A favorite of Barney’s is “Waterslide in Fog” (1979), where adolescents stream toward the camera on a dreary day, for their turn down the serpentine ride. They might just as well be queuing for the apocalypse. “There’s something very tragic about these people going in the line,” she said. But she kept such thoughts to herself at the time.

In this story, Cleopatra never loved Antony or Julius Caesar. Antony was murdered, and Cleopatra was tortured and strangled to death.
I believed Cleopatra may have been one of the most brilliant, cold-blooded, iron-willed rulers in history and the truth about what really happened was hidden behind a veil of propaganda and lies set in motion by her murderer, Octavian, and the agenda of the Roman Empire.
The famous story of Cleopatra’s suicide gets points for drama and crowd appeal: Her lover, Mark Antony, had been defeated in battle by Octavian and, hearing that Cleopatra had been killed, had stabbed himself in the stomach. Very much alive, after witnessing his death, the beautiful last Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt pressed a deadly asp to her breast, taking her own life as well.
But what if Cleopatra didn’t commit suicide at all?
Time for city, county to thin out boards
Bakersfield Californian
Management expert Peter Drucker said it well: "The plan that provides only for doing additional and new things --without provision for sloughing off old and ...
slough1 (slū, slou)
also slew (slū)
- A depression or hollow, usually filled with deep mud or mire.
- also slue A stagnant swamp, marsh, bog, or pond, especially as part of a bayou, inlet, or backwater.
- A state of deep despair or moral degradation.
[Middle English, from Old English slōh.]
sloughy slough'y adj.slough2 (slŭf)
- The dead outer skin shed by a reptile or amphibian.
- Medicine. A layer or mass of dead tissue separated from surrounding living tissue, as in a wound, sore, or inflammation.
- An outer layer or covering that is shed.
v., sloughed, slough·ing, sloughs. v.intr.
- To be cast off or shed; come off: The snake's skin sloughs off.
- To shed a slough.
- Medicine. To separate from surrounding living tissue. Used of dead tissue.
To discard as undesirable or unfavorable; get rid of: slough off former associates.
[Middle English slughe.]
put[set] ... in motion
…を始動させる, スタートさせる針對 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 搜尋的圖片結果
- 回報圖片Serpentine Gallery
- [ 翻譯此頁 ]Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2009Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa of SANAA12 ... The Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2009 has been designed by Kazuyo Sejima and ...
Exhibitions - Contacts - About us - Serpentine Gallery Pavilion ...
www.serpentinegallery.org/ - 頁庫存檔 - 類似內容 -Serpentine Gallery: Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007by Olafur ...
- [ 翻譯此頁 ]The Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007 is designed by the internationally acclaimed artist Olafur Eliasson and the award-winning Norwegian architect Kjetil ...
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www.serpentinegallery.org 的其它相關資訊 »SANAA 獲邀設計2009 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion @ GG Interior ...
ap_F23_20090309044448544.jpg 日本建築師事務所SANAA(妹島和世+ 西澤立衛| Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa)受邀設計2009年的Serpentine Gallery Pavilion。 ...
【明報專訊】天時暑熱,走在街上,陽光直射臉龐,連眼睛也睜不開,最想找個陰涼地方暫避。英國倫敦肯辛頓公園Serpentine Gallery內的涼亭Serpentine Gallery Pavilion就獨樹一格,在涼亭設計上搞搞新意思。
Serpentine Gallery Pavilion既是涼亭,更是一件藝術品。每年夏天,Serpentine Gallery也會搭建臨時建築Serpentine Gallery Pavilion,作為派對、展覽或演講等活動的場地。歷屆作品均出自建築名師之手,包括曾奪得建築界榮譽普立茲克獎(Pritzker Architecture Prize)的Frank Gehry、Zaha Hadid、Oscar Niemeyer及Rem Koolhaas。
2009年則由日本建築師妹島和世(Kazuyo Sejima)與西澤立衛(Ryue Nishizawa)設計,以鏡面拋光的鋁片製成天花。設計不設牆壁,只以條條細長不鏽鋼柱撐起整座涼亭,使環境顯得開揚。從高處看,涼亭像倒瀉的一攤 ,又或是灰銀色的雲層,穿插於周邊的樹林間。亭內天花如鏡,能反射地面景致,給予觀眾視覺新鮮感。Pavilion將於3個月後拆卸,要一睹大師作品, 就要在10月中前往倫敦了。
■Serpentine Gallery Pavilion
地址﹕Serpentine Gallery, Kensington Gardens, London W2 3XA
電話﹕+44(0)20 7402 6075
noun [C] OLD USE
a snake
adjective LITERARY
1 curving and twisting like a snake:
We followed the serpentine course of the river.
