2022年3月3日 星期四

moral, Moral Defeat, morale, morale boosters. thumbnail, thumbs up, all thumbs, esprit de corps

Experts say heroic stories of questionable veracity emerging from Ukraine are propaganda or morale boosters. Or both.
Ukrainian forces are using their home-turf knowledge to stymie Russia, U.S. Gen. Mark Milley said.
How does the project manager avoid the second-system effect?
By insisting on a senior architect who has at least two systems under his belt.
(from The Mythical Man-Month, p.58)


South Korea has rapidly become one of the world’s biggest producers of test kits for coronavirus. Despite good planning and a strong esprit de corps among workers, the country’s supply chain is showing clear signs of strain.
韓國已迅速成為世界上最大的冠狀病毒檢測試劑盒生產商之一。 儘管制定了良好的計劃,並且工人中有強大的組織精神,但該國的供應鏈仍顯示出明顯的緊張跡象。

thumbnail-size receiver

A380 boost as Europe and US give it the thumbs-up
Workers at Airbus Broughton factory have been given another morale boost after the A380 superjumbo was given the seal of approval from aviation chiefs.

esprit de corps
(eh-SPREE duh COR) noun
A spirit of solidarity; a sense of pride, devotion, and honor among the members of a group.

From French esprit (spirit), de (of), corps (body, group).
"Using cooking to promote an esprit de corps and employee bonding had its beginnings on the West Coast." Jonnie Bassaro; Corporate Employees Bond Through Cooking; News-Times (Danbury, Connecticut); Sep 17, 2007.

I am just all thumbs.
Wikipedia article "Thumbs up".


(mə-răl') pronunciation
teacher ~教師士氣;aircrew ~空勤人員士氣
The state of the spirits of a person or group as exhibited by confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks.
[French, morality, good conduct, from feminine of moral, moral, from Old French. See moral.]
SYNONYMS morale, esprit, esprit de corps. These nouns denote a spirit, as of dedication to a common goal, that unites a group: the high morale of the troops; the esprit of an orchestra; the esprit de corps of the swim team.
日文━━ n. 士気, 元気; 風紀.
morale survey
Wikipedia article "Morale".

all thumbs
Physically awkward, especially with respect to the hands, as in When it comes to knitting, Mary is all thumbs. The notion of this idiom derives from a proverb in John Heywood's collection of 1546: "When he should get aught, each finger is a thumb."

thumbs up (or down)

informal an indication of satisfaction or approval (or of rejection or failure):plans to build a house on the site have been given the thumbs down by the Department of the Environment
[with reference to the signal of approval or disapproval used by spectators at a Roman amphitheatre; the sense has been reversed, as the Romans used ‘thumbs down’ to signify that a beaten gladiator had performed well and should be spared, and ‘thumbs up’ to call for his death]


Pronunciation: /ˈθʌmneɪl/
Translate thumbnail | into German
Definition of thumbnail


  • 1the nail of the thumb.
  • 2 [usually as modifier] a very small or concise description, representation, or summary:a thumbnail sketch
  • Computing a small picture of an image or page layout.


Architizer, as many readers here know, is a website that "empowers architecture" and architects by connecting them with each other and a broader audience. At its root is a Facebook/LinkedIn-esque system where individuals are given a face alongside the usual projects found on the site and elsewhere. But do the firms have faces, beyond the individuals? Well, as a way to kick start my "firm faces" feature in gear again, I browsed the site's Firms tab to see how many firms actually put faces on their logo. Below is a sampling from a quick perusal of the first 50 or so pages.


thúmb • nàil
thumbnails (複数形)
1 親指のつめ.
2 (絵・記述の)非常に小さい[簡単な]もの.
3 《印刷》(小さく大ざっぱに作られた)見本.
4 新聞の半段の顔写真(porkchop).
5 ((米俗))1ドル.
