2022年3月19日 星期六

gash, A murmuration of starlings, inscription, Hogmanay, colophon

A spectacular starling murmuration gave onlookers at Cosmeston Lakes in the Vale of Glamorgan an unforgettable sight.
Video © Cat Peters


Officials in Meridian, Mississippi, are trying to determine what caused a massive gash -- longer than a football field -- to tear through an IHOP parking lot, swallowing more than a dozen cars in the mud below.

Parking Lot Collapses, Swallowing More Than a Dozen Cars


Sheryl Sandberg's husband Dave Goldberg died after falling off a treadmill

He was discovered by his brother with a gash in his head
American actor Harrison Ford was reportedly piloting this single-engine plane that crashed onto a golf course near the Santa Monica Municipal Airport.
The news was first reported by TMZ and then confirmed by other US media. TMZ said Ford suffered "multiple gashes to his head" and was taken to hospital.

[ARTWORK OF THE WEEK] The torso shown here is a partial reworking of The Age of Bronze. The tear in the fabric to the side of the forehead reveals a gash, the trace of a wound incurred by this vanquished warrior.

A Shi'ite Muslim has his child gashed with a knife during a Muharram procession ahead of Ashoura in Mumbai. Ashoura commemorates the death of Imam Hussein, grandson of Prophet Mohammad. A look back at the week around the world, through our Editor's Choice photos:http://reut.rs/1so1obh
(Photo credit: REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui)

A murmuration of starlings puts on a display near the town of Gretna, Scotland, on Thursday. The birds visit the area twice a year.
This week's best photos: http://wapo.st/1yn3nQI

"The starlings dance before sunset, but not every day, and the exact time can vary with the weather." Capturing starling pictures by AFP photographer Menahem Kahana: http://u.afp.com/KAS

Shakespeare s sole reference to the starling (八哥) appears in King Henry IV, part 1 (Act 1, scene 3): Nay, I ll have a starling shall be taught to speak nothing but Mortimer.  [1] 哼!我要養一隻能言的 starling ,僅僅教會它說 Mortimer.

In captivity, Starlings will learn to imitate all types of sounds and speech [1] earning them the nickname "Poor-man's Myna".

讀點 Wikipedia了解它長得怎樣
這期New York Times Sunday Magazine 有一篇報導羅馬的starlings成群...

莫札特 的 A Musical Joke 引的就是 starling

Scots "Hogmanay" For Days to Mark the New Year

New Year’s is a huge deal in Scotland. Out with the old and in with the new is a multi-day celebration known as Hogmanay.

Auld Lang Syne is sung at New Year’s throughout much of the Western World. Yet most people are unsure of exactly what it means, likely because it was written in Scots by Scottish Poet Robert Burns.
So, it shouldn’t be too surprising that the Scots celebrate New Year's Eve for nearly a week. But do cityfolk and country cousins ring in the year the same way?
Report: Jodi Breisler

noun [C]
words that are written or cut in something:
The inscription read 'To darling Molly. Christmas 1904.'
The inscriptions on the gravestones were worn away.

━━ n. 刻印; 刻みつけられたもの; 題銘, 碑文; (本の)献呈の辞; 記入, 登録; 〔英〕 (株式などの)登録; 〔英〕 (pl.) 登録株式[公債]



col·o·phon ( kŏl'ə-fŏn', -fənpronunciation
  1. An inscription placed usually at the end of a book, giving facts about its publication.
  2. A publisher's emblem or trademark placed usually on the title page of a book.
[Late Latin colophōn, from Greek kolophōn, summit, finishing touch.]


  1. 書籍末頁的出版社商標
  2. 版權頁標記

━━ n. 奥付け; 出版社のマーク.

One of the most treasured items in my personal library is a tiny volume of "little poems" entitled 憶 which 俞平伯 dedicated to his sister. The volume, the preface of which is dated in March 1922, was published in December 1925. It carries a colophone (sic) by 朱自清 and highly congenial woodcut illustrations by豐子愷.

-- A little talk on little poems (小詩小語 ) by N. G. D. Malmqvist (馬悅然) 收入"慶祝王元化教授八十歲論文集" 上海:華東師範大學出版社 2001 pp.428-29
The cuneiform inscription in the logo is the earliest-known written
appearance of the word "freedom" (amagi), or "liberty." It is taken
from a clay document written about 2300 B.C. in the Sumerian
city-state of Lagash.
ImageAma-gi is an ancient Sumerian word thought to mean "freedom". It is believed to be the first instance of humans using writing to represent that concept.


n. Scots.
  1. The eve of New Year's Day, on which children traditionally go from house to house asking for presents.
  2. A present requested or given on this day.
[Origin unknown.]


Line breaks: mur¦mur|ation   Definition of murmuration in English:


1[MASS NOUN] The action of murmuring:the murmuration of a flock of warblers
rare flock of starlings.
紫翅椋鳥 Sturnus vulgaris
紫翅椋鳥 Sturnus vulgaris


Line breaks: gash
1A long, deep cut or wound:bad gash in one leg became infected
1.1 cleft made as if by a slashing cut:
the blast ripped a 25-foot gash in the hull
vulgar slang woman’s vulva.
2.1[MASS NOUN] offensive Women collectively regarded in sexual terms.


Make a long, deep cut in:the jagged edges gashed their fingers
middle english garse, from Old French garcer 'to chap, crack', perhaps based onGreek kharassein 'sharpen, scratch, engrave'. The current spelling is recorded from the mid 16th century.
1 大けが,深手(slash)
cut a deep gash in ...
2 (岩などの)割れ目,裂け目.
3 ((a bit of ~で))((卑))女陰;女;性交.