2 complicated and difficult to understand:
The film's serpentine plot was difficult to follow.看serpentine 等,想起倫敦海德公園的湖;Henry Moore 在Serpentine
倫敦海德公園文華東方酒店全新露天餐 廳The Park Terrace現正隆重揭幕。 乘蔭於酒店北門的The Park Terrace餐廳,能遠眺在九曲湖(Serpentine Lake)之下海德公園南方的青翠草地,加上觸手柔軟的裝 飾布料和柚木家具,與周遭的波特蘭石礦工藝和盛放鮮花 配合得絲絲入扣,
今天碰到樂器serpent,查Thomas Hardy『還鄉』(Return of the
- 音節
- ser • pen • tine
- 発音
- sə'ːrpəntìːn | -tàin
1 (形・動きなどが)蛇の(ような).
3 陰険な, 狡猾(こうかつ)な.
1 [U]蛇紋(じゃもん)石.
2 ((the S-))サーペンタイン池:LondonのHyde ParkとKensington Gardensにまたがる.
3 (スケートで)S字曲線.
━━[動](自)うねうね曲がる, くねくね動く, 蛇行する.樂器
tuba 前身
蛇形大號 木製/銅等Modern serpents are often made of PVC pipe by joining
different sizes of pipes together, each one being heat tapered, using
a propane torch especially designed for bending and shaping PVC pipe.
Thomas Hardy『還鄉』(Return of the Native)張谷若譯,北京:人民出版社)第五章有注解
... Every now and then a long low note from the serpent, which was the
chief wind instrument played at these times, advanced further into the
heath than ...
The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy: 5 - Through the Moonlight
Under the Greenwood Tree by Thomas HARDY. Farmer Shiner's House | Advice to choir | Debate on Instruments ... 'Old things pass away, 'tis true; but a serpent was a
good old note: a deep rich note was the serpent.' ...
tuba 前身
蛇形大號 木製/銅等Modern serpents are often made of PVC pipe by joining
different sizes of pipes together, each one being heat tapered, using
a propane torch especially designed for bending and shaping PVC pipe.
Thomas Hardy『還鄉』(Return of the Native)張谷若譯,北京:人民出版社)第五章有注解
... Every now and then a long low note from the serpent, which was the
chief wind instrument played at these times, advanced further into the
heath than ...
The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy: 5 - Through the Moonlight
Under the Greenwood Tree by Thomas HARDY. Farmer Shiner's House | Advice to choir | Debate on Instruments ... 'Old things pass away, 'tis true; but a serpent was a
good old note: a deep rich note was the serpent.' ...
- asp1
- 発音
- ǽsp
- aspの変化形
- asps (複数形)
Octavian [ɒkˈteɪvɪən]
(Biography 27 bc)) the name of Augustus before he became emperor (27 bc)
1 則留言:
Serpentine is a green or black rock that can be polished to a high sheen, making it useful for ornamental work, jewelry and decorative items. But serpentine also was enshrined originally to help promote the mining and commercial use of asbestos. These days, asbestos symbolizes a public health catastrophe. So the pick axes are out for serpentine.