky kids from next door have let down my car tyres again!
