How poor Kenyans became economists’ guinea pigs
In one corner of Kenya, virtually everyone has taken part in a randomised controlled trial. Rumours have spread that cash handouts from experiments are cursed:
Photos: Nichole Sobecki
' that time there were twelve pennies in a shilling, and twenty shillings in a pound, sometimes called a sovereign. two shillings were called a florin, and two shillings and sixpence a half-crown. A guinea was a gold coin worth twenty-one shillings. "Standing upright within the chariot was a beautiful girl clothed in flowing robes of silver gauze and wearing a jeweled diadem upon her dainty head.
Some terrific guesses for today’s #MysteryObject! It is a decorated funerary diadem, found on the skull of a skeleton in a tomb. It was made in Late Bronze Age Cyprus (1400–1200 BC), by stamping sheet gold with specially prepared punches. If you look closely, depicted on the diadem are two rows of figure-of-eight shields and bulls' heads, each decorated with a lotus flower. Together with the diadem, funerary mouthpieces were also found placed over the mouth
Pronunciation: /ˈdʌɪədɛm/
shilling 先令
- (Abbr. s.) A coin used in the United Kingdom, worth one twentieth of a pound, 5 new pence, or 12 old pence prior to 1971.
- A basic unit of currency in Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda.
- Printing. A virgule.
n. Printing
A diagonal mark ( / ) used especially to separate alternatives, as in and/or, to represent the word per, as in miles/hour, and to indicate the ends of verse lines printed continuously, as in Old King Cole/Was a merry old soul.
[French, comma, obelus, from Late Latin virgula, accentual mark, from Latin, obelus, diminutive of virga, rod.]
[Middle English, from Old English scilling.]
- [ʃíliŋ]
1 英国の貨幣単位, 白銅貨幣(1971年2月廃止);旧制度でポンド(pound)の1/20で12ペンス(pence)に相当;新制度で1シリングは5ペンスとして1991年3月まで通用した(略:s.). ⇒PENNY 1
2 かつての英本国以外のアイルランド・ナイジェリアなどで使用の小額通貨;ポンドの1/20, 12ペンスに相当.
3 オーストラリア・ケニア・ソマリア・ウガンダなどの貨幣単位;100セントに相当.
look as though one has lost a shilling and found sixpence
take the King's [the Queen's] shilling
- [páund]
[名](複 〜s, ((集合的))〜)
I [重量単位]
I [重量単位]
(1) 常用ポンド(avoirdupois pound):一般に商業で用いる単位;16オンス, 0.4536kgに相当(記号:lb)
(3) (米国で)薬用ポンド(apothecaries' pound):薬剤師の重量単位;12トロイオンスに相当(記号:lb. ap.).
II [貨幣単位]
(1) 常用ポンド(avoirdupois pound):一般に商業で用いる単位;16オンス, 0.4536kgに相当(記号:lb)
drop pounds
pack on pounds
Thirty pounds is quite a lot for a turkey.
(2) トロイポンド(troy pound):金・銀など貴金属の重量単位;12トロイオンス, 0.3732kgに相当(記号:lb.t.).30ポンドって七面鳥としては大きいね(▼体重を示す主語は複数形でも動詞は単数呼応).
(3) (米国で)薬用ポンド(apothecaries' pound):薬剤師の重量単位;12トロイオンスに相当(記号:lb. ap.).
II [貨幣単位]
2 ポンド(pound sterling):英国・英連邦の通貨単位(▼100ペンスに相当. 1971年1月以前は20シリング, 240ペンス)(略:L)(記号:£, ((まれ))l;£は数字の前に, lはあとに置く)
£8.05 (=eight pound(s) (and) five pence)
eight pound and five
pounds, shillings, and pence
3 ポンド(pound Scots):昔のスコットランド通貨.
4 ポンド:アイルランド・エジプト・トルコ・キプロス・ガーナ・イスラエル・レバノン・リビア・ナイジェリア・スーダン・シリアの通貨単位.
pound of flesh
約束の厳格な履行〈Shak. Mer.V.〉.
the pound in your pocket
((英))手持ちの金, 所持金.