2022年3月1日 星期二

conspicuous consumption, conspicuous by one's absence, in one's absence, Winner’s Chair Stays Empty

The digital war that wasn’t, yet
Cyber-attacks on Ukraine are conspicuous by their absence

There are several theories as to why

it is the dog that has yet to bark. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been fought with all sorts of high-tech weapons, from cruise missiles and helicopters to armed drones and a public-relations battle on social media. Conspicuous by its absence, though, has been something that many observers thought would be one of the defining features of a 21st-century conflict between high-tech opponents. “Cyber-attacks” aimed at Ukrainian computer systems seem to have played hardly any role.

That is a puzzle. Computer systems run more and more of modern society, and are riddled with bugs and inadvertent weaknesses. These can be exploited by attackers with grave consequences in the material world. In 2015 Russian hackers managed to knock out power for around 230,000 customers in western Ukraine. The attackers repeated the trick the following year. In 2017 another Russian attack featuring a piece of malware dubbed “NotPetya” disrupted Ukrainian airports, railways and banks.

“This is more than an organization strategy... This is about confronting yourself."

On 9 May 16,000 soldiers, 200 armoured vehicles and 150 planes and helicopters will celebrate Russia's part in the allied victory in the second world war.
Conspicuous by their absence will be western politicians. Instead, a number of the world’s most notorious autocrats will attend, including Kim Jong-un...
Irritated Moscow blames US as European politicians boycott parade over...

At Peace Prize Ceremony, Winner’s Chair Stays Empty

Over China’s loud objections, the Nobel Committee honored the imprisoned dissident Liu Xiaobo in his absence.

2009年3月10日 星期二

trip,conspicuously silent, louder than words, conspicuous consumption

Conspicuous Consumption, a Casualty of Recession
In the consumer race to have the latest and the best of everything, the downturn has tripped the reset button.

In the past two elections, China has tried and failed to intimidate Taiwanese voters. In 1996 it fired missiles in an attempt to scare voters away from the KMT’s independence-minded Lee Teng-hui—who this week endorsed the DPP’s Mr Hsieh. Again, in 2000, China gave warning of the danger of voting for pro-independence candidates. This year, it seemed to have learned its lesson and has been conspicuously silent. But events in Tibet have spoken louder than words.

trip (SWITCH) Show phonetics
verb [T] -pp-
to move a switch that operates an electrical system, or to cause such a system to start or stop working by moving a switch:
A special system prevents the circuitry being tripped accidentally by a power surge or lightning strike.

conspicuous consumption noun [U] DISAPPROVING
when people spend a lot of money intentionally so that other people notice and admire them for their wealth
conspicuous Show phonetics
very noticeable or tending to attract attention, often in a way that is not wanted:
In China, her blonde hair was conspicuous.
He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room.
NOTE: The opposite is inconspicuous.

conspicuously Show phonetics
in a way that is conspicuous:
The temple's grand white arches rose conspicuously over the dirty decaying city.

1 [U]不在, 留守;(…の)欠席, 欠勤, 不参加((from ...))
leave of absence for volunteer work
during [in] his absence [=while he is away]
absence from school [office]
in one's absence
CONSPICUOUS by one's absence
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
((ことわざ)) 離れていることがお互いの情愛をこまやかにする.
2 不在[欠席]の回数[期間]
a long absence
numerous absences from school
an absence of two days
3 [U](…の)ないこと, 欠如;不足((of ...))
the absence of evidence
absence of mind
in the absence of ...

conspicuous by one's absence

Obviously not present where one or it should be:ratepayers grumbled that the police were conspicuous by their absence
[From a speech made by Lord John Russell in an address to electors (1859): taken from Tacitus (Annals iii. 76)]
