Ahh, the days when Waterloo to Kings Cross would cost a mere threepence…
We love an old train map – especially on the anniversary of the first Tube journey.
This board game from 1909 is based on a map of the London Underground – the player who reaches their station first is the winner. http://ow.ly/2cI350xR39m
We love an old train map – especially on the anniversary of the first Tube journey.
This board game from 1909 is based on a map of the London Underground – the player who reaches their station first is the winner. http://ow.ly/2cI350xR39m
"We are not layabouts. We are artists, mush."
The improvised system could not compete with the government speakers that lined the square, broadcasting the droning speeches of Li Peng and other lesser apparatchiks who tried to convince those arriving by the tens of thousands to stay home or return to school.
"Iain Duncan Smith's story about a society beset by jobless layabouts who opt for unemployment as a lifestyle choice doesn’t just seek to describe a problem, it lays the moral foundations for a whole raft of policies demonising the most vulnerable sections of already deprived communities. So much rests on the veracity of the tale constructed" (via Comment is free)
今天這天氣,叫做wintry mix,寒風呼呼,雨雪齊下,夾雜著冰晶冰粒,又溼又凍又滑,路邊不是水窪,就是硬冰,簡直寸步難行。----蔡珠兒
50 Years Later, War on Poverty Is a Mixed Bag
The debate over the government's role in creating opportunity and
ending deprivation has flared anew, with inequality as acute as it was
in the Roaring Twenties and the ranks of the poor and near-poor at
record highs.
Thirty-five weeks pregnant, Robin Rodgers was vomiting and losing weight, so her doctor hospitalized her and ordered that she be fed through a tube until the birth of her daughter.
But in a mistake that stemmed from years of lax federal oversight of medical devices, the hospital mixed up the tubes. Instead of snaking a tube through Ms. Rodgers’s nose and into her stomach, the nurse instead coupled the liquid-food bag to a tube that entered a vein.
TWO years ago, the supply system at Seattle Children’s Hospital was so unreliable that Susanne Matthews, a nurse in the intensive care unit, would stockpile stuff — catheters in the closet, surgical dressings in patients’ dresser drawers and clamps in the nurse’s office. And she wasn’t the only one.
BBC News
By Cindy Sui BBC News, Taipei When party apparatchiks from China and Taiwan meet on Friday for an annual economic forum, business will not be the only item on the agenda. That is because Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou, who has presided over a period ...
Where Bo goes
Whether through caution or incompetence, apparatchiks are sending mixed signals about the standing of an ousted leadermush

n., pl., -tchiks, or -tchi·ki (-chĭ-kē).
- A member of a Communist apparat.
- An unquestioningly loyal subordinate, especially of a political leader or organization.
[Russian, from apparat, apparat. See apparat.]
[名](複〜s, -tchiki 〔-t

1 共産党政治局員.
2 ((米俗))お役人.
3 (政治組織などの)盲従的指導者.黨官僚
mix something up
2 (mix someone/thing up) confuse someone or something with another person or thing:I’d got her mixed up with her sister
mixed up
Translate mixed up | into German | into Italianadjective
In medicine, a catheter is a tube that can be inserted into a body cavity, duct, or vessel. Catheters thereby allow drainage, injection of fluids, or access by surgical instruments. The process of inserting a catheter is catheterization. In most uses, a catheter is a thin, flexible tube ("soft" catheter), though in some uses, it is a larger, solid ("hard") catheter. A catheter left inside the body, either temporarily or permanently, may be referred to as an indwelling catheter. A permanently inserted catheter may be referred to as a permcath.
mixed bag
(also mixed bunch)
Translate mixed bag | into German | into Italian noun
[in singular]
a diverse assortment of things or people:we have a mixed bag of destinations and holiday choices for you
n. - 導尿管, 導管, 尿液管
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - カテーテル
1 (金属・ガラス・ゴムなどの)管, 筒
an iron tube
a test tube
2 (絵の具・練り歯磨きなどの)チューブ
tube colors
a tube of glue
(1) 《解剖学・動物学》管;(輸)卵管(fallopian tube);《植物》管
(3) (管楽器の)管, 管状部.
(1) 《解剖学・動物学》管;(輸)卵管(fallopian tube);《植物》管
the fallopian tubes
(2) =fallopian tube.らっぱ管.
(3) (管楽器の)管, 管状部.
4 ((米))地下鉄[道]のトンネル;((the 〜, しばしばthe T-))((英))(特にLondonの)地下鉄(((米))subway)
go by tube [on the tube]
5 =inner tube.
6 《電子工学》真空管(electron tube);((米))熱電子管(thermionic tube);ブラウン管(cathode-ray tube).
7 ((the 〜))((米略式))テレビ(受像機).
8 (サーフィンで)波のトンネル.
9 ((略式))まぬけ.
10 ((略式))缶ビール.
11 ((the 〜))((米警察俗))警察のショットガン(散弾銃).
down the tubes
((略式))=down the DRAIN.
━━[動] (他)
1 …に管をつける;…を管状にする.
2 …を管[円筒]で運ぶ, 管[円筒]に入れる.
1 ((英略式))地下鉄に乗る[で行く].
2 ((米俗))失敗する.
tube it
Definition of snake
[no object, with adverbial of direction]Derivatives
Old English snaca, of Germanic originmix
Line breaks: mix
Pronunciation: /mɪks/
[with object]noun
Back to topPhrases
Phrasal verbs
[動](mixed or mixt 〔míkst〕, 〜・ing)(他)
1 [III[名]]…を混ぜる, いっしょにする;[mix A with B/mix A and B]〈A(物・事)とB(物・事)を〉混合[結合]する;混ぜ(合わせ)る
mix colors
2 〈成分を〉混ぜて(…を)作る((into ...));〈薬を〉調合する;[mix A for B/mix B A]〈B(人)にA(物)を〉混ぜて作ってやる
4 〈人を〉(…に)交わらせる, 交際させる((with, among ...))
5 〈動物を〉異種交配させる(crossbreed).
6 〈レコードなどの録音時の〉音量を調整する.
1 〈物が〉(…と)混ざる;(…と)混合する((with ...))
2 〈人が〉(人と)交際する, 交わる, 仲よくやっていく((in/with ...))
3 〈動物が〉異種交配される[する];〈民族が〉混血する.
4 《ボクシング》((俗))激しく打ち合う((up)).
be[get] mixed up
(1) 〈人が〉(よくないことに)巻き込まれる((in ...));(好ましくない人と)かかわりあいになる((with ...))(2) 〈人が〉(…について)頭が混乱している, わからなくなっている;勘違いしている((about, in, over ...))
mix in
((略式))(1) 戦闘[けんか]に加わる.
(2) ⇒(自)2
[mix ... in/mix in ...]
mix it (up)
((俗))(…と)口論する, けんかする;(…と)こぶしでなぐり合う((with ...)).
mix ... up/mix up ...
(1) …をよく混ぜる.(2) …を(…と)混同する((with ...))
(3) …をごちゃまぜにする.
3 ((略式))混乱, ごたごた, 争い.
4 ((a 〜, 〜s))(人・物の)寄り集まり, 寄せ集め((of ...)).
[ラテン語mixtusMIXEDからの逆成. miscēre(混ぜる)+-tus過去分詞語尾]
Line breaks: lay|about
Pronunciation: /ˈleɪəbaʊt/