U.S. Senate Is Poised to Advance Ukraine Bill as G.O.P. Splinters
Pressure from hard-liners has not swayed a coalition of Republican senators that has broken with the party to back the bill.
Democrats learned the hard way: Unions are human, too.
New book puts mid-century labor at center of Rust Belt identity. Shifting economy splintered community, fostered disillusionment.民主黨經歷了慘痛的教訓:工會也是人。新書將本世紀中葉的勞工置於鐵鏽地帶:身分:?的中心。經濟轉型導致社區分裂,引發幻滅。
As Alice Carrière entered her teen years, her brain started to splinter into a dissociative disorder. Year later, that extraordinary childhood is the basis for her new memoir.
Ralph McQuarrie (1929 -2012) book cover for "Splinter Of The Mind's Eye" by Alan Dean Foster
Tech firms face a raft of new laws controlling what they can host on their platforms, which could result in further splintering of the internet
Social media encourages an anonymous meanness that actively splinters us, writes Bill Moyers.com columnist Neal Gabler.
As Alice Carrière entered her teen years, her brain started to splinter into a dissociative disorder. Year later, that extraordinary childhood is the basis for her new memoir.
Tech firms face a raft of new laws controlling what they can host on their platforms, which could result in further splintering of the internet
Social media encourages an anonymous meanness that actively splinters us, writes Bill Moyers.com columnist Neal Gabler.
Ralph McQuarrie (1929 -2012) book cover for "Splinter Of The Mind's Eye" by Alan Dean Foster
Tech firms face a raft of new laws controlling what they can host on their platforms, which could result in further splintering of the internet
Social media encourages an anonymous meanness that actively splinters us, writes Bill Moyers.com columnist Neal Gabler.
National Gallery of Art
French artist Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot traveled extensively in Italy during his life, including a one-month stay in the small town of Volterra. Painted as a memory of the Italian countryside he visited, this work of art shows a lone hunter riding towards a wooded hilltop. Prominently placed in the foreground is the trunk of a tree, sawn off at the bottom and splintered at the top. The light of late afternoon warms the scene, casting long shadows across the path.
Imagine you are sitting on one of the boulders along the road. Describe the feel of the sun and the smells around you.
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, "A View near Volterra," 1838, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Chester Dale Collection
French artist Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot traveled extensively in Italy during his life, including a one-month stay in the small town of Volterra. Painted as a memory of the Italian countryside he visited, this work of art shows a lone hunter riding towards a wooded hilltop. Prominently placed in the foreground is the trunk of a tree, sawn off at the bottom and splintered at the top. The light of late afternoon warms the scene, casting long shadows across the path.
Imagine you are sitting on one of the boulders along the road. Describe the feel of the sun and the smells around you.
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, "A View near Volterra," 1838, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Chester Dale Collection
Bombings Lead to a New Round of Soul-Searching
In an age of easy travel and rising militancy, intelligence experts fear that terror attacks have become an unavoidable part of life.
The splinter in your eye is the best magnifying-glass available.
— Theodor W. Adorno
In an age of easy travel and rising militancy, intelligence experts fear that terror attacks have become an unavoidable part of life.
The splinter in your eye is the best magnifying-glass available.
An industry that used to rely on steady improvements in a handful of devices will splinter. The road of exponential growth is running out
An industry that used to rely on steady improvements in a handful of devices will splinter. The road of exponential growth is running out
Search for Next House Speaker Falls to Splintered G.O.P.
Representative Kevin McCarthy, who formally announced his candidacy for the speaker’s job, promised to respect the views of the faction that drove out John Boehner.
Energy Firms Deeply Split on Bill to Battle Climate Change
The nation’s energy producers are splintering into competing camps battling over policy decisions worth hundreds of billions of dollars in coming decades.
Brown says murders will not kill N.Irish peace
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said the killing of two soldiers by dissident republicans in Northern Ireland will not be allowed to derail the peace process in the British-ruled province. An Irish Republican Army splinter group called The real IRA has claimed responsibility for shooting two British soldiers dead at a British army barracks west of Belfast. Leaders are trying to ensure that the attack will not reverse progress made since the 1998 Good Friday peace deal.
