2024年4月15日 星期一

shilling, pence, pound, florin, crown, guinea, diadem. With Iran’s Strikes, Arab Countries Fear an Expanding Conflict

How poor Kenyans became economists’ guinea pigs

In one corner of Kenya, virtually everyone has taken part in a randomised controlled trial. Rumours have spread that cash handouts from experiments are cursed: https://econ.st/3wyykLD

Photos: Nichole Sobecki
'...at that time there were twelve pennies in a shilling, and twenty shillings in a pound, sometimes called a sovereign. two shillings were called a florin, and two shillings and sixpence a half-crown. A guinea was a gold coin worth twenty-one shillings. "

 Standing upright within the chariot was a beautiful girl clothed in flowing robes of silver gauze and wearing a jeweled diadem upon her dainty head.

Some terrific guesses for today’s ‪#‎MysteryObject‬! It is a decorated funerary diadem, found on the skull of a skeleton in a tomb. It was made in Late Bronze Age Cyprus (1400–1200 BC), by stamping sheet gold with specially prepared punches. If you look closely, depicted on the diadem are two rows of figure-of-eight shields and bulls' heads, each decorated with a lotus flower. Together with the diadem, funerary mouthpieces were also found placed over the mouthhttp://ow.ly/WWIUE
一些很棒的猜測為今天的#mysteryobject! 這是一個裝飾funerary冠冕, 上發現的頭骨的骨架墳墓裡. 它是在遲到青銅時代的賽普勒斯土耳其共和國(1400-1200前), 被禁錮薄片黃金和特地準備拳. 如果你仔細看, 描繪的冠冕在兩排的花樣-of-八盾牌和牛的頭, 每個曾經和一朵蓮花. 一起的冠冕, funerary
Pronunciation: /ˈdʌɪədɛm/


  • a jewelled crown or headband worn as a symbol of sovereignty.
  • (the diadem) archaic the authority or dignity symbolized by a crown: he refused the diadem of all the Caesars





(shĭl'ĭng) pronunciation
  1. (Abbr. s.) A coin used in the United Kingdom, worth one twentieth of a pound, 5 new pence, or 12 old pence prior to 1971.
  2. A basic unit of currency in Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda.
  3. Printing. A virgule.
(vûr'gyūl) pronunciation
n. Printing
A diagonal mark ( / ) used especially to separate alternatives, as in and/or, to represent the word per, as in miles/hour, and to indicate the ends of verse lines printed continuously, as in Old King Cole/Was a merry old soul.

[French, comma, obelus, from Late Latin virgula, accentual mark, from Latin, obelus, diminutive of virga, rod.]

[Middle English, from Old English scilling.]
  • [ʃíliŋ]
1 英国の貨幣単位, 白銅貨幣(1971年2月廃止);旧制度でポンド(pound)の1/20で12ペンス(pence)に相当;新制度で1シリングは5ペンスとして1991年3月まで通用した(略:s.). ⇒PENNY 1
2 かつての英本国以外のアイルランド・ナイジェリアなどで使用の小額通貨;ポンドの1/20, 12ペンスに相当.
3 オーストラリア・ケニア・ソマリア・ウガンダなどの貨幣単位;100セントに相当.
look as though one has lost a shilling and found sixpence
take the King's [the Queen's] shilling


  • [páund]
[名](複 〜s, ((集合的))〜)
I [重量単位]
(1) 常用ポンド(avoirdupois pound):一般に商業で用いる単位;16オンス, 0.4536kgに相当(記号:lb)
drop pounds
pack on pounds
Thirty pounds is quite a lot for a turkey.
(2) トロイポンド(troy pound):金・銀など貴金属の重量単位;12トロイオンス, 0.3732kgに相当(記号:lb.t.).
(3) (米国で)薬用ポンド(apothecaries' pound):薬剤師の重量単位;12トロイオンスに相当(記号:lb. ap.).
II [貨幣単位]
2 ポンド(pound sterling):英国・英連邦の通貨単位(▼100ペンスに相当. 1971年1月以前は20シリング, 240ペンス)(略:L)(記号:£, ((まれ))l;£は数字の前に, lはあとに置く)
£8.05 (=eight pound(s) (and) five pence)
eight pound and five
pounds, shillings, and pence
3 ポンド(pound Scots):昔のスコットランド通貨.
4 ポンド:アイルランド・エジプト・トルコ・キプロス・ガーナ・イスラエル・レバノン・リビア・ナイジェリア・スーダン・シリアの通貨単位.
pound of flesh
約束の厳格な履行〈Shak. Mer.V.〉.
the pound in your pocket
((英))手持ちの金, 所持金.
