2022年3月29日 星期二

pace, pacing challenge. bend efforts, counting house, prize money



但白宮的行動表明,情況並非如此。 它今天公佈的預算中12次提到中國,稱中國是一個“步調挑戰”(pacing challenge)。它要求五角大樓的預算達到7730億美元,令特朗普政府的軍費開支黯然失色。

counting house, or computing house is the building, room, office or suite in which a business firm carries on operations, particularly accounting. By a synecdoche, it has come to mean the accounting operations of a firm, however housed. The term is British in origin and is primarily used in the context of the 19th century or earlier periods.[citation needed]
The term occurs in the well-known English nursery rhyme "Sing a Song of Sixpence". It also appears in Christopher Marlowe's The Jew of Malta, in A Christmas CarolGreat ExpectationsDavid Copperfield and American Notes by Charles Dickens, and Deadeye Dick, by Kurt Vonnegut. Counting House is also the name given to early businesses which safely stored public and private money and lent money.[citation needed]
The royal Counting House in the time of Henry VIII of England is described in the Eltham Ordinance of 1526 and could be constructed wherever the king was. 

As families break up, with fathers staying to fight, many see no reason to compound the children’s distress by leaving pets behind
Europe is bending immigration rules for pets from Ukraine
The cats and dogs of war



pace verb (SPEED)

T ]
to get someone to run a race at a particular speed, for example by running with them
 pace yourself
to be careful not to do something too quickly, so that you do not get too tired to finish it:
No more soupthank you. I'm pacing myself so that I have room for a dessert.

To put forth a great deal of effort toward some goal or end. I've been bending my efforts to find a way out of these legal problems, but, as of now, I'm still going to prison. See also: bend, effort.

Bend efforts - Idioms by The Free Dictionary

Prize money has a distinct meaning in warfare, especially naval warfare, where it was a monetary reward paid out under prize law to the crew of a ship for capturing or sinking an enemy vessel. The claims for the bounty are usually heard in a Prize Court. This article covers the arrangements of the British Royal Navy, but similar arrangements were used in the navies of other nations, and existed in the British Army and other armies, especially when a city had been taken by storm.

  • 懸賞広告において対象者に支払われる報酬。日本の民法529条以下に規定がある。
  • 重要犯罪(一般には最低でも5年、最高で無期の懲役刑、または死刑になる犯罪を犯した)者などの指名手配者や、行方不明者などを発見した人、もしくは身柄確保に繋がる最有力情報を提供した人に授与される賞金。2007年には警察庁により捜査特別報奨金制度(上記の懸賞広告に含まれる)が創設された。懸賞金がかけられている当人を“賞金首”と呼ぶが、これは西部開拓時代、いわゆる“お尋ね者”については生死に関係なく逮捕を求められ、遺体であっても引き渡せば賞金が支払われた事にちなむ。この職業についてはバウンティハンター(賞金稼ぎ)も参照。
  • 科学上の重要な未解決問題の活発な研究を促すために、問題の解決者に対して支払われる事が公式に発表されている賞金。→懸賞金問題を参照。
  • コンテストスポーツの試合、放送番組などでの入賞者に支払われる賞金。
  • 大相撲において、勝利力士に授与される賞金。→懸賞 (相撲)を参照。
