2022年3月19日 星期六

戰爭英文:Hypersonic Missile. MRE軍用口糧(Meal, Ready-to-Eat, M.R.E.s), drones, secure radios, intelligence-related equipment

俄羅斯大規模破壞烏克蘭通訊等基礎建設,全球首富 #馬斯克 提供「星鏈」協助烏克蘭軍隊贏得無人機之戰,果讓俄羅斯遭到痛擊,甚至美國還將提供傳說中的神風無人機迎戰俄軍,據報星鏈帶來的無人機隊引發俄羅斯克里姆林宮盛怒,正積極尋找並追狙烏克蘭無人機隊,得經常移動躲避砲火。

Hypersonic Missile. 5倍音速的飛彈,較難偵測

The State Department sent cables to allies saying that China had given positive signals on military aid, a European official said on Monday. The official added that Russia had requested five types of equipment: surface-to-air missiles, drones, armored vehicles, logistics vehicles and intelligence-related equipment.

A senior Pentagon official gave some different details this week, saying the request from Russia included drones, secure radios and even meals ready to eat, rations for troops commonly known as M.R.E.s. The official said the United States had received indications before the Rome meeting that China was inclined to oblige the Russian request.




Hypersonics, generally defined as weapons capable of flying at speeds over Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound, are at the center of an arms race among the United States, Russia and China.7 hours ago


 MRE口糧(英語:Meal, Ready-to-Eat, MRE)是一種內容物完備且輕量化的個人野戰口糧,由美國軍隊開發,提供給在戰鬥中或沒有提供完善供餐設備場域的成員。MRE於1981年取代了MCI口糧[1]以及美國陸軍特種部隊越戰美國陸軍遊騎兵的輕量化LRP口糧
