2022年3月5日 星期六

outpouring, middle class/ median, working- and middle-class. An Outpouring of Support for Ukrainian Refugees and Resistance

An Outpouring of Support for Ukrainian Refugees and Resistance

'Hitchcock had a closet full of seemingly identical suits that turned out to be slightly different from each other in cut, colour and fabric. One could see them as commentary on his films'
Portraits of a master filmmaker | The TLS
The outpouring of books and articles about Alfred Hitchcock can be tr

Justin Trudeau’s biggest second-term priority is the same as it was in his first: boosting the middle class

Chastened and cash-strapped, but still in power


Justin Trudeau faces new constraints in his second term
Chastened and cash-strapped, but still in power

median Show phonetics
describes the value which is the middle one in a set of values arranged in order of size:
Median household income fell last year.

median Show phonetics
noun [C] SPECIALIZED 中位數
central reservation UK noun [C usually singular] (US AND AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH median strip)
the narrow piece of land between the two halves of a large road

━━ a. 中間に位置する; 【数】中線の; 【統計】中央値の.
━━ n. 【解】正中動[静]脈; 【数】中数; 中点[線]; 【統計】中央値.
 median eye 【生物】中央眼.
 median lethal dose 【生化】=lethal dose 50.
 median price share issue 【株】中間発行.
 median strip 〔米〕 中央分離帯.

2008年7月20日 星期日

additional, middle class, outpouring

“The outpouring of human compassion after the earthquake is real but the Chinese middle class needs fires in its own backyard to get politically agitated – witness the protests in Shanghai and Xiamen,” says Chen Jie, an academic at the University of Western Australia. “Overall, the Chinese middle class is not very mature.”
Additional reporting by Yang Jie

noun [C]
1 an uncontrollable expression of strong feeling:
His death at the age of 35 has occasioned an outpouring of grief.

2 MAINLY HUMOROUS a very large number of things produced at the same time:
Last year saw an outpouring of cookery books.

middle class group noun [S] (ALSO the middle classes)
a social group that consists of well-educated people, such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers, who have good jobs and are neither very rich nor very poor:
The upper middle class tend to go into business or the professions, becoming, for example, lawyers, doctors or accountants.
Compare lower classupper classworking class.

2008年1月27日 星期日

middle class/ median

middle class group noun [S] (ALSO the middle classes)
a social group that consists of well-educated people, such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers, who have good jobs and are neither very rich nor very poor:
The upper middle class tend to go into business or the professions, becoming, for example, lawyers, doctors or accountants.
Compare lower classupper classworking class.

middle-class Show phonetics
a middle-class suburb of New York

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

美國國會圖書館2007年3月公布的一份研究報告就叫《誰是中產階級?》。報告認為如果只從收入多少來屆定中產階級是得不出精確答案的,因為美國人從年收入不到 2萬美元到25萬美元的都認為自己是中產階級。美國人口統計局公布的最寬泛的中產階級定義是稅前家庭年收入1.9萬到9.2萬美元,最狹義的中產階級定義 是家庭年收入3.6萬至5.8萬美元。2005年到2006年,美國中間家庭稅前年收入(即一半家庭收入在這個水平以上,一半在以下。此數據並非家庭稅前 收入平均數。)為4.8萬美元。


verb [I or T]
to put something with something else to increase the number or amount or to improve the whole:
If you add (= calculate the total of) three and four you get seven.
Beat the butter and sugar together and slowly add the eggs.
She's added a Picasso to her collection.
Her colleagues' laughter only added to (= increased) her embarrassment.
[+ that] She was sad, she said, but added (= said also) that she felt she had made the right decision.
[+ speech] "Oh, and thank you for all your help!" he added as he was leaving.
It's $45 - $50 if you add in (= include) the cost of postage.
Don't forget to add on your travelling expenses/add your expenses on.

added Show phonetics
He had the added disadvantage of being the only man present.
She lost her job last week, and now added to that she's pregnant again.

addition Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
Twice a week the children are tested in basic mathematical skills such as addition (= calculating the total of different numbers put together) and subtraction.
Most working environments are improved by the addition of (= adding) a few plants and pictures.
A secretary would be a welcome/useful addition to our staff.
In addition to his flat in London, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.
HUMOROUS I hear you're expecting a small addition to the family (= you are going to have a baby)!

additional Show phonetics
additional costs/problems
There will be an extra charge for any additional passengers.

additionally s
Additionally (= also), we request a deposit of $200 in advance.

2016年4月14日 星期四

steelyard, yardstick, working- and middle-class, yardstick to measure

「尊重人權等於是為我們自己提供一面明鏡,客觀地映照出我們在過去幾世紀以來究竟進步了多少,未來又有多長遠的路要走。對於人權的尊重就是一把尺,讓我們藉以衡量生命。」 - 美國國務卿約翰‧凱瑞。
“… Respect for human rights provides the truest mirror that we have of ourselves, the most objective test of how we have come over the centuries, and how far we still have to go. It is a yardstick by which we can measure life itself.” - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry
Want to know about the state of ‪#‎HumanRights‬ around the globe? Check out the @ Department of State’s 2015 Human Rights Reporthttp://www.state.gov/…/r…/hrrpt/humanrightsreport/index.htm…

British Museum

Weighing up the options? Today's ‪#‎MysteryObject‬ is a Roman steelyard used for weighing food http://ow.ly/ObwH2

working- and middle-class, yardstick to measure

President-elect Barack Obama's creation of a task force to improve the standard of living of middle-class families. The White House Task Force on Working Families will be led by Vice President-elect Joe Biden and will include several cabinet secretaries as well as economic officials from various government agencies. "Our charge is to look at existing and future policies across the board and use a yardstick to measure how they are impacting the working- and middle-class families," Biden said yesterday.

noun [C]
a fact or standard by which you can judge the success or value of something:
Productivity is not the only yardstick of success.

Definition of yardstick in English:


1A measuring rod a yard long, typically divided into inches.

1.1A standard used for comparison:league tables are not the only yardstick of schools' performance
steelyardLine breaks: steel|yard
Pronunciation: /ˈstiːljɑːd/   /ˈstɪljəd/

Definition of steelyard in English:


Image of steelyard
An apparatusfor weighingthat has a short arm taking the item to be weighedand a longgraduated arm along which a weight is moved until itbalances.
