After decades as a tech insider, Kara Swisher became, in her words, “less of a chronicler of the internet age and more of its cranky Cassandra.”
As the U.S. and Iran inch toward war, Tokyo bickers about political factions
Telecom Italia is notorious for political interference, bad governance and squabbling shareholders. KKR wants to perform radical surgery on it
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam could bring a flood of benefits to Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. But so far it has produced only acrimony
A squabble over Africa's largest hydro-electric dam could turn nasty
King Vajiralongkorn, who spends most of his time abroad in a sumptuous residence near Munich, insisted on tweaking the new constitution to make it easier to reign from a distance
As the army and politicians bicker, Thailand’s king amasses more power
He appoints generals, patriarchs and executives, and disposes of crown property as he pleases
Telecom Italia is notorious for political interference, bad governance and squabbling shareholders. KKR wants to perform radical surgery on it
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam could bring a flood of benefits to Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. But so far it has produced only acrimony
A squabble over Africa's largest hydro-electric dam could turn nasty
King Vajiralongkorn, who spends most of his time abroad in a sumptuous residence near Munich, insisted on tweaking the new constitution to make it easier to reign from a distance
As the army and politicians bicker, Thailand’s king amasses more power
He appoints generals, patriarchs and executives, and disposes of crown property as he pleases
Americans bicker over politics and professional wrestling; among the top French squabbles is Freud
Jeremy Corbyn, David Cameron and a host of other frontline politicians are parodied as a bunch of squabbling five-year-olds in a satirical party political broadcast by the Green Party of England and Wales.
“At heart, I’m a Nietzschean.” —Curtis White
The EU has ruled that powdered, instead of fresh, milk can be used in Italian cheesemaking. And the Italians are unimpressed. (Picture by Getty Images)
The World in 2015: Governments will gather in Paris to have another go at negotiating a climate treaty. This time they will bicker and squabble their way to a deal. Whether it will do much to rein in the growth of carbon emissions or satisfy any of the other hopes that were raised and dashed at Copenhagen is doubtful
林語堂《無所不談》* (台北:文星,1966 ) 收入林語堂先生1965年發表在《中央日報》的文章.《無所不談》中,至少有二篇與 胡適關係密切。
《胡適之與辜鴻銘》 (pp.118-23) 它基本上是轉載胡先生的文章《記辜鴻銘》. 在文章前說:
" cranky Hsu, crazy Ku 應該譯為 「徐迂」、「顧顛」" (《記辜鴻銘》用 「徐顛子」、「顧瘋子」) 林語堂的翻譯,得 cranky之一義. 不過,可能跟他認識徐先生有 cranky, bicker, bickering, feud, watchdog, fractio...
In Rangers' Case, an Annoyed Judge Recently unsealed tapes of an exchange between D. Michael Lynn, the judge in the Texas Rangers' bankruptcy, and lawyers for Chuck Greenberg and Nolan Ryan, who ultimately won an auction for the Major League baseball team, provide a portrait of a cranky judge fed up with the proceedings.
'Mike Bloomberg: Money, Power, Politics'
This biography finds the mayor profane, cranky and highly effective.
《無所不談》中至少有二篇與 胡適關係密切.
《胡適之與辜鴻銘》 (pp.118-23) :它基本上是轉載胡先生的文章《記辜鴻銘》。在文章前說:
U.S. Rushes to Help Create Commando Force in Libya
The Libyan force would help combat Islamic extremists like the ones who killed the American ambassador last month and help counter fractious militias.
Japan starts atomic watchdog debate, reactor decision nears《胡適之與辜鴻銘》 (pp.118-23) 它基本上是轉載胡先生的文章《記辜鴻銘》. 在文章前說:
" cranky Hsu, crazy Ku 應該譯為 「徐迂」、「顧顛」" (《記辜鴻銘》用 「徐顛子」、「顧瘋子」) 林語堂的翻譯,得 cranky之一義. 不過,可能跟他認識徐先生有 cranky, bicker, bickering, feud, watchdog, fractio...
In Rangers' Case, an Annoyed Judge Recently unsealed tapes of an exchange between D. Michael Lynn, the judge in the Texas Rangers' bankruptcy, and lawyers for Chuck Greenberg and Nolan Ryan, who ultimately won an auction for the Major League baseball team, provide a portrait of a cranky judge fed up with the proceedings.
'Mike Bloomberg: Money, Power, Politics'
This biography finds the mayor profane, cranky and highly effective.
《無所不談》中至少有二篇與 胡適關係密切.
