2024年4月12日 星期五

plus one, Plus Ultra, motto, gable, dynamism. The Corrupting Falsehoods of Trump’s Oval Office Speech... as if the word “humanitarian” would vouch for the word “security,” like a plus-one at a party.

On Tuesday night, President Trump spoke of a “growing humanitarian and security crisis” at the southern border, as if the word “humanitarian” would vouch for the word “security,” like a plus-one at a party.
This has fed a fear of rising social inequalities, and the feeling that unseen barriers are preventing new talent, new ideas —literally, new blood — from entering politics, and from helping Japan find a way out of its morass.
“It takes a blood test to get elected these days,” said Sota Kato, a senior fellow at the Tokyo Foundation, a private research organization. “It is a symptom of how Japanese society has lost its postwar dynamism and become more rigid and less democratic.”


經典童書《清秀佳人》(Anne of Green Gables)中,十一歲的紅髮女主角安‧雪莉,發想靈感竟是美國一樁兇殺社會新聞中的模特兒名媛?經過研究者鍥而不捨的追查,最近真相大白。
1908年,加拿大女作家露西‧蒙哥馬利(Lucy Maud Montgomery)出版《清秀佳人》。三十四歲的女作家一定想不到這本處女作會大暢銷,半年熱賣兩萬本,更連續推出多本續集,登上經典寶座。從 1919年拍成默片起,《清秀佳人》多次改編上大小銀幕,尤其1980年代電視電影最是轟動,在台灣播出時掀起驚人風潮,書市並爆出中譯授權爭議。紅髮安 的故事,譯成三十六種語言,全球銷售破五千萬冊,是無數書迷成長時的枕邊愛書。
今年慶祝《清秀佳人》出版百年,故事場景加拿大愛德華王子島安排了一整年系列慶祝活動。蒙哥馬利家屬也授權出新書,請出加拿大知名童書作家芭姬‧威爾森 (Budge Wilson)寫《清秀佳人前傳》(Before Green Gables),以安的出身和陰錯陽差被收養前的童年生活作文章;另外精心編印復刻初版封面的《清秀佳人》百年典藏版,蒙哥馬利早年札記本也精裝出書。影 劇圈跟著動員,紅星莎莉‧麥克琳、芭芭拉‧荷西在新電視影集中重新詮釋溫馨感人的真情故事。

  1. assert or confirm as a result of one's own experience that something is true or accurately so described.
    "the explosive used is of my own formulation, and I can vouch for its efficiency"
    attest to
    swear to
    testify to
    bear witness to
    bear out
    back up
    show the truth of
    give substance to
    give credence to
    give assurance of
    answer for
    be responsible for
    be liable for
    go/stand bail for
    stick up for
    throw one's weight behind
    • confirm that someone is who they say they are or that they are of good character.
      "he was refused entrance until someone could vouch for him"

    1. The generally triangular section of wall at the end of a pitched roof, occupying the space between the two slopes of the roof.
    2. The whole end wall of a building or wing having a pitched roof.
  1. A triangular, usually ornamental architectural section, as one above an arched door or window.
[Middle English gable, gavel, from Norman French gable (perhaps of Celtic origin) and from Old Norse gafl.]
gabled ga'bled adj.


━━ n. 【建】切妻(きりづま)壁; 破風(はふ).
ga・bled ━━ a. 破風造りの.
gable roof 切妻屋根.
gable window 切妻窓.

2004讀人民網後,想多讀點 Durer Wikipedia article "Albrecht Dürer".的東西

「現今人們僅見世上最早的藏書票當數"刺蝟票"…..約於1450年製作於德國。為當時焦漢斯•科納本斯伯格所用。木刻版畫。約5.5英寸乘7.5英寸大小。  它的票面很有趣———在一隻腳踏落葉口銜野花的健碩刺蝟上方,一綹飄帶上醒目地鐫刻著"謹防刺蝟隨時一吻"的字樣,仿佛在向人們提示與告誡:萬勿毀書與盜書,否則刺蝟先生必會對你不吝賜刺痛吻……其含蓄、幽默且婉轉,令人過目之後難以忘卻。



希望有機會能讀The Life and Art of Albert Dürer by Erwin Panofsky
Stefano Zuffi 杜勒(Dürer)朱孟勳譯,台北:木馬,2002,發現第107頁有拉丁文未翻譯:

「查理五世的肖像開始流行,如這個寫有格言Plus Ultra 格言的琺瑯別針。」

1952年他前往Aachen參加一場對歐洲歷史有重要影響的典禮:查理五世(Charles V)的加冕大典。…..



Plus Ultra 如「天外有天,世界還很寬廣任征討」。上述資料解釋從法國格言演變,拉丁文不純正。

Plus Ultra
- Definition

Plus Oultre on a gable of a Flemish house in Ghent, Charles V's birthplace
The motto of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor was Plus Ultra ("Beyond"), an expression of the dynamism of the new imperial Cosmopolitanism. Earl Rosenthal has uncovered in detailed work the origin of the motto. It comes from Charles' personal physician and counselor, the Milan humanist Luigi Marliano. He advised the young duke and later emperor, 1515 with his adulthood to Grand Master of the medal by the Gold en Fleece had been appointed, to put his office under the French motto Plus Oultre. This Program meant challenging disregard of the warning for navigators that, according to the myth, Hercules had installed on both pillars in the Strait of Gibraltar, here the Border of the habitable world would be reached.
As Charles became the king of Spain this foreign motto and its implicit confession to the French culture was opposed in Spain and was transformed into an unshocking Plus Ultra (the learned grammarian Girolamo Ruscelli called it bad Latin, with the correct form being ulterius). Rosenthal's searches prove that the challenging Plus Ultra of Charles V cannot be a bold retort to a previous "nec plus ultra", but simply the translation of Charles' motto "Plus Oultre." With his motto Charles takes from Italy the new time mood expressed also in [Ariosto]]'s contemporary Italian poem "Orlando furioso" mentions the world discovered beyond the Pillars repeatedly).
"Plus Ultra" is still used as a national motto of Spain.

Urban Dictionary: plus one

At public parties and nightclubs, the guest of a person who is on the guest list, and who normally pays a discounted entry fee. Also, the state of having such a ...

having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm; energetic and forceful:
She's young and dynamic and will be a great addition to the team.
We need a dynamic expansion of trade with other countries.


noun [U]
the quality of being dynamic:
She has a freshness and dynamism about her.


━━ n.pl. ~(e)s) (盾などに刻んだ)銘, 金言; 標語, モットー; (論文などの初めに引用した)題句; 【楽】反復楽句; 〔英〕 (包装などに記された)金言, 格言.
