2024年2月20日 星期二

jarring, drown sth out, euthanasia, premeditated, take it personally. died in a joint act of euthanasia.

Dries van Agt, Former Dutch Prime Minister, Dies at 93

As justice minister he weathered a hijacking crisis and later pushed to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He and his wife died in a joint act of euthanasia.


Feb. 14, 2024

Australia's Covid approach has felt cruel and unjust at times - and now, whiplash.

A Jarring New Level of Confrontation Hits Washington

The Trump administration has stumbled out of the gate, blindsiding Republicans with its failure to share information and consult on policy like the executive order on immigration.

Donald Trump’s jarring words have upended the presidential race, but they have also have presented parents with a dilemma.

Prof Barber, now an adviser to Pearson, the education company, argued that failure should "no longer be tolerated" in the state system. None of these sentiments sounds that jarring to us in 2015.

But at the time the TES, a teachers' newspaper, responded to this by calling it the "murder" of a school. Prof Barber's proposed fight-back against weak performance, the newspaper argued, "begs enormous questions about the nature of state education, the meaning of success and failure". This intervention against a dismal school was "not sympathetic euthanasia but premeditated murder by the Government with an instrument of its own creation." This verdict sounds absurd to us today - our attitudes are a legacy of Sir Chris' hard edges. He left a system where failure is not acceptable.

The New York Times

"It's jarring when suddenly we don't recognize the person in whom we once saw ourselves."

Why the Strong Reaction to Renée Zellweger’s Face?
The actress reveals a surgically altered face, and everyone seems to take it personally.

Campuses including Cornell, the University of Washington in Seattle and the University of California, Irvine, have seen a wave of counterdemonstrations using tactics that seem jarring in the American academic context. At the University of Washington, students fought to limit the Dalai Lama’s address to nonpolitical topics. At Duke, pro-China students surrounded and drowned out a pro-Tibet vigil; a Chinese freshman who tried to mediate received death threats, and her family was forced into hiding.

For those who were sentient when Michael Jordan was winning championships, seeing him become a mocking emblem of incompetence has been jarring.


Pronunciation: /ˈdʒɑːrɪŋ/ 


1Incongruous in a striking or shocking way; clashing:the telephone struck a jarring note in those Renaissance surroundings
2Causing a physical shock, jolt, or vibration:the van came to a jarring halt



verb [I] -rr-
to disagree or seem wrong or unsuitable:
This comment jars with the opinions we have heard expressed elsewhere.


a jarring contrast

verb [I or T] -rr-
If a sight, sound or experience jars, it is so different or unexpected that it has a strong and unpleasant effect on something or someone:
The harsh colours jarred the eye.
A screech of brakes jarred the silence.

a jarring cry/chord
jarring coloursjar (SHAKE)
verb [I or T] -rr-
to shake or move someone or something unpleasantly or violently:
The sudden movement jarred his injured ribs.

noun [C]
a sudden forceful or unpleasant shake or movement:
With every jar of the carriage, the children shrieked with excitement.

a jarring tackle/collision

drown sth out phrasal verb [M] INFORMAL
If a loud noise drowns out another noise, it prevents it from being heard.

  1. Jarring, discordant sound; dissonance: heard a cacophony of horns during the traffic jam.


Line breaks: jar|ring
Pronunciation: /ˈdʒɑːrɪŋ /

1Incongruous in a striking or shocking way; clashing:the telephone struck a jarring note in thoseRenaissance surroundings
Causing a physical shock, jolt, or vibration:
the van came to a jarring halt



 ca・coph・o・nous ━━ a. 耳ざわりな; 不協和音の.n.pl. -nies.