《胡適之與辜鴻銘》 (pp.118-23) :它基本上是轉載胡先生的文章《記辜鴻銘》。在文章前說:
" cranky Hsu, crazy Ku 應該譯為 「徐迂」、「顧顛」" (《記辜鴻銘》用 「徐顛子」、「顧瘋子」)
Neighbors Kill Neighbors as Kenyan Vote Stirs Old Feuds
MALINDI, Kenya — In less than two weeks, Kenyans will line up by the
millions to pick their leaders for the first time since a disastrous
vote in 2007, which set off clashes that killed more than 1,000 people.
U.S. Rushes to Help Create Commando Force in Libya
The Libyan force would help combat Islamic extremists like the ones who killed the American ambassador last month and help counter fractious militias.
By Linda Sieg | TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's parliament began a debate on Tuesday about plans for a new nuclear watchdog, raising hopes of a compromise after months of political bickering that has postponed a tightening of industry oversight after the ...
Japan ruling party resumes bickering over when PM to quit
By Linda Sieg and Yoko Nishikawa TOKYO, June 3 (Reuters) - Japan's fractious ruling party resumed its bickering on Friday after Prime Minister Naoto Kan hinted he wanted to keep his job into the new year, angering rivals who had voted down a ...
Twist in the Ambani Feud
The bickering between India's billionaire Ambani brothers and their Reliance companies took yet another twist Sunday when the younger brother, Anil, asked for divine help to solve what court cases and a nasty publicity campaign have failed to fix.
They bicker over small improvements such as class size and curriculum, like diplomats touring a refugee camp and talking about the need for nicer curtains. To the extent they intervene at all, politicians respond by either throwing more money at the problem (if they're on the left) or making it easier for some parents to send their kids to private schools (if they're on the right).
House Passes Homeowner Aid
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a package of measures aimed at tackling the housing crisis, but bickering signaled turbulence ahead for the legislation.
• New Mortgage-Insurance Details Due
3. "Dynasty"
Broadcast 14 October 2000 and covering 1087–1216. There is no saga more powerful than that of the warring dynasty – domineering father, beautiful, scheming mother and squabbling, murderous sons and daughters, (particularly the nieces). In the years that followed the Norman Conquest, this was the drama played out on the stage of British history.Apple asked a federal judge to sanction Samsung by declaring its own patents valid, as a squabble over disputed evidence in their patent case continued for a third day.
squabble over the value of folk art
Tougher Swap Rules Delayed
Long-awaited international rules to tighten the oversight of complex derivatives likely won’t be in place by year end because regulators are squabbling about the details.
Despite this shift, Taiwanese politics has lost little of its rancour. In the past few days, Mr Ma and his party, the Kuomintang (KMT), have been squabbling bitterly with the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and its leader, Tsai Ing-wen, over the key question of persimmons. Mr Ma has accused the DPP of causing “terror” among persimmon farmers by saying in its campaign literature that the price of the fleshy, orange fruit had slumped.
For a time in college, I shared a dorm suite with three other girls.
We food shopped and ate dinner together but always squabbled over what groceries to buy. It got to the point where the only food we could agree on was corn, so that was what we got.
This was B.G. (Before Google.) So I simply assumed that it either had to do with too much maize in the Inca diet or that Mom was just trying to scare me into healthier behavior — as when she attempted to ward off any tequila-tippling by calling to ask portentously: Do you know why so many tequila drinkers have nervous breakdowns?portentous
1 前兆の;重大な, ゆゆしい, 不吉な, 凶兆の.
2 驚異的な, 驚くべき;けたはずれの.
3 まじめな, 厳粛な, 大げさな, もったいぶった.
verb [I] DISAPPROVINGto argue about unimportant matters:
Will you two stop bickering!
They're always bickering with each other about/over their personal problems.
- 吵嘴,爭吵
- (水等)作潺潺聲
- 閃爍
n. (名詞 noun)
- 吵嘴
- (水的)潺潺聲
- bicker
- [動](自)1 (つまらないことで)口論する((about, over ...));(人と)言い争う((with ...)).2 〈川などが〉勢いよく流れる, 〈流れが〉ごぼこぼいう;〈雨が〉ぱ...
- bickering
- [名][U](常習的な)口論, 論争.
The council finally elected a leader after several days of bickering.
intr.v., -bled, -bling, -bles.
To engage in a disagreeable argument, usually over a trivial matter; wrangle. See synonyms at argue.n.
A noisy quarrel, usually about a trivial matter.
A noisy quarrel, usually about a trivial matter.
[Probably of Scandinavian
Pronunciation: /ˈskwɒb(ə)l/
[名]番犬;番人, 監視者.fractious

- Inclined to make trouble; unruly.
- Having a peevish nature; cranky.
[From FRACTION, discord (obsolete).]
fractiously frac'tious·ly adv.fractiousness frac'tious·ness n.
1 則留言:
Plans for New EU 'Stress Tests' Spur Squabbling
European officials plan a new round of bank 'stress tests' next year that they say will be more rigorous than this year's tests, but nations are already bickering over the details