There are, after all, so many new trends that can feel "unnecessary" at a time when so much is happening in the world that requires our attention. And while I'm an ardent believer in the importance of staying informed, I have to admit that one trend is top of mind for me: statement hats.
Of course, hats have been around for centuries, and every few seasons, we see a specific style surge in popularity again. Nevertheless, as designers released their spring 2023 collections, it became evidently clear that this trend was demanding our attention. Across the board, over-the-top and often oversize hats that some might even describe as "frivolous" were spotted at various fashion houses. It was, in a way, the greatest indication of the times—with so many things in the world fighting to be noticed, of course, the most attention-seeking accessory trend would emerge.
So to chronicle that emergence, I've done a deep dive through recent runway collections and Instagram imagery to show how statement hats managed to catch our awareness again. Plus, I've identified the six hat styles that will be big this spring. Prepare to embrace your inner drama queen because these hats will demand them to heed.
The re-emergence of chrome—after years of using brass, bronze and rose gold in design—is perhaps no surprise. But the world is rather different from what it was during the first “chrome rush” a century ago:
Image: Getty Images

- a close-fitting one-piece stretch garment for women, worn typically for sporting activities.
Chrome yellow is a bright, warm yellow pigment that has been used in art, fashion, and industry. It is the premier orange pigment for many applications.[2]
黄鉛(おうえん)とは、クロム酸鉛を主成分とする黄色の顔料である。クロムイエロー (chrome yellow)、クロム黄[1]と呼ばれる。Colour Index Generic Nameは Pigment Yellow 34 である[2]。
Chrome yellow

Hex triplet #FFA700
sRGBB (r, g, b) (255, 167, 0)
HSV (h, s, v) (39°, 100%, 100%)
CIELChuv (L, C, h) (75, 105, 46°)
Source ColorHexa[1]