Alliances In Health Debate Splinter
Months of relative cooperation among disparate interest groups in the heath-care reform debate appear to be coming to an end, as the major political parties and their surrogates unleash dueling television advertisements, e-mail campaigns and grass-roots protests.
(By Dan Eggen and Perry Bacon Jr., The Washington Post)
AOL Continues To Splinter Content Into Anti-Portals
Michael Arrington
TechCrunch.comSunday, January 11, 2009; 10:28 PM
Bill Wilson's star continues to rise at AOL even as other groups continue to shed products and execs. He moves from EVP Programming to President of the newly formed MediaGlow, which controls all of AOL's content sites.
AOL?s programming sites (Money & Finance, News, Sports, Health, Food, Music, Games, and Moviefone, among others) have been on a tear for the last year and a half and now attract 70 million monthly visitors, says AOL. Page views have grown 40% year over year.
The NYTimes reports that the group controls 75 sites and will add 30 more this year. Many of these sites, as we've previously reported, have little or no AOL branding at all.
The NYTimes reports that the group controls 75 sites and will add 30 more this year. Many of these sites, as we've previously reported, have little or no AOL branding at all.
In Dense Gaza, Civilians Suffer
By TAGHREED EL-KHODARYDespite the precision of the strikes, Israel’s missiles have splintered families and shattered homes in one of the most densely populated areas on Earth.
Eventually, the Black Muslims splintered, with the fiery Louis Farrakhan leading the faction favoring racial separatism. Imam Mohammed, soft-spoken and scholarly, led what is thought to be a far larger flock that appeals, in general terms, to middle-class blacks, according to Contemporary Black Biography, an online reference book. Over the years, estimates of the group’s size have ranged from 500,000 adherents to more than 2 million.
Anti-PortalsMr. Levinsohn [Ross Levinsohn, head of Fox Interactive Media] calls MySpace the antiportal. “It’s not about a central hub, because that’s not where things are going,” he said. “The under-30 set wants choice. It’s not about one destination; it’s about 65 million.”
'American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us'
A pair of social scientists explore whether faith builds or splinters a sense of connection.
President Barack Obama, wrapping up a three-day visit to New Delhi, urged Indians to work to promote gender equality and overcome religious divisions.
Obama Urges India to Overcome Divisions WSJ.COM|由 GORDON FAIRCLOUGH
Obama Urges India to Overcome Divisions WSJ.COM|由 GORDON FAIRCLOUGH
- A sharp, slender piece, as of wood, bone, glass, or metal, split or broken off from a main body.
- A splinter group.
v., -tered, -ter·ing, -ters.v.intr.
To split or break into sharp, slender pieces; form splinters. See synonyms at break.
(Of a group or organization) separate into smaller units, typically as a result of disagreement:the party had begun to splinter into factions
To cause to splinter.
[Middle English, from Middle Dutch.]
splintery splin'ter·y adj.splinter
noun [C]
a small sharp broken piece of wood, glass, plastic or similar material:
The girl had got a splinter (of wood) in her toe.
verb [I]
to break into small, sharp pieces:
The edges of the plastic cover had cracked and splintered.
FIGURATIVE The danger is that the Conservative Party may splinter into several smaller political parties.
━━ n. こっぱ; 破片; 分派.
━━ v. 割る[れる], 裂く[ける], 分派する; そげる ((off)).━━ a. 分離した.

splinter group
noun [C]
a group of people who have left a political party or other organization and formed a new separate organization:
The Socialist Workers' Party seemed to split into several splinter groups.Environmental movement Greenpeace and the militant splinter group Sea Shepherd have each sent a ship to Antarctic waters to try to disrupt Japan's whaling.
active, determined and often willing to use force:
militant union extremists
The group has taken a militant position on the abortion issue and is refusing to compromise.
noun [C]
Militants within the party are demanding radical reforms.
noun [U]
The group has always been characterised by an uncompromising militancy.
━━ a., n. 戦闘的な, 交戦中の; 好戦的な(人), 闘士.

